I'm actually seeing a lot of "I'm getting a gun" talk from the whackos, mostly women. And like this whacko, not so much for self-defense as for shooting the MAGAs when they see them because they are a threat. Seems like this broad couldn't honestly check the "not a mental case" box on the 4473. While I ain't John Wick, I'm pretty sure that once she decides to shoot me and pulls her "Glock", I'll have long since drawn and will be tapping my foot waiting for her to get the gun out and pointed at me.
While many of these are just loudmouths, I think it's enough of a concern to not slack on being armed at all times. Even here in Idaho, the Boise trannies go on the reddit and talk about "trans vengeance". These people are already unstable, so I can actually see them deciding to play like they're in an FPS video game.