Author Topic: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread  (Read 738056 times)


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7625 on: December 29, 2024, 05:21:20 PM »
Meh - I was called every name under the sun when I asked "Hey, could we see information on patient demographics, in particular the fatalities?"
And that information was generally withheld... And at the same time, the believers kept screeching that it was a FATAL disease... "Just look at the Chinese having to weld apartment buildings closed! And the people just dying in the streets!"
Sure... I've seen more believable video from high school film class projects.
Just looking at the news stories that were promoted, it appeared to be the most deadliest thing evar... But if you dug a little deeper, they were getting the vast, vast majority of their statistics via long term care and skilled nursing facilities. The kind of places where the help has to constantly reposition the patients to avoid bedsores.
Then they started concentrating on new "cases," after they ran out of nursing home patients. And the believers would tell you, straight-faced behind their masks, that the people comprising the "cases" group were all going to die.
Maybe eventually.
I don't like being lied to.
We were essentially the test population, and the believers still think that was okay. "It would have been much worse!"
Not likely.
But what it DID accomplish? The next REAL population-fueled pandemic/epidemic is going to be met with serious skepticism - and that is NOT good.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7626 on: December 30, 2024, 09:28:19 AM »
You implied that anyone who disagrees with you needs to have some arbitrary level of education and understanding to be taken seriously.  Since you lack those credentials yourself, your pretense of superiority falls laughably flat.  Like JT, you've chosen a particular subset of experts to defer to, but implying that his personal lack of education on the subject makes his experts wrong shows both a distinct lack of understanding of the scientific method and a lack of self-awareness in respect to your own credentials.

According to some people, apparently not, and that's a leading reason why diseases like polio, measles, and tuberculosis are once again on the rise in the United States.
I'd say that the medical industry and the government arm of that industry bears significant responsibility for declining trust in those groups, especially in how they handled COVID.

That said, let's look at your specific claim more closely:
No, polio is not "on the rise" in the US.  The few detected cases are from immigrants, not locally spread and - humorously enough given the point you were trying to make - are all of a vaccine-derived strain.
Measles isn't on the rise either.  The numbers are quite small to begin with, so it appears to fluctuate radically as far as percentages, but recent levels are very low.  2024 had about 284 cases.  Way more than 2020 for instance, but way less than 2019 or 2014.
TB has had a slight resurgence in the past couple years, but it is a bad example for you to try to use because CDC does not recommend routine vaccination with the exception of high-risk individuals.  That's not really a case of distrust leading to increased spread.  Plus, a disproportionate amount of TB occurs within non-US born residents - probably not because Trump made them distrust Big Pharma.

So JT, roll out your personally conducted research that proves that mRNA vaccine research and development is categorical fraud.
His research is published right along side your award-winning research into the efficacy and safety of the mRNA vaccines, and your research that showed that a broadly distributed, narrowly-focused vaccine deployed against a rapidly mutating virus in the middle of a pandemic will be generally effective or productive in the long term.

The fear and animosity Donald Trump and some of his louder followers stoked against vaccines and pharmaceutical companies in the minds of his more simplistic followers was criminal.
I don't recall Donald Trump stoking fear and animosity against his vaccine.  He worked to establish funding for the development of the vaccine, protected the pharmaceutical companies from responsibility for any downsides, and has been a loud proponent of it from the beginning.

Yeah, it's no different than the simplistic followers of the left who latched onto every Fauci pronouncement as if it was delivered from the mouth of God and anyone who disagreed was trying to commit murder, but Trump brazenly stoked fear and animosity... Not of the disease, but of the government and the broader medical profession. It was sickening and disgusting to watch.
Despite your strong opinions views on the subject, the above clearly demonstrates that you don't have a particularly good grasp of the facts at issue.

All that said, we have to make individual medical decisions based on our ability and the information we have.  If you feel that because of your personal comorbidities, the small risks of the vaccine outweigh the small (and decreasing) risks of the virus, go for it and I hope it is the right choice for you.  Likewise, I hope JT's decision to not take that vaccine is a good decision for him.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7627 on: December 30, 2024, 10:06:06 AM »
All that said, we have to make individual medical decisions based on our ability and the information we have.  If you feel that because of your personal comorbidities, the small risks of the vaccine outweigh the small (and decreasing) risks of the virus, go for it and I hope it is the right choice for you.  Likewise, I hope JT's decision to not take that vaccine is a good decision for him.

