Author Topic: Second Amendment/ATF related cases  (Read 11327 times)

Live Life

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Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« on: December 04, 2024, 05:28:47 AM »
Disclaimer:  I am not a lawyer, just a "layperson". 

Subjective opinions expressed in this thread by me are my personal thoughts and by no means objective factual "legal" explanation of case rulings and lawyers/attorneys' expressions posted (So obviously, there will be disagreements/arguments why I may/could be wrong, likely what is "proper" interpretation of Bruen methodology in Rahimi but you are free to start your own thread to exercise your First Amendment right of free speech).

This thread is meant to be educational and informative and not a definitive authority on legal works of US Constitution and Bill of Rights so if you share same/similar sentiments, will appreciate your replies. (If not, please refrain from replying to keep this thread civil and consider starting a new thread for such discussion. Thank you.)

I am not a FFL nor expert on NFA items. This thread is not about edged/knife weapons. 

Expect spelling/grammatical errors.  I am an imperfect human (As wife of 30 years keeps pointing out more each day  :rofl:) and WILL make mistakes.  Be kind to this beat down husband (Those who are married will understand  =D).

- - - - - - - - - -

As many requested, continuing my various 2A/ATF related threads from THR.  Please note that these are not comprehensive listing of all cases but rather partial/select listing that got my attention and I chose to track/monitor.  If you want cases not listed tracked/monitored, PM me and I will consider them.

Note: Consolidating all these cases in a single thread will undoubtedly be confusing and tracking nightmare.  I will work on putting together some sort of indexed listing but at this time, not sure if that could be feasible (I don't want to inundate the forum with 15+ 2A/ATF threads  =)).

Since 2022 I have followed these various 2A/ATF related cases on THR:

- 2A - AW/Magazine ban -
- 2A - Significance of Bruen Methodology tested in Rahimi case (Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy) -
- 2A - Bruen methodology applied to other cases -
- 2A - States defying Bruen -
- 2A - Handgun Roster -
- 2A - CA Handgun Roster (Pistols added after preliminary injunctions) -
- 2A - Ammunition Restriction -
- 2A - Post Office Carry -
- 1A - NRA v Vullo (ACLU representing NRA) -
- ATF - Bump Stock -
- ATF - Pistol Brace -
- ATF - 80% frame or receiver / "ghost gun" -
- ATF - Forced Reset Trigger -

What I have noticed following these cases was the prevalence of a new trend.

The new trend was a reversal in decades long erosion of Second Amendment protection and now EXPANSION of 2A protection to "modern" types of arms and accessories very much like First Amendment protection expanding to protect "modern" forms of communication/free speech like email/texting, which have become "in common use"; like magazine fed semi-auto firearms and various accessories/adaptive devices like scopes, red dot sights, fiber optic sighs, etc.

What decades of erosion of Second Amendment protection of "modern" types of arms and accessories did was turn the Second Amendment into "second class right" and made gun owners into second class citizens. Founders specifically framed the nation and government with Electoral College/Equal representation in Senate not based on population size to veto House bills; and separation of powers with the judicial branch and the Supreme Court having the final say on what is constitutional to protect minority rights from the imposition by the majority mob rule when states wrote and passed unconstitutional laws that violated Bill of Rights of minority groups.

So just like black slaves being freed with their votes now counted as whole instead of 3/5 and women allowed to vote (Women's vote didn't count until 1920 :oops:) along with rights of minorities protected by the Bill of Rights, Supreme Court is once again tasked to defend the rights of latest minority group imposed by majority mob rule ... gun owners.

