Just got my latest copy of American Rifleman, and Ruger has reintroduced the Models 336 and 1894 as "classics."
The 336 is only chambered in .30-30 at this time, and the 1894 is only chambered in .44 Mag/Spl.
Both are really nice looking guns, though a bit salty at $1,239 MSRP per.
Still, if they expand the cartridge offerings and include (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!) the .32-20, I'm going to pop for an 1894. I have always wanted a .32-20 to go with my Colt & S&W revolvers in that chambering.
I've come close to buying old Winchester levers or Remington pumps in .32-20, but never found one that hit all the data points on price, finish, overall condition and barrel condition. I almost sprang for a Remington some years ago until I realized that the lock up was WAY too loose and the rifling lead was pretty much gone. Even with the questionable barrel I'd have bought it, but that lock up... Nope.