While I might have made a different decision had I never gotten the covid, the decision, after obtaining natural immunity from the OG strain, to not get any of the vaccinations, was in hindsight, one of the better decisions that I have made. If I have caught any of the post OG strains in the last four years, the symptoms were so negligible that I didn't even know I was sick.

Perhaps if "the experts" (that were not cancelled for wrongthink) had not loudly shouted that natural immunity was no longer a thing after the first spark of life on Earth and up until covid, people would not have been as skeptical of all the various vaccines and boosters. Just pulling the statement out of my ass, I don't recall any disease, illness, or virus that has had as many different vaccines and boosters come out in as short of a period as covid, with as many people screaming that if you don't get them all, everyone will die.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7628 on: December 30, 2024, 10:25:00 AM »
While I might have made a different decision had I never gotten the covid, the decision, after obtaining natural immunity from the OG strain, to not get any of the vaccinations, was in hindsight, one of the better decisions that I have made. If I have caught any of the post OG strains in the last four years, the symptoms were so negligible that I didn't even know I was sick.
I got OG COVID too (while following all the rules that we were supposed to follow, I might add).  I also declined to get all the mRNA transfections, but given the strong age stratification for serious COVID infections and my lack of associated comorbidities, I doubt I would have bothered.

That said, while I believe natural immunity is likely to be stronger than transfection-based immunity, I think COVID mutates too fast for either to provide lasting protection.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7629 on: December 30, 2024, 10:38:02 AM »
All that said, we have to make individual medical decisions based on our ability and the information we have.  If you feel that because of your personal comorbidities, the small risks of the vaccine outweigh the small (and decreasing) risks of the virus, go for it and I hope it is the right choice for you.  Likewise, I hope JT's decision to not take that vaccine is a good decision for him.

I agree with this take, and pretty much did from the start.  My only real heartburn about the COVID situation is that so much of our "individual medical decisions" were dictated from on high by people with, it's completely clear now, motivations other than pure health, and dubious qualifications to make those decisions at the population level.

The vaccine coercion level was pretty high for this one.  As a Service member this wasn't even the sketchiest vaccine the Army has forced me to get. (Which says more about the Army than the safety of the COVID vaccine) so it didn't super outrage me, but I can understand how folks new to heavyhanded "help" from the Feds are still pretty pissed off by it.

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7630 on: December 31, 2024, 11:52:57 AM »
The fear and animosity Donald Trump and some of his louder followers stoked against vaccines and pharmaceutical companies in the minds of his more simplistic followers was criminal.

Yeah, it's no different than the simplistic followers of the left who latched onto every Fauci pronouncement as if it was delivered from the mouth of God and anyone who disagreed was trying to commit murder, but Trump brazenly stoked fear and animosity... Not of the disease, but of the government and the broader medical profession. It was sickening and disgusting to watch.

Lighten up, Francis.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7631 on: December 31, 2024, 02:42:28 PM »
K Frame - yes, I was a bio major but the telling thing on the "jabs" was when the government gave Big Pharma "blanket liability immunity" for their "products".  Like so many other things, that was huge "red flag" for me.  You don't "pre-absolve" companies for their products unless you KNOW there will be problems.
The last "traditional" vaccine I had was a tetanus booster in '07 when I removed half of my left thumb with a table saw.  Prior to that the last one was likely another tetanus shot somewhere between 1975 and 2000.  Before that was the Salk & Sabin polio vaccines in the late '50s to mid '60s, the DPT with the plastic "jabber" that leaves a dime-sized scar around 1960 when I started school, and the TB shot where it makes that small blister just under the skin.
Never got the MMR vaccine as I was past the desired age group when that was out.
Mom took me and younger brother around neighbor's kids that had single or double mumps (1959-'64) so we would get them and be over it but neither of us ever got the mumps.
Circa 1960, I had tonsils and adenoids removed to help my breathing as I was always stuffed up.  Brother never had his removed as the "views" had changed by then and he has had recurring bouts of tonsillitis over the years.  I haven't.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7632 on: December 31, 2024, 08:48:58 PM »
Back when I was working in the Pfizer labs, we'd sit around tables in the excellent cafeteria, and brainstorm...
The holy grail? A vaccine for the common cold.
Coronaviruses are one facet of the bugs that comprise that family.
And we pretty much decided that wasn't gonna happen, because the bugs just mutate too fast. The flu shots are basically best guess based on what is emerging in
Asia, but they're still best guess...
What irritated me back in January of 2020 (and likely contributed to me getting booted from Facebook) was that the "people in charge" were not sharing the full gamut of data regarding the bug(s). There were very few instances where the media said/was allowed to say anything about the population demographics regarding morbidity. Essentially, if you were not an infirm geezer, or a patient (not resident...) in a long-term care/skilled nursing facility, you didn't have a whole heckuva lot to worry about. But by golly, if the progressive left is going to do something, it is going to require that EVERYONE do it... Hence the shutdowns of schools, sports, and the screeching to give the shots to children...
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7633 on: December 31, 2024, 09:56:43 PM »
I changed my mind about the covid.  Initially it was a huge concern, but after a few months, it was plain as day that the 24/7 media panic was complete orchestrated BS. All I had to do was look around. The evidence on the ground was not even remotely as portrayed. Where were the dead? What covid did for me was to convince me the media, and the government, and the big corporations (in this case pharma and the tech companies) were far more intertwined and organized in the production of propaganda than I had ever imagined.