Through Supreme Court's rulings we can see progression of Second Amendment protection expanding:

- In Heller to remove Militia involvement requirement and expand Second Amendment protection to commonly used "modern" magazine fed semi-auto firearms at home
- In Caetano to expand Second Amendment protection to "modern" types of arms "in common use"
- In Bruen to expand Second Amendment protection to RKBA outside of home, elimination of two-step approach of interest balancing of greater society's good over imposition on individual right and instead use "Text, history and tradition" approach, burden shifting to the state/government to provide historical tradition evidence "analogue"
- In Cargill to limit executive branch administrative agency overreach in exceeding statutory authority of Congress by writing law/expanding interpretation
- In Loper to eliminate Chevron Deference and courts took back interpretation authority
- In Rahimi to maintain RKBA protection of "We the People" even if "the People" are not good all the time and government to disarm "the People" only "temporarily" when violent
- And soon in Range to maintain RKBA protection of "We the People" for non-violent not so good "the People"

In upcoming terms, I am quite certain Supreme Court will clarify Bruen methodology so lower courts won't misunderstand/misapply the Bruen methodology which is now "binding law" of the land for future Second Amendment cases in expanding Second Amendment protection to "modern" types of arms and accessories like magazine fed semi-auto firearms and pistol braces, forced reset trigger, etc.

We are seeing what happened for the First Amendment that eventually led to permanent enforcement by the way of federal/state laws happen for the Second Amendment because the Second Amendment is not a "second class right" and gun owners are not second class citizens -

And words of Supreme Court justices give us good indication of what they intend to do on their next terms -

"... some courts have misunderstood the methodology of our recent Second Amendment cases ... As we explained in Heller, for example, the reach of the Second Amendment is not limited only to those arms that were in existence at the founding. Rather, it “extends, prima facie, to ALL instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not [yet] in existence.” ... Holding otherwise would be as mistaken as applying the protections of the right only to muskets and sabers.​"

"... In Bruen, we explained that when a firearm regulation is challenged under the Second Amendment, the Government must show that the restriction “is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation" ... Bruen is now binding law.​"

"... if the Seventh Circuit ultimately allows Illinois to ban America’s most common civilian rifle, we can—and should—review that decision once the cases reach a final judgment. The Court must not permit the Seventh Circuit [to] relegat[e] the Second Amendment to a second-class right."
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 06:14:04 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2024, 08:57:42 PM »
Update to Gray v Jennings (DE AW ban) -

DCFFL: SCOTUS Gun Watch - Week of 12/9/24 -

- Court rescheduled consideration of the petition in Ocean State Tactical v. Rhode Island (which had been distributed for last Friday's conference) on December 5, potentially indicating a desire to weigh several assault weapon and large-capacity magazine petitions together
- Snope v. Brown, which represents perhaps the best current chance for the Court to grant cert in a "class of arms" case is listed for this Friday's conference
- In Gray v. Jennings, another similar case out of Delaware, the state has received an extension of its response deadline until December 12
« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 09:16:08 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2024, 09:08:00 PM »
Update to Bianchi v Frosh now Snope v Brown (MD AW ban) -

TTAG: SCOTUS Sets Conference Date for the Snope v. Brown Assault Weapon Ban Case -

- Supreme Court set conference date of Friday, 12/13/24 to decide if they will hear Snope v. Brown
- Case challenges Maryland’s assault weapon ban whether states can ban semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15
- Maryland’s strategy has been to delay the case for as long as possible ... Supreme Court put a stop to Maryland’s shenanigans
- Supreme Court acted expeditiously, taking less than 24 hours to distribute the case for conference, fast-tracking that date to December 13
- AR-15 ... is central to the case due to its widespread ownership and use for sporting, hunting and self-defense ... rifles are among the least used firearms in crimes demonstrate that Maryland’s ban is not only unconstitutional but also ineffective and nonsensical
- Importance of the Supreme Court providing a definitive ruling on the matter stems from what many feel are inconsistencies between SCOTUS precedent and lower court rulings which frequently uphold bans on AR-15s and similar firearms
- By sidestepping the “common use” standard established in Heller, instead employing contradictory reasoning such as deeming these firearms excessively dangerous or primarily suited for military use, inconsistency seems more like a symptom of the real problem
- Supreme Court’s duty here is not to rewrite the law, but to ensure lower courts adhere to existing precedent as it has been decided clearly in multiple cases
- Some have referred to Snope v. Brown as a defining moment in the shifting political and legal landscape of American gun rights
- Maryland’s arguments are extremely weak. The state continues to argue that AR-15s are not protected by the Constitution, a tired and defeated notion
- If SCOTUS overturns Maryland’s ban, the precedent may secure gun rights for generations
- With the conference date of Friday, December 13, a decision as to whether SCOTUS will hear the case could come as soon as the following Monday
- If the Justices elect to take the case, a final ruling is expected by June 2025


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2024, 10:50:32 PM »
Thanks for starting this thread and including the ruling killing Chevron Deference. 

