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Jalapeño poppers on the grill

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I can’t recommend based on todays experience.
I swim at the YMCA and people often bring extra garden produce in and leave at the front desk. Free for the taking.
There was about 1/4 bushel of beautiful big jalapeño peppers Friday. I thought hell yes I’ll make some poppers. I brought home 8.
Browned some deer sausage and onion in a cast iron skillet. Lightly oiled and toasted the peppers. Cored the peppers and stuffed with the sausage/onion and some cream cheese and shredded cheddar. Wrapped with bacon and cooked on the grill.
Holy hell I like hot peppers but this just made me sweat fire.
My wife took one bite before eating the stuffing and bacon and leaving the peppers.

K Frame:
Yeah... pepper roulette.

I bought some jalapenos a couple of years ago for something. Of the 5 or 6 that I got, all of them were mild... except for the one that was Satan's Super Nova.

Years ago when I had the big garden, I learned that peppers will cross pollinate.
I had bell peppers too close to jalapeño and habenero plants. I had some mild hot peppers and some hot bell peppers.
These were beautiful big jalapeño grown by somebody that knew to let them ripen on the plant until dark green and barky with the little brown striations.
If there is a lot there again this week, I might get enough for the wife to make her “booger jelly”. It’s a sweet jalapeño pepper jelly with orange zest. Makes a fabulous glaze for grill smoked chicken.

K Frame:
"It’s a sweet jalapeño pepper jelly with orange zest. Makes a fabulous glaze for grill smoked chicken."

Oooh that sounds good!

One of the little people near me grows some evil little buggers and unloads them to restaurants and farmers market buyers... Have ice cream handy. Southeast Asia can make south of the border cry...


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