You implied that anyone who disagrees with you needs to have some arbitrary level of education and understanding to be taken seriously. Since you lack those credentials yourself, your pretense of superiority falls laughably flat. Like JT, you've chosen a particular subset of experts to defer to, but implying that his personal lack of education on the subject makes his experts wrong shows both a distinct lack of understanding of the scientific method and a lack of self-awareness in respect to your own credentials.
According to some people, apparently not, and that's a leading reason why diseases like polio, measles, and tuberculosis are once again on the rise in the United States.
I'd say that the medical industry and the government arm of that industry bears significant responsibility for declining trust in those groups, especially in how they handled COVID.
That said, let's look at your specific claim more closely:
No, polio is not "on the rise" in the US. The few detected cases are from immigrants, not locally spread and - humorously enough given the point you were trying to make - are all of a vaccine-derived strain.
Measles isn't on the rise either. The numbers are quite small to begin with, so it appears to fluctuate radically as far as percentages, but recent levels are very low. 2024 had about 284 cases. Way more than 2020 for instance, but way less than 2019 or 2014.
TB has had a slight resurgence in the past couple years, but it is a bad example for you to try to use because CDC does not recommend routine vaccination with the exception of high-risk individuals. That's not really a case of distrust leading to increased spread. Plus, a disproportionate amount of TB occurs within non-US born residents - probably not because Trump made them distrust Big Pharma.
So JT, roll out your personally conducted research that proves that mRNA vaccine research and development is categorical fraud.
His research is published right along side your award-winning research into the efficacy and safety of the mRNA vaccines, and your research that showed that a broadly distributed, narrowly-focused vaccine deployed against a rapidly mutating virus in the middle of a pandemic will be generally effective or productive in the long term.
The fear and animosity Donald Trump and some of his louder followers stoked against vaccines and pharmaceutical companies in the minds of his more simplistic followers was criminal.
I don't recall Donald Trump stoking fear and animosity against his vaccine. He worked to establish funding for the development of the vaccine, protected the pharmaceutical companies from responsibility for any downsides, and has been a loud proponent of it from the beginning.
Yeah, it's no different than the simplistic followers of the left who latched onto every Fauci pronouncement as if it was delivered from the mouth of God and anyone who disagreed was trying to commit murder, but Trump brazenly stoked fear and animosity... Not of the disease, but of the government and the broader medical profession. It was sickening and disgusting to watch.
Despite your strong opinions views on the subject, the above clearly demonstrates that you don't have a particularly good grasp of the facts at issue.
All that said, we have to make individual medical decisions based on our ability and the information we have. If you feel that because of your personal comorbidities, the small risks of the vaccine outweigh the small (and decreasing) risks of the virus, go for it and I hope it is the right choice for you. Likewise, I hope JT's decision to not take that vaccine is a good decision for him.