That is not what that DoDD says.
It actually makes it more restrictive on when, how, and who can appove DOD Intel assets working with Domestic law enforcement. It lays out a bunch of limits on what can be done, and who can make the approval. The paragraph that has zero hedge all aflutter is saying that IF you are responding with assets that have the potential for leathality (Which is pretty much everything the DOD has) the approval authority is the SECDEF, and it can not be delegated any lower. The whole section is on laying out what DOD Intel and counter intel folks can and can't do while assisting Local Law Enforcement.
in contrast, the previous DoDD 5240.01 just said:
This Directive:
2.3. Does not apply to authorized law enforcement activities carried out by the Defense
Intelligence Components, or to individuals executing law enforcement missions while assigned
to the Defense Intelligence Components.
So instead of giving a blanket out for anything a DOD Spook does while conducting "authorized Law Enforcement activities", the new DODD lays out specifically what assistance can be offered, and who you have to ask to get permission to give it.
Also of note: This DoDD does not apply to the "US Military". It applies only to DOD intel assets and units doing intel work. Specifically:
This issuance applies to
b. Any DoD Component, when conducting the training of personnel to perform intelligence
duties or activities; any use of tradecraft as defined in this issuance; the conduct of research,
development, testing and evaluation for the purpose of developing intelligence capabilities; and
any intelligence-related and sensitive activities and related matters subject to the Under Secretary
of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S))