This week's news here is that the local senior center had their garden raided. They grow food to give out to needy seniors. They apparently posted about it on facebook, and the person who stole the food called them and told them it was "her right" to take the food because her family needed it. The senior center has cameras, but the lady who runs it doesn't want to involve the police and said "the Good Lord will sort it out."
I would have called the cops. For a little town of 2000, there must be at least a dozen different places that advertise free food for the needy. There's a food locker (unlocked) in front of the grocery store with a "give what you can, take what you need" sign. Apparently a couple of other ladies spend their time parked at the store, waiting for a good samaritan to come out of the store and fill the locker, then run up and grab all the food two minutes later.