The Diamond Princess and the Teddy Roosevelt  were absolute proof the dread covid was just equivalent to a bad flu, and not the civilization killing mass extinction event in the offing we were told it was. Two perfect controlled test's in isolation, a test so brutally inhumane it would not be allowed to be run, as an experiment.

 They lied.
About everything. The origin. The danger. The treatment. The testing. The vaccine efficacy and safety. All of it.

One thing about fighting the gun control issue for years- it did give me a sense of how fear is used to control and manipulate, and how facts are utterly ignored. 

Covid was all about the money. 


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7634 on: December 31, 2024, 10:05:22 PM »
The federal .gov is still in bed with big pharma. I periodically scan jobs at the VA to see if there's anything at the VA hospital near me that I qualify for. Their job postings all list "Fully vaccinated" as a prerequisite. I asked my primary care doc at the VA what that means to them, and she said that means you must have had the original vaccine plus all boosters.

They tricked me into getting the original two-shot series by telling me that I was certain to die if I didn't. So I got the shots. Then I got COVID anyway (twice), and I didn't die. And I kept reading about healthy athletes who died right after being vaccinated. So now I decline the COVID boosters. Which means I'll never be able to take a job in a VA hospital.

Oh, well.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7635 on: January 01, 2025, 12:28:45 AM »
Get ready for Bird virus BS

Perd Hapley

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7636 on: January 01, 2025, 02:06:49 AM »
Get ready for Bird virus BS

I'm ready to ignore it.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7637 on: January 01, 2025, 07:29:11 AM »
Where were the dead?

Covid was all about the money.

But, but, but... they were using refrigerated trucks as morgues! Because they shut down the actual morgues, closed the funeral establishments, etc.
Covid was also about engineering a crash to remove Orange Man...
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7638 on: January 01, 2025, 08:43:23 PM »
Wasn't there some vaccine liability protection put into law during the Clinton Admin in the 90's?  I remember there was a story about companies not wanting to make some vaccines due to liability concerns. 
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7639 on: January 01, 2025, 09:01:42 PM »
Wasn't there some vaccine liability protection put into law during the Clinton Admin in the 90's?  I remember there was a story about companies not wanting to make some vaccines due to liability concerns.

Yes.  I have spoken about it before. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program:

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7640 on: January 02, 2025, 11:31:10 AM »
The public discussion about covid-  censored  Anything that did not follow the approved narrative.

 This is a commentary on the CISA report that was recently released.

A short excerpt-
"Brownstone Institute has been tracking a little-known federal agency for years. It is part of the Department of Homeland Security created after 9-11. It is called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA. It was created in 2018 out of a 2017 executive order that seemed to make sense. It was a mandate to secure American digital infrastructure against foreign attack and infiltration.

And yet during the Covid year, it assumed three huge jobs. It was the agency responsible for dividing the workforce between essential and nonessential. It led the way on censorship efforts. And it handled election security for 2020 and 2022, which, if you understand the implications of that, should make you spit out your coffee upon learning. "