The judges Trump appointed are the most significant legacy of his first term.  As you said, it has shifted the trend to expanding 2nd Amendment rights rather than tightening them.  This comes at a time when we have a number of pro-gun groups that are actively pursuing cases. 

It is uncomfortable to think about where we would be if Trump lost in 2016.  That is a rabbit hole I am glad we didn't go down.
“It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.”  ― Calvin Coolidge

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2024, 12:32:58 AM »
Thanks for starting this thread and including the ruling killing Chevron Deference.
You are very welcome.  =)

The judges Trump appointed are the most significant legacy of his first term.  As you said, it has shifted the trend to expanding 2nd Amendment rights rather than tightening them.
Yes, as Bruen methodology that CHANGED how all future Second Amendment cases are now tested with "Text, history and tradition" and burden shifting to the states/government; in the next term, I believe we will see majority Supreme Court justices clarify proper application of Bruen methodology that NO LONGER rely on interest balancing approach of considering greater good of society/community when applying individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as extensively explained by constitutional attorney Mark Smith -

It is uncomfortable to think about where we would be if Trump lost in 2016.
I believe we dodged a bullet in 2016 and literally dodged another bullet in 2024.

And Bruen ruling would not have happened if it wasn't for Trump appointed justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 12:58:37 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2024, 07:05:19 PM »
Adding to Bianchi v Frosh now Snope v Brown (MD AW ban) with constitutional attorney Mark Smith from Four Boxes Diner -

"Second Amendment historian and constitutional lawyer and member of the Supreme Court bar Stephen Halbrook ... explains why in his view ... the 4th Circuit in the Snope versus Brown case screwed up so badly it's necessary for the US Supreme Court to grant cert ... to resolve some of the insanity of the 4th Circuit upholding the Maryland ban on semi-automatic rifles, including the AR-15" -

- 0:00 Halbrook's Powerful Pro-2A Argument -
- 1:49 Snope vs Brown Case Conferencing -
- 4:20 Halbrook & Article Introduction -
- 5:30 How This All Started... -
- 7:25 This Is RIDICULOUS! -
- 10:22 Halbrook On .30-06 Power & History -
- 12:45 These Judges Don't Understand 2A & Firearms... -
- 17:00 Thank You! -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2024, 11:48:24 AM »
Update to Bianchi v Frosh now Snope v Brown (MD AW ban), Gray v Jennings (DE AW ban), Ocean State Tactical v. Rhode Island (RI magazine ban) and other AW/magazine ban cases (CA Duncan magazine ban/Miller AW ban) -

Here's highlight transcript of Mark Smith's update on various AW/magazine ban cases headed for and at the Supreme Court as conferences were scheduled for December 12 and 13 -

