I'm putting this in Politics, because so far it seems to all be about the left's reaction to the assassination attempt. As usual (we mentioned it in the other thread even) there are unhinged lefties saying dumb and heinous *expletive deleted*it online about an event, unusually however, it seems like some folks on the right (Libs of TikTok seems to be leading this charge) are screenshoting it, doxing the folks, and going to their employers asking if the buisness also supports political assasinations. THis has led to a bunch of folks getting fired, and more predictably a bunch of prominent leftists crying that the right is being big mean and hypocritical.
Ed Krassinstein is all mad a Destiny (A social media personality, and all around ahole) is being kicked off pretty much all his platforms:
https://x.com/EdKrassen/status/1813560837992292821Some more:
https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1813244367295094931 https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1813327999334511088 https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1812632123607544017https://x.com/catturd2/status/1813319422062231951There's a bunch more.
While I am a free speech absolutist, and would never agree that the government, or even X, should censor these folks, no mater how vile their views, I'm not against their employers deciding they no longer wish to associate with them, especially since so many of the talkers have publicly and proudly advertised their employment on the same platform they are calling for violence on. I wonder if this is a flash in the pan because an assassination attempt is so far over the line, or if the right will start really using public shaming and cancelling to push the Overton window back like they did with boycotts last year.
And just because he's so eloquent about it, here's Larry Correia's take on the situation:
Where are the free speech people who are against cancel culture?
I had two million view tweets explaining this yesterday. We didn’t want this. You *expletive deleted*ers changed the rules. We tried to stop you. You destroyed lives for imaginary offenses and cancelled CHILDREN. The right became increasingly bitter. You weaponized this and had media mega corporations stomp on the little guy for saying things that were normal the day before and you *expletive deleted*ing loved it and crowed about “consequence” culture.
You *expletive deleted*ed with us for years, millions of times, ruining careers over asinine *expletive deleted*it like *expletive deleted*ing pronouns, hounding normies until they killed themselves, you made the whole country scared to give offense, and then you *expletive deleted*ers laughed and did it more.
The right has watched and learned and FINALLY used your tactics back against you for ONE WEEKEND. And not for little *expletive deleted*it, not for “misgendering” or making the OK sign, but for PROMOTING MURDER.
And now you *expletive deleted*ing cry.
Well cry harder bitch, because this has only just started. You have made the great mushy middle despise you with your evil new rules. You showed them this nasty cancel culture *expletive deleted*it works. They are just getting warmed up to using your rules back against you.
Your crying hypocrisy only brings out the mealy mouthed Moral Equivalence Police, to try and shame the red masses back into quiet compliance. The left has been awful for years, but you guys were mean back for a couple days, oh no! Clutch the pearls.
Naw. *expletive deleted*ck those guys. Everybody is done listening to their cowardly sanctimony.
As for us free speech guys, and why we aren’t running to your rescue? I tried to warn you *expletive deleted*ers where this was going for ten years and in your hubris, you failed to listen. So *expletive deleted*ck you. You doused yourself in gas and lit a match. No longer my problem, stupid.
You aholes tried to destroy my career and ran an organized slander campaign and THREATENED MY CHILDREN because I offended a handful of liberal *expletive deleted*it heads by publicly exposing their bullshit… and you’ve never *expletive deleted*ing relented for a DECADE…
But now guys like me are supposed to run to the rescue of psychopaths who cry for blood in an hour of crisis, while the country is perched on the edge of chaos?
Reap your *expletive deleted*ing whirlwind.
The man ain't wrong.