As the resident Florida Certified Scryer of Spaghetti Models tm I am confident that you can rest easy. Beryl will not be following that hot pink track. The 18z Global ensembles all show it staying in Mexico or southern Texas. The 18z GEFS models DO show a northward turn after smearing the Yucatan, but I don't think it'll be as sharp a turn as they think.
Even if it does turn north it won't be a hurricane after it clears Texas. MAYBE Arkansas, but that's a long shot.
And the turn north in the models is solidifying as later than the GEFS models showed back then, as the [sweet] tea leaves foretold.
Looks like it probably will hit Texas rather than Mexico, but as I said, it will not be a hurricane by the time it hits the Texas border on the way out. A couple hundred miles inland from that one model the Daily Mail was hung up on makes all the difference.
***NOTE: Those image hotlinks may change as the sites update their products. I don't feel like hosting static images.****