Author Topic: Civil War  (Read 4502 times)


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Re: Civil War
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2024, 01:36:28 PM »
To extend off what Dogmush posted, and we've certainly discussed it before - yes, they are good at picking and choosing where to be tough guys, and smart people simply avoid the area, though as we also discussed, we have in the past seen these violent protests pop up with really no notice for normal people who aren't on whatever messaging the kids are using these days, and all it takes is for someone unaware to take a wrong turn.

In the blue cities, again as Dogmush mentioned, even someone low drag and high speed is *expletive deleted*ed because if you defend yourself, your life is messed up, just in a different way from taking the beating.

I'm waiting for them to get bold enough to take it somewhere they think they're untouchable, but they're not. Florida and other states have already passed "run them over if you feel your life is in danger" laws. For my own AO, if the Idaho antifa wannabes and transgender avengers ever got enough spine to take it from "kill all Republicans" on the reddit to trying something in Boise (their likely city of choice), I'm thinking that regardless of what the Boise commie Mayor might say, the state AG would probably say, "FAFO" when a citizen defends themselves.
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Re: Civil War
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2024, 01:54:00 PM »

In the blue cities, again as Dogmush mentioned, even someone low drag and high speed is *expletive deleted*ed because if you defend yourself, your life is messed up, just in a different way from taking the beating.

Yeah but we're talking a civil war here where many of those legal "niceties" that have been basically protecting "protesters" may no longer be in play and their ally DAs could find themselves hanging from light poles. Civil wars are usually not civil.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 02:15:32 PM by WLJ »
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Re: Civil War
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2024, 02:17:29 PM »
Yeah but we're talking a civil war here where many of those legal "niceties" that have been basically protecting "protesters" may no longer be in play. At least on one side.

Valid, but the [hopefully hypothetical] Civil War is *very* likely to be proceeded by a years, or decade, long decent into violence and skirmishing using weapons and legal framework together against perceived enemies before we get to M1A3s and Apaches in DC like the movie.  Think Bleeding Kansas or Russia circa 1905-1917, or {at the risk of Godwining) the Sturmabteilung and their activities through the 1920s.

Civil War is rarely just armed belligerents taking to the battlefield.


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Re: Civil War
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2024, 02:26:44 PM »
Valid, but the [hopefully hypothetical] Civil War is *very* likely to be proceeded by a years, or decade, long decent into violence and skirmishing using weapons and legal framework together against perceived enemies before we get to M1A3s and Apaches in DC like the movie.  Think Bleeding Kansas or Russia circa 1905-1917, or {at the risk of Godwining) the Sturmabteilung and their activities through the 1920s.

Civil War is rarely just armed belligerents taking to the battlefield.

Events like Bleeding Kansas usually aren't historically included in the Civil War itself but are rather considered events leading up to the war. When I use the term Civil War I mean full on conflict similar to 1861-65.
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Re: Civil War
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2024, 02:36:35 PM »
Sure, we're just spitballing here. but as far as civil war go, 1861-1865 is kinda the outlier.  They are not usually so confined to clear battles and Armies.  (Sherman and Forrest notwithstanding)


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Re: Civil War
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2024, 02:40:48 PM »
Sure, we're just spitballing here. but as far as civil war go, 1861-1865 is kinda the outlier.  They are not usually so confined to clear battles and Armies.  (Sherman and Forrest notwithstanding)

A American Civil War II would probably be closer to the English Civil War (parts I and II) in how it's fought
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
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Re: Civil War
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2024, 03:40:19 PM »
I think I agree in general with most of you.  Especially that we have a long way to go before an organized civil war would be on the table.  So far, groups like Antifa and BLM have mostly just protested and does so in very leftist cities.  I bet most of the victims of those protests/riots were people who voted for the politicians who enabled it.  Antifa hasn't been allowed to do the same in other cities/states.  Given the recent uptick in crime in many cities, I really wonder where that would go if it happened this summer or later. 

I have also been getting the impression a whole lot of minorities are getting sick of Democrats.  I am curious if that will add up to enough to make any difference in those areas.  I am hopeful, but I doubt it.

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Re: Civil War
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2024, 08:04:22 PM »
I know a ton of people talk a big game calling for civil war, like in the movie.  But, as someone who once upon a time wore a uniform, soldiering is hard work.  And, Antifa and such don't strike me as hard work kind of people.  They strike me as people who want to burn and loot for a few hours, then go drink and smoke dope.

And, as I've said before, a lot of people are pissed about (insert issue here) when they post on the web or take a phone poll.  But, then Dancing with the Masked Singer starts a new episode, so they microwave some pizza rolls and open their Mountain Dew and lay back on the couch and snuggle with Fluffy the cat.
No, I'm not mtnbkr.  ;)

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Re: Civil War
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2024, 08:52:45 PM »
I've done some reading about violence in communities of split loyalty during the American Civil War.  Unimaginable cruelty inflicted by both sides.

I think another Civil War would be like this, as the loyalties probably would not be defined by geographic areas, but by political affiliation, race or religion.


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Re: Civil War
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2024, 01:42:21 AM »
I'm guessing that we'd see major cities come completely apart. Think Bosnia, Sarajevo, Lebanon, etc...
A lot of black people are no longer trusting the Democratic machine. Probably at least once I day someone will bitch about prices, and I'll respond with "Hey, I didn't vote for him/the SOB/those bastards."
And I don't have hardly anyone not agreeing... The ones who are agreeing will have the highly effective hair color camo...
I suspect a LOT of blocks on STL's north side will become armed camps - The crips and bloods tried to organize here back in the roaring 90s, and that didn't work well. There's gonna be a LOT of bodies for a bit while they finish sorting stuff out.
Southside, there's probably going to be citizens' groups - aka vigilantes...
My neighborhood? There will be people with rainbow hair and BLM signs sighing with relief that they can walk their doodles in the park...
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Re: Civil War
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2024, 05:56:01 PM »
, then Dancing with the Masked Singer starts a new episode, so they microwave some pizza rolls and open their Mountain Dew and lay back on the couch and snuggle with Fluffy the cat.

Damn, someone's hacked my nannycam