Update to
Executive Order on Second Amendment and
Efforts to abolish ATF/Repeal NFA/Hearing Protection Act/Legalize suppressor parts -
https://armedpolitesociety.com/index.php?topic=70249.msg1468184#msg1468184MASSIVE BREAKING NEWS: AG PAM BONDI FORMS 2A RESTORATION WORKING GROUP… Trump Administration Creates DOJ Working Group to Restore 2A Rights and more according to a story in the New York Times -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZterNiVwyhc- Major breaking news out of the Trump Administration
- A working group has been formed within the Department of Justice to restore Second Amendment rights across this great country
- New York Times has reported about this working group to restore Second Amendment rights
- A small batch of people to get their gun rights back would be the first step toward a broader policy goal ... through rewriting justice
department regulations to more clearly give that power to the attorney general
- This is huge folks
- This is huge because what this is saying is that the Department of Justice is going to redo their regulations about who can have
their Second Amendment rights restored and they're going to take that away from a bunch of unelected DC-based Deep State bureaucrats who won't want anyone armed other than the police/government
- The fact that it is being taken away from Deep State regulators and bureaucrats as far as that's how I interpret that language from The New York Times is great news as far as I'm concerned
- New York Times goes on to discuss this new policy by the Trump Administration in favor of the Second Amendment this is the next thing - Within the working group, the government lawyers seem to generally agree that a significant period of time since a conviction should have passed for someone to be eligible for such relief, perhaps 10 or 15 years and that it should not be extended to convicted murderers and armed robbers but the issue of domestic violence proved to be a sticking point particularly when it came to Mr Mel Gibson
- Again the fact this conversation is occurring is the fact that a new policy is going to be set by this Administration in favor of the Second
Amendment is a really really big deal and a positive side of where the trends are going
- The working group would generate a list of candidates to get back their gun rights as part of a longer term effort to have
the Attorney General restore such rights to some individuals
- Her office came up with an initial batch of 95 people she considered worthy of consideration made up principally of people whose convictions were decades old who had asked for the restrictions to be lifted and for whom the risk of recidivism was low
- As a side note, historically there is a federal statute overseen basically by the ATF for the restoration of rights ... that office has been defunded for the last many years because the Democrats don't want people getting their gun rights back