I am waiting on the invention of the Hellbore cannon, and the infinite repeater.
On the other hand, an APC carrying several dozen suicide drones with 5 or 20 lb explosive charges could do a lot of damage. Add in grenade dropping drones on top of that.
Meh. Not to worry. That strategy of spinning around and around in one place for five or ten seconds at a time will counter any artificially intelligent attack methods from drones or otherwise.
It will make any attacking weapon all dizzy so it will faw down and hurted itself.
<eyeroll> --both eyes at once!
Is it possible that our high-ranking hard-nosed no nonsense jaw-jutting square-shouldered military leadership folks are just as susceptible to gimcrackery and advertising frippery as thee and me?
Imposserous ! Imposserous, say I
Terry, 230RN