In the video you can see Hamas paragliders coming in
I don't want to sound sterile and analytical while the killing is still going on, but there certainly is an interesting dichotomy going on with this attack.
From what I've seen on the news, this attack was strategically well-planned in the long term, with insertions via land, sea, and air. Yet when they hit the ground, they didn't act like trained military (or paramilitary) units, moving in a coordinated effort. Instead, it's bands of roving terrorists haphazardly roaming the streets and shooting targets of opportunity like it's a big post-apocalyptical party (or "peaceful protest" in Portland).
From the armchair, it seems like there was military expertise (Iran?) available to plan the insertion, but then they threw in the undisciplined crazies that they rounded up off the street and handed AKs to (or no guns at all). Which I suppose is a strategy in itself as far as terrorizing the enemy.
I'm wondering if some of that was also distraction to possibly allow some trained paramilitary units to come in and do the kidnapping while the fanatics did the killing. From what I saw on the news this morning, hamas is talking about "prisoner exchange", which certainly seems like a planned event.