^ Oh, yeah, fer shore. ^
I pulled into a van accessible space recently without realizing it until I started hobbling away and noticed the "VAN ACCESSIBLE" warning on the pavement. I pulled out and drove around until another regular handicapped space was available.
I'm not that bad off, but of course I'm maybe a little more sensitive for the hobblers among us who might need a van space
When I came out of the store I noticed a compact car in that spot. I guess it was no big deal for that hobbler..
People vary.
I just put my groceries in my car and drove the electric shopping cart back to the "cart parking" spot and hobbled back to my car. I was hale and hearty when the handicapped parking issue (ADA) became law, so really didn't give a chit.
But now, at going-on 86, you bet your sweet lithe little ass I like it. Glad there's a $250 Tow-away penalty for violating it hereabouts. But I'm armed, so I keep my stupid trap shut.
Terry, 230RN