I saw an instagram post claiming 82nd airborne personnel with families in the area have been denied leave due to potential they are needed in Middle East. I don't know what past protocol has been.
It's complicated, and needs more detail than that post (which I also saw). Briefly, there is usually one Brigade of the 82nd that is the US's
Immediate Response Force. Which Brigade it is rotates. In the Brigade that is on IRF, there is one Battalion (that also rotates) that is on 18hr notice. Those are the guys we can have anywhere in the world in 24 hours.
So if you are in the Alert Bn, You don't get to go anywhere. Those guys are in Bragg, or around it, no leave, no passes. Probably, given the Mid East right now, they have been called in, drawn weapons and ammo, and are sitting very near an aircraft playing spades. If you are in the IRF Brigade, but not the alert Bn, leave and passes will be restricted. You still have to be able to get back to base and on an airplane in a hurry. Those guys are probably (A guess, I've never been in the 82nd, but I've been on similar duty) on a 100-150m from Bragg restriction, maybe passes in that area, probably not leave unless emergency leave, and probably takes the BDE or DIV CDR to sign that. A couple emergency leaves from that BDE might be approved, but not a whole bunch at once (like to go to NC and TN to help out) because that would seriously degrade combat effectiveness. If they are 82nd, but not in the IRF BDE, they should be on normal leave rules.
A caveat is I don't know when the IRF BDE rotates, but as it gets close, the oncoming BDE will have more restrictions on their movement to make sure they are there when they take the watch.