Wife and I have been supporters of "Pay It Forward" notion during our 30 years of marriage -
https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/pay-it-forward/I was introduced to "PIF" concept when a seasoned bullseye/PPC match shooter coworker took me under his wing to teach me to reload match grade rounds, trigger control and light gunsmith work starting with 2.5 lb trigger job on 1911 while providing all materials and components for several weeks.
When I tried to compensate him for his time and supplies, he declined saying he was "Paying it forward" generosity others have shown him and asked me to "Pay it forward" to others in need when opportunity arose. Since, I have pursued the PIF notion and when I married, wife agreed that we should continue to apply the PIF practice in our marriage.
During my bachelor years, I worked with a charity group that built free houses in Mexico and I would sponsor the fuel cost of trips, all the Harbor Freight hand tools used (Which we left on each trip) and food for the entire group that traveled with me. There is a church in Estero Beach south of Rosarito I built a playground out of redwood for the children to play as Christmas present (It took me several months to build part-time) and brought down a new exam table (I was helping a friend clear out his storage unit and new exam table in plastic caught my eye in another unit that was open. When I asked, nobody wanted to buy it during auction and I got it for $50 right there for $3-$5K exam table) for the OB/GYN medical clinic we were building and pastor "Ramon" extended lifetime invitation to the church for me.
Wife and I maintained a dedicated PIF fund and after retirement, much of our surplus fund now goes to PIF efforts. Over the decades, our used vehicles, instead of being traded in for new vehicles, have been PIF to needy families (1989 Suburban 4x4 in great running condition, 1995 Suburban 4x4 in good running condition, 1997 Suburban 4x4 with rebuilt engine and transmission in excellent running condition and 2003 Buick Le Sabre in great running condition).
We will often pick out select diners and every veteran table we encounter and quietly pay for their entire table tab with 40-50% tip and watch their reaction from the parking lot hiding in our car as we drive off. Wait staff and managers know to not share our identity.
We have also worked with managers of grocery stores and Walmart to obtain $100+ gift cards to pay for select shoppers as they check out.
I have started paying for orders for vehicles behind me at Drive-Thru places and servers told me they have seen customers paying for orders behind them for 10-15 cars after I left.

Wife has done anonymous delivery of new appliances and furniture for people/families she select/identify. One struggling young couple raising children couldn't believe an entire livingroom furniture was being delivered. Delivery driver assured them they got the right house. Unlicensed framer who helped us with reroofing of one of our houses rebuilding his life received one of our Suburbans along with flat trailer and tools.
For 15 years at THR, I lost count of new reloader kits/set ups I have shipped out along with request for various equipment/components and especially brass I had 5 gallon buckets of as "PIF". When I see great sales/Black Friday deals, I will often buy extra items to PIF. One long-range shooter/hunter needed higher power scope but couldn't afford the cost so I drop-shipped an Athlon Argos Gen2 BTR 10-40x56mm (Which I like) and he was definitely surprised (He was a recipient of a new reloaders kit also). I have PIF countless Bushnell Trophy, Redfield, Minox and even Leupold scopes and shooting/reloading accessories to those in need. And when they offered to reciprocate/compensate, I explain and ask them to "Pay It Forward" to others in their lives when opportunity arises.
Fellow medic THR member bikerdoc who has passed away was active 2A supporter and would coordinate rally activities and I would sponsor lunch for the entire bus load of supporters. When his retirement house kitchen floor needed repair, I setup a GoFundme page for him, which more than paid for the repair.
I will be able to draw from 401K starting next October when I turn 59.5 years old. Wife and I already decided we would mostly PIF/blow the monthly gains to benefit others.
My notion of life is we came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing. During the time we "live life", we just get to use/play with things of this world.
I used to think whoever died with most toys won but now believe whoever plays the most smiles at those who dies with toys.