In fairness, the only reason China or anyone else is getting a pass is that according to Honda, they're ending sales here because US regulations have made it unprofitable to continue.
I wonder if those regulations were made under genuine legislative authority rather than just by green-drunk apostles of runaway conservation.
Perhaps things like this will start to make Americans aware of what 746 Watts is and where them there 746 Watts came from.
(Courtesy Getty. I chose that pic of a coal train because of the oil well.)
Running a five HP engine for an hour is equivalent to 6 kiloWatt-hours, not including an efficienty factor. Assuming a PFA efficiency of 50%, that would be 12 kWh. Note we dribble drool over saving 15 Watts with an LED light in our kitchens. <back-patting emoticon>
According to kWh costs for Colorado and Hawaii are:
COLORADO 12.28¢ / kWh
HAWAII 32.76¢ / kWh
The State averages are dependent on many factors, including special rates for high-usage customers. See link for disclaimers.
I wonder if Honda has reckoned on the inevitable increased cost of electricity as demand increases and facilities are expanded and the future impact on our wallets.
Nah, they're only interested in their bottom line, not my top line.
Terry, 230RN