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So, the Russians are rattling sabres with a fleet exercise off Cuba..

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K Frame:

"The fleet, made up of a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and a rescue tug,"

Wait... that's a fleet?

Or are those all of the ships they have left after the Ukrainians keep sinking stuff?

"“Most of all, the warships are a reminder to Washington that it is unpleasant when an adversary meddles in your near abroad,” said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Latin America Program at the Washington-based Wilson Center think tank, referring to the Western involvement in Russia’s war in Ukraine."


This is how the US meddles in the near abroad... I'm not sure what the *expletive deleted*ck the Russians think they're doing, but it ain't meddling. Granted, that's an old picture of a carrier battle group what with the Iowa class battleship leading the way, but still...


--- Quote from: K Frame on June 13, 2024, 10:02:57 AM ---"The fleet, made up of a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and a rescue tug,"
Wait... that's a fleet?

--- End quote ---

Just be glad the media didn't call the frigate a battleship like they so often do.

K Frame:
I think it's absolutely hysterical that the Russian "fleet" has to travel everywhere with a rescue tug.

That's a pretty solid indication of just how badly the Russian vessels are maintained.

The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov has routinely been accompanied by a rescue tug (when it is actually capable of leaving port, which now days is virtually never) because its engines are so incredibly unreliable and prone to failure.


--- Quote from: K Frame on June 13, 2024, 10:49:53 AM ---I think it's absolutely hysterical that the Russian "fleet" has to travel everywhere with a rescue tug.

That's a pretty solid indication of just how badly the Russian vessels are maintained.

The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov has routinely been accompanied by a rescue tug (when it is actually capable of leaving port, which now days is virtually never) because its engines are so incredibly unreliable and prone to failure.

--- End quote ---

I haven't failed to notice that. But to be at least partially fair to the Russians we usually have other ships in the area both US and allied that could assist and friendly ports nearby in case of trouble while they usually don't

That's a fleet the way two shotguns and a .22 constitute an "arsenal" over here.

And for those who mock the Admiral Kuznetsov as being unreliable, I give you  . . . the U.S. Littoral Combat Ships.


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