Great article; had never heard of that site. I too quit using one when I got my first Casio programmable calculator.
I kind of agree with the remark about calculators inhibiting a numbers sense, We (BTHS) were trained to guesstimate the approximate magnitude of a result mainly to keep the decimals straight. I still (in a minor way) use that skill. It used to be you could always tell a "Techie" on the subway by the slide rule scabbard on his belt.
My main admiration in them was the incredible precison of the printing on them. The logarithms were no mystery. As a matter of fact, if presented stepwise, properly, logs are simple. Not that you need them much any more.
Were it not for the fact that I never wear ties any more, I wouldn't mind having one of those tie clasp slipsticks. Neato !
Thanks for that article, MillCreek !
Terry, 230RN