I like dinosaurs.
Do you like dinosaurs? What's your favorite dinosaur? I like Triassic - cretaceous dinosaurs like most Sauropods and Triceratops. Triceratops is pretty cool guy but ehs not as cool as my favorite dinosaur Iguanodon ottingeri. What's your favorite dinosaur?
At 58, I am not quite a dinosaur yet but during 35 years spent on shooting/reloading activities allowed me to experience through Army as medic and part-time "volunteer" to our unit's armory where I was introduced to 1911s which I grew to love, pursued USPSA match shooting while learning to shoot and reload under the wings of a seasoned bullseye/PPC match shooter who shaved the lead off bottom of FMJ bullets to make them weigh the same and did all gunsmith work taught me to transform a donor Norinco 1911 into USPSA match pistol fortified with Wilson Combat components, doing 2.5 lb trigger job and hand filing/fitting all the parts like beaver tail grip safety with diamond files because he didn't allowed me to use a Dremmel.
And my USPSA RSO who was a range owner and SWAT instructor to local PD/SD was my defensive shooting instructor who taught me the virtues of eyes closed point shooting (With front sights of Glocks removed) along with regional USPSA match shooters to look past the front sight and make holes appear fast anywhere on target to achieve "Zen" of shooting.
While working 26 years for CA state government in three different agencies, taught/introduced hundreds of coworkers/neighbors and their families/friends to virtues of eyes closed/looking past front sight fast defensive point shooting.
Over a million rounds later (Not counting nearly half million rounds of 22LR), almost 15 years spent at THR was fun/happy times, five of which were retirement years that allowed me to pursue time extensive projects like comparing over 50 brands/weights/lots of 22LR (Especially "cheap" loose bulk packs) to pursue sub 1/2" 50 yard groups with "non-match" ammunition like CCI SV, Aguila 40 gr LRN/CPRN, etc. -
https://www.thehighroad.org/index.php?threads/real-world-cheap-bulk-22lr-ammunition-comparison.908102/post-12938874I am surpassing 45,000 round count of testing and anticipate finishing around at 50,000 and could post my results at Rimfire Central -
https://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/THR incubated and grew RMR Bullets to become projectile of choice for ELEY centerfire match ammunition. I have long supported and was supported by owner Jake and could post my 69/75 gr .223 bullet testing with unlimited 0.1 gr powder charge increment reloading at the range and new 40S&W bullet testing results at Brian Enos forum for USPSA match shooters and 3 gunners -