Well anyways, I ordered both the Ulticlips and the DCC clips. While the Ulticlips work great on the specific pants that brought the issue up (they have an integrated 2" belt too wide for standard 1.75" clips), the DCC clips work as well, with the added benefit that they still have the "underclip" to clip the bottom of a standard sized belt, which lets me use them either way, so I guess I'm going with them.
I got two sets of the DCCs, and mounted them on two of my Tier 1 holsters - an Axis Elite and an Axis Slim, and that was one pain in the ass. One of them was worse than the other, but I can't remember which. The problem being that it is nigh impossible to get your fingers into the holster to remount the female part of the clip mounting hardware. I was trying all kinds of stuff and was finally kinda sorta able to hold it in place with a hex wrench (they don't take hex wrenches), and while holding that in place with one hand, juggled the clips and three additional pieces of mounting hardware with the other. I think it legit took me an hour with each holster. I'm seriously considering writing Tier 1 a letter (though it could very well be that I was a moron and did it the hard way when there is an easy way to do it).
Also, the DCC clips don't have quite the range that the standard Tier 1 clips do. I still got them to work for me, but I like my clips high (thus the holster sits lower in the pants) and the DCCs are maxed out for that height, while it was the middle range for the standard plastic clips, and I'm still about an 1/8" lower than I was before, but they still seem to work fine. Plus a benefit is that the DCCs (and the Ulticlips) are WAY skinnier than the plastic clips, and they actually aid concealment.
Anyways, both the Ulticlips and the DCCs worked fine, but I find the DCCs to be a little more versatile for my needs. I'll probably order all future holsters with those instead of the standard clips.