All true and agreed, but let's remember that this seems to represent a new, well-financed and produced pack of lies which we have to contend with.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Counter-strategies? I can't think of any which don't require large amounts of money and advertising talent. It's like the ongoing barrage of new facially unConstitutional laws, which are meant to wear us down.
You can keep throwing Bruen and Rahimi at them all day long until your arm gets tired and your wallet gets thin, but it doesn't really cost them much to keep making patently crappy laws, one after the other, badabing, badaboom.
It's like their "compromise" strategy, where year after year we keep "across the aisle, bipartisan" compromising until all we can legally own will be a .22 CB-chambered rifle. Or nothing, which is their long term goal.
Terry, 230RN