- US Supreme Court rescheduled the conferences for Snope versus Brown ... case out of Maryland ... 4th Circuit dealing with "assault weapon" ban
- They also rescheduled the ... magazine ban case out of Rhode Island ... Ocean Tactical dealing with magazine ban
- Reason why I ... emphasize the word reschedule is that means something is going on ... among the justices
- Three cases ... the first case is Snope versus Brown AR-15 ban Maryland, the second one ... is Ocean Tactical versus Rhode Island magazine ban, the third one is Gray versus Jennings ... Delaware [AW ban] involving ... preliminary injunction
- Conference ... when you reschedule ... in my opinion ... is that the justices are speaking among themselves about how they want to handle a particular area of law
- US Supreme Court is not about reversing or fixing mistakes of the lower courts ... but ... setting precedent for American law for decades to come and for the whole country
- Cases have been rescheduled ... because ... likely ... Supreme Court is ... looking internally about which Second Amendment case they want to decide this term ... and resolve this arms ban question once and for all
- We should go ahead and take the Snope case  ... take Ocean Tactical and ...Jennings which will clear up a massive area, a massive gap in Second Amendment jurisprudence by deciding when you can ban a particular type of firearm, when you can ban magazines
- There are also two arms ban cases that are coming up through the system ... one is the Duncan case out of California ... magazine ban case ... being considered right now ... by 9th Circuit ... En Banc as ... whether or not that violates the Second Amendment
- Dunan case has already been briefed, it's already been argued before the 9th Circuit En Banc
- Just had that major 100 plus page decision ... by judge McGlynn out of the southern district of Illinois, powerful decision, extensive record major opinion with a lot of findings of fact
- Bottom line ... possibility here is the Supreme Court is saying look we've got these three cases before the Supreme Court ... Duncan case on magazine bans and the AR-15 ban [Miller] case ... magazine ban case out of Illinois in the Barnett case that was just decided ... and now is on appeal on a final judgment to the 7th Circuit
- Supreme Court says look we're going to resolve this magazine issue and this AR-15 issue ... there's no other reason for them to do the rescheduling of these cases unless you're trying to figure out what to do with one or more of these cases collectively
- If you go to conference, you go to conference on a particular case and vote on a particular case.  But if you're rescheduling it, guess what it means? You may be looking at a lot more things
- I think ... it's quite possible that the Supreme Court is looking at not just the Supreme Court cases pending but also these two cases one in the 9th Circuit of Duncan, one in the 7th Circuit of Barnett ... there in the southern district of Illinois and trying to figure out of those maybe what they might consider
- And ... maybe ... wait a little bit longer to get the Barnett case up to us in the US Supreme Court out of the 7th Circuit and get the Duncan case up to us out of 9th Circuit and then we will have five gun ban related cases dealing with magazines and AR-15s and semi-automatic rifles.  We will have a complete record in all respects

- We will have everything we need to know about these on the record and then we can pick one of these or all of these and grant cert together .. and we will have a total record of everything that's ever been said on this issue and maybe that's what's going on here
- I suspect what's really going on here though is they're looking among the three cases they're over already before the Supreme Court and going to pick one or more and resolve this issue
- But I think the fact that they rescheduled this tells me there's internal discussion among the justices themselves about how are they going to address once and for all this semi-automatic AR-15 and magazine ban situation in America
« Last Edit: December 13, 2024, 07:22:24 PM by Live Life »


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2024, 05:15:52 PM »
Here are some other sources.
Great threads. 

Cannot wait for some of these cases to be ruled by the Supreme Court majority. =)

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2024, 06:45:20 PM »
Update to Rhode v Bonta (CA ammunition ban) -

Oral arguments at the 9th Circuit -

Attorney Sean Brady of Michel & Associates discuss oral arguments -
« Last Edit: December 13, 2024, 12:23:49 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2024, 03:18:25 AM »
Update to CA Handgun Roster due to Boland v Bonta (CA handgun roster) and Renna v Bonta (CA Unsafe Handgun Act/Handgun roster) -

Three more added to the roster (93 added since Boland 3/20/23 and Renna 4/3/23 v Bonta preliminary injunctions currently 930 on the handgun roster) 👍 -

[An asterisk (*) next to the model name below indicates that the handgun was added pursuant to the court's order in Boland v. Bonta]

Manufacturer   Model   Caliber   Gun Type      Date Added
Rost Martin   RM1C BLACK OSP*   9MM   Pistol   4"   12/04/2024
FMK Firearms   9C1 G3 (Black)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   12/03/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCP MAX 13748*   380 Auto   Pistol   2.80"   11/26/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 UPC 642230267961*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 UPC 642230267947*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9L UPC 642230267985*   9mm   Pistol   5"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9SK UPC 642230268005*   9mm   Pistol   3.39"   11/20/2024
Sig Sauer   365XL-9-ROSE-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   10/30/2024
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9*   9mm   Pistol   3.2"   10/08/2024
North American Arms   NAA-PUG-D   .22 Mag   Revolver   1"   08/13/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCRx-05439B   .22 WMRF   Revolver   1.87"   07/17/2024
Smith & Wesson   SD9 VE-11907*   9mm   Pistol   4"   07/16/2024
Kimber   RAPIDE (DAWN)(9MM)*   9mm   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   RAPIDE (DAWN)(45ACP)*   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   CUSTOM LW (SHADOW GHOST)(9MM)*   9mm   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   CUSTOM LW (SHADOW GHOST)(45ACP)*   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Smith & Wesson   SW22 VICTORY SKU 108490*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   06/12/2024
Springfield Armory   Hellcat-Stainless HC9319SOSPCA*   9mm   Pistol   3"   06/11/2024
Springfield Armory   Hellcat Pro- Stainless HCP9379SOSPCA*   9mm   Pistol   3.7"   06/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101-05765A   .22 LR   Revolver   4.2"   05/21/2024
Sig Sauer   320XF-9-BXR3P-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   4.7"   05/16/2024
Sig Sauer   320X5-9-LEGION-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   5"   05/16/2024
Sig Sauer   365XCA-9-COMP-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   05/16/2024
Kahr Arms   CW90G93/CW90G93N   9mm   Pistol   3.5"   05/07/2024
Standard Manufacturing Co.   S333 THUNDERSTRUCK GEN III   .22 WMR   Revolver   2.25"   05/07/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite Compact 3.8 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.8"   04/03/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   4.5"   04/03/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite 3.8 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.8"   04/03/2024
Girsan (Imported by European American Armory Corporation)   MC P35*   9mm   Pistol   4.87"   04/02/2024
Walther   P22 CA (Grey Slide) Grey Grip   .22 LR   Pistol   3.42"   03/08/2024
Browning   Buck Mark Medallion Rosewood*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   03/05/2024
Browning   Buck Mark Micro Bull*   .22 LR   Pistol   4"   03/05/2024
Taurus   2-85621ULC31NS   .38 Special   Revolver   2"   02/22/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield (OD) SKU 14016/Stainless Steel;Polymer   9mm   Pistol   3"   02/09/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield (OD) SKU 14015/Stainless Steel;Polymer   9mm   Pistol   3"   02/09/2024
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-SP5WTS)   .357 Mag   Revolver   5"   02/06/2024
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-SP2WCTS)   .357 Mag   Revolver   2.5"   02/06/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9L OR*   9mm   Pistol   5"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 OR*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9SK OR*   9mm   Pistol   3.39"   01/31/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCRX-05437B   .22 WMRF   Revolver   3"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101-05773A   .327 Fed Magnum   Revolver   4.2"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SUPER REDHAWK - 05526   .22 Hornet   Revolver   9.5"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   MARK IV - 40187   22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   01/04/2024
Taurus   2-856P39   .38 Special   Revolver   3"   01/04/2024
Taurus   2-605P39   .357 Mag   Revolver   3"   01/04/2024
Henry Repeating Arm   H017BDM   .38 Spl/.357 Mag   Revolver   4"   01/04/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 M2.0 - 14033*   9mm   Pistol   4.25"   11/16/2023
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 M2.0 Compact - 14032*   9mm   Pistol   4"   11/16/2023
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield Plus - 14031*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   XDM Elite*   9mm   Pistol   4.5"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   Hellcat Pro*   9mm   Pistol   3.7"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   Hellcat*   9mm   Pistol   3"   11/16/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP4RTS)   44 Magnum   Revolver   4.25"   11/16/2023
Kimber   K6XS Carry   .38 Special +P   Revolver   2"   11/16/2023
Sig Sauer   365-9-BXR3P-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   11/02/2023
Henry Repeating Arm   H017GDM   .38Spl/.357Mag   Revolver   4"   09/19/2023
Charter 2000   14423 Bulldog (Grip Rose wood)   .44 Special   Revolver   4"   09/19/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DFDE   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (OD Green)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-OD   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (OD Green)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Dark Grey)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DBB   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (FDE)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DAF   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Burnt Bronze)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Blue Jay)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DRD   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (FDE)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DTAF   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Pink/Raspberry)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-SG   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Burnt Bronze)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Blue Jay)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-FDEC   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Pink/Raspberry)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-BB   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Dark Grey)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Titianium Grey)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-GRC   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Black)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-FