Just when you thought the left's supporters couldn't get any stupider, Michael Moore steps up...
https://www.foxnews.com/media/michael-moore-warns-biden-pull-plug-israel-aid-risk-losing-electionSome of the best take aways...
""This is wrong. This is not what we believe in" as Catholics, he continued."
Thank God Catholics don't believe in supporting Israel's action in Gaza, but they do apparently believe in abortion. Phew!
And, stepping back to the "mostly peaceful protestor" tripe...
"None of them are committing any acts of violence. None of them are destroying the university. The worst, maybe in some people‘s minds, is holding signs let‘s say, ‘Free Palestine’ or ‘From the river to the sea.’ This is the one that is constantly being thrown out there. Oh, look at this, this, the sign is frightening all the students, ‘From the river to the sea ’and it‘s like, well, why don‘t you talk to them?" he asked.
And Jews feeling unsafe on Campus? UNPOSSIBLE! Palestinians are semites, so everyone's good!
He doubled down after being asked about Jewish students feeling unsafe on campus. Moore said Palestinians were "semites" so that the vast majority of protesters weren't antisemitic.
He also questioned the legitimacy of reports claiming protesters have waved terrorist flags and chanted in support of Hamas.
"This is all a made-up thing," he said. "The real victims in these last decades have been the Palestinian people," Moore continued."
The guy continues to push the bar on how big a piece of idiotic *expletive deleted*it someone can be.