RxMindreadingcholestarase.HCl 100mg QD 3 refills.Uri Geller MRD
Uri Geller?I don't like that guy. One time I was watching him on the TV near my kitchen, and when I opened my silverware drawer I found all my spoons were bent.
Walmart has generic, made in China.
For reading obscure posts where poster assumes everybody has the same tankful of knowledge, background, interests, and upbringing as the poster. (This includes me)Terry "Guilty as charged," 230RNREF:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uri_Geller
How dare you assume I know who Uri Geller is?! You're on the internet. Look stuff up if you need to, cry-baby.
As you quoted, you can see the REF. Or did you mean "How dare you assume I don't know who Uri Geller is?! "But I'm not a mind reader.
For reading obscure posts where poster assumes everybody has the same tankful of knowledge, background, interests, and upbringing as the poster. (This includes me.)Terry "Guilty as charged," 230RN