To extend off what Dogmush posted, and we've certainly discussed it before - yes, they are good at picking and choosing where to be tough guys, and smart people simply avoid the area, though as we also discussed, we have in the past seen these violent protests pop up with really no notice for normal people who aren't on whatever messaging the kids are using these days, and all it takes is for someone unaware to take a wrong turn.
In the blue cities, again as Dogmush mentioned, even someone low drag and high speed is *expletive deleted*ed because if you defend yourself, your life is messed up, just in a different way from taking the beating.
I'm waiting for them to get bold enough to take it somewhere they think they're untouchable, but they're not. Florida and other states have already passed "run them over if you feel your life is in danger" laws. For my own AO, if the Idaho antifa wannabes and transgender avengers ever got enough spine to take it from "kill all Republicans" on the reddit to trying something in Boise (their likely city of choice), I'm thinking that regardless of what the Boise commie Mayor might say, the state AG would probably say, "FAFO" when a citizen defends themselves.