I've decided to pop for our own Office 2019 Pro suite. We've both used Office 365 on the home machines under our employee perks because, well, free. With SWMBO retired, she no longer has privileges. I can, and already have, loaded office under my work user identity so we at least have something. Unfortunately, security provisions surrounding its use regularly get more invasive. With that in mind, I want to completely divorce the machine from work. I can justify the cost since we saved at least a grand by upgrading the current machine versus buying a new one. I'll probably do that today or tomorrow. I'll have to nuke the O365 local app install, but a cursory Google search doesn't seem to indicate any undue consequences.
My old machine which is where I do all my work and keep our financials. Outlook is installed and used from there. The machine has dual drives and I regularly copy the pst file over to the second drive for backup reasons (Not export, copy. Export does weird things sometimes).
The only things I've ever had issues with have been contacts and calendar, and I like to do them separately anyway.
Is this an email account that's still in active use, or just for archival reference? POP, IMAP or Exchange?
Outlook since (I forget which version) now puts pst files by default in a easily findable sane and sensible place (c:\users\<username>\Documents\Outlook Files). Before that, buried somewhere in c:\users\<username>\appdata. IMAP ost files still get put there.
My recollection is, when setting up an Outlook mail account, it will ask if you want to use an existing pst, or create a new one.
There is a way to save off Outlook account settings. Some registry key I'd have to look up. Export that, import on new, dump all the files in where they are expected. All you have to remember is the mail password. I can dig up the method if necessary.
Lots of options.
Why, BTW, use Office 2019 when 2021 is available?
What I'm thinking of is doing a full data backup to the second drive, including the Outlook profile, and transferring data by temporarily swapping the drive to the newly upgraded machine. If I'm reading correctly, once Ofc2019 is installed, all I should have to do is open Outlook, initiate an IMPORT, and point it to the existing pst file on the temporarily-installed drive. Can anyone confirm it's that simple? After all is said and done, I can pull the old machine's drives for safekeeping.
Yes, that's one way, and yes it's pretty simple.
I'd be tempted to use the old machine as a basis for a NAS build if it weren't for a distrust of fifteen year old power supply and system board components. As it is, I'll probably donate it to some worthy person/cause. It's still plenty fine for generic workflow tasks.