Just another jabbering diaper head not knowing WTF he's jabbering about, or simply lying like the goat *expletive deleted*ing piece of camel crap he is. Oh dear, did I say that out loud? I actually meant to scream it...
My guess is that he's talking about general purpose high explosive bombs, which have a lot of concussive force. In that sense they are something like a stun grenade -- large explosive filling, not much of a case and little fragmentation potential/damage.
But GPHE bombs are most certainly NOT banned.
The only aerial bombs that I know of that are banned by international convention are cluster bombs/munitions. And the US, Russia, and Israel (among others) have NOT signed that treaty.
And Lithuania recently withdrew from it saying "hey, Russia is using CBMs in Ukraine, they'll likely use them in a conflict with NATO, so we're not going to participate in anything that keeps us from killing Russians."
Good Lithuania.