I'm kind of a fence sitter on this. In one way, I'm like Boomhauer in that if they conduct themselves like normal people, and I can't tell that they're gay, then their personal life is really none of my business. I have used the example of a gay couple next door that keeps their lawn mowed, wears khaki and polos, and just goes to work everyday vs the gay pride people that have to fly flags, wear BDSM clothing, etc. I think I had read that Guy Benson was gay, but had no idea Dave Rubin was, but would never have known, or I guess cared, if it weren't brought up in the news. If either of them were my neighbors, I would interact with them the same as any other neighbors.
On the other hand, we are always talking about how single parent households are bad for kids because they need the influence of both a mother and father, and in many ways (IMO) this is a biological imperative. So I'm not sure that a "two moms" or "two dads" household is any less damaging to a child, no matter how "based" the gay couple are. Whether I'm right or wrong, I guess my opinion is that maybe gay and raising kids doesn't mix, even if I can acknowledge that gay people like those in the OP are likely better people and would make better neighbors than a whole lot of other groups that I can think of.