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Europe may be sick of immigrants

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I know we have mentioned this in passing on other threads, but it may be getting to the point that it deserves it's own thread.

TL:DR Europe seems to be correcting back right kinda hard in elections.

What made me start this thread is the first round of the French elections, and videos of Ms. Le Pen talking about Islam pretty bluntly.

--- Quote ---Those connected to Islamist Ideology must be stripped of their Nationality and expelled. The French who adopt the Ideology of the Enemy must be punished. Radical Mosques will be shut down…and the Muslim Brotherhood will be dissolved
--- End quote ---

Coupled with Italy's last election, Germans starting to chant "Foreigners out, Germany for Germans!" in clubs and rallies, and some pretty outspoken English on Social media I have to wonder what isn't making global media.

We have often quipped "Europe goes from zero to Jackboot in 5min flat", and I'm starting to think we're 3 minutes in.

What are you folks seeing?

Probably similar attitude to what we see a little of here.  The leftists are letting in so many immigrants that EVERYONE sees them and is affected by it.  In addition, they are probably handing out more benefits to them.

From the kraut front, 90% of my relatives have been  complaining about the immigration problem since the Turkish invasion. They are all sick of driving VWs while foreigners show up, drop kids, and get a big new house and Mercedes courtesy of govt handouts.

More recently, the 10% of my relatives that are commie pinkos have also had it with the immigration problem - much of their viewpoint shift stemming from the violent rapes, etc., while the kraut govt tries to make excuses for the animals who "don't understand Western culture regarding women". Also as reported by the conservative cousin who keeps me most up to date, these current parliamentary elections have really brought out younger people who are trending conservative and have had it with the Greens (who don't just focus on enviro stuff, but also immigration policy and other woke crap as well).

While there likely won't (but might) be a "Germexit", much of Germany has been getting sick of the EU meddling as well. I think overly strict covid policies had a lot to do with this shift.

Been checking in on this from time to time. Been some pretty big left wing riots in France

Been saying for years that if they ever wake up in Europe there's going to be hell to pay if past history is anything to go by.


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