Author Topic: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries  (Read 1084 times)


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Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« on: August 25, 2024, 05:02:07 PM »
I thought this was interesting. There are some weird ones in there, like North Macedonia.
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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2024, 05:50:44 PM »
Latvia reminds me of the razzle dazzle paint jobs they tried on US ships during WW2.



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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2024, 07:29:39 PM »
There's a lot of Mulricam in there.


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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2024, 02:08:54 AM »
What's the current camo for the U.S.? For that matter, what's the current uniform? I guess the BDU has been supplanted by something else, is that correct? And is the Army camo different from the Marines camo?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 02:41:25 AM by Hawkmoon »
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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2024, 06:10:21 AM »
What's the current camo for the U.S.? For that matter, what's the current uniform? I guess the BDU has been supplanted by something else, is that correct? And is the Army camo different from the Marines camo?

Army and Air Forse use the Multicam pattern.  Marines and Navy (when they need cammies) use one of two proprietary digital patterns. A desert-ish one and a green jungle/woodland one.

The current Army uniform is called the ACU (Army Combat Uniform). We have a normal version and a hot weather version.  It's an evolution of the BDU. Same concept, mostly pockets in different places.  The ACU itself has go e through several changes since it's adoption based on user feedback.

K Frame

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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2024, 08:58:59 AM »
Wasn't there some broohaha between the Marines and the Army some years ago over the Marine camo pattern? The Army wanted to use it and the Marines told them to go pound sand?
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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2024, 10:22:56 AM »
Wasn't there some broohaha between the Marines and the Army some years ago over the Marine camo pattern? The Army wanted to use it and the Marines told them to go pound sand?

Yeah.  I forget the details, if I ever knew them.

I do remember that it ended up with the USMC incorporating the EGA into their camo pattern so no one else can use it, which is the most Marine move ever.


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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2024, 01:29:21 PM »
Wasn't there some broohaha between the Marines and the Army some years ago over the Marine camo pattern? The Army wanted to use it and the Marines told them to go pound sand?

Interservice Drivelry.

My camouflage for squirrel hunting:

I goofed and forgot to camo the barrel of my rifle and it kind of sticks out and makes me pretty obvious. 

Terry, 230RN
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 01:44:14 PM by 230RN »


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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2024, 02:32:51 PM »
I do remember that it ended up with the USMC incorporating the EGA into their camo pattern so no one else can use it, which is the most Marine move ever.

I was interested to see the number of European forces that incorporate something unique to their country as part of their camo pattern (numbers, acronyms, country shapes, etc.).
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2024, 05:32:44 PM »
The would put the USN camo up there but in about 2-3 years they will be trying something new so why bother. I am positive some Admiral's brother in law owns a textile factory and the Admiral's wife is on the payroll.



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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2024, 03:44:30 PM »
I goofed and forgot to camo the barrel of my rifle and it kind of sticks out and makes me pretty obvious. 

Terry, 230RN

The only things I see are something dark and "V" shaped in front of and to the right of that first dark tree on the left, what might be a shadow on the ground above the "V" and to the right of that dark tree, and the missing piece of the tree trunk (second from the left) at the bottom right.
I did not see a gun barrel.

Ben - a lot of interesting patterns. What struck me was how many are using lighter and brighter colors (light tans and yellows) that AREN'T in arid climates where there would be a lot of bare dirt or sand.  Belgium for one.  France, Latvia, Moldova, Serbia, Sweden, and even Ukraine.  Too much light-colored patches over the total area on those.  The rest looked pretty good.
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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2024, 04:18:08 PM »
The only things I see are something dark and "V" shaped in front of and to the right of that first dark tree on the left, what might be a shadow on the ground above the "V" and to the right of that dark tree, and the missing piece of the tree trunk (second from the left) at the bottom right.
I did not see a gun barrel.

There isn't a gun barrel.  That's a stock picture of a forest.


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Re: Official Camo Patterns of Europe's Militaries
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2024, 04:37:25 PM »
Ben - a lot of interesting patterns. What struck me was how many are using lighter and brighter colors (light tans and yellows) that AREN'T in arid climates where there would be a lot of bare dirt or sand.  Belgium for one.  France, Latvia, Moldova, Serbia, Sweden, and even Ukraine.  Too much light-colored patches over the total area on those.  The rest looked pretty good.

Now that you mentioned it, I went back and looked.  Ukraine isn't using that pattern, they are using Multicam, mostly.  Where they are using MM-14, it looks significantly darker than that picture.
Ukrainian MM-14:
Multicam in Kursk:
This looks like some straight up US Surplus UCP, plus the guy on the right has some M81 kit as well as what looks like swiss camo helmet cover.

Russians also appear to not be universally using that pixilated pattern.
Russian Troops in Multicam:
More Multicam and a more Arid Digicam of some kind:
This Pilot seems to have his original, official (and very clean) digital camo:
These guys just have straight up green clothes.  (although, I question this pic a bit.  The kit and uniform of the Ukranian looks right, but I can't verify the source, and the rest of the pic for lack of a better word.

So I would say don't necessarily take that link as gospel, or a great representation of the color palate on the real gear.