"It's having to follow it that becomes annoying. "
OK, Mr. Argumentative.
Here you go, this might be right up your alley.
No annoying back and forth time jumps, just pure, linear storytelling...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjCzPp-MK48"And many movie makers have forgotten how to film scenes at night or in dark places so that audiences can actually see what's going on."
That was a HUGE issue for one of the final episodes of Game of Thrones, the one with the big battle with the Night King. It was so damned dark it wasn't even funny.
So, let's assemble a list of Hank & Terry's laws for movie production.
1. No time jumping, forwards OR backwards. All progression must be 100% linear. Forget to include something and need to do a time jump? NOPE! You screwed up, no Oscar for you!
2. All scenes must be filmed in 100% natural daylight. No more night scenes, no more interior room shots unless fully lit by open windows, no more horror scenes in dark castles, dungeons, or caves.
3. Sound levels must be optimized. In fact, there must be no sound at all. Silent movies only!
4. All characters must carry signs around identifying them and their relation to the main characters. This will eliminate character surprises.
5. Every movie must have a 15 minute intermission every hour. Actually, I could go for that given how often my prostate has me going to the can.
How do you guys feel about color? Too hard on the eyes? We can make up a rule for that, too. Nice, soothing gray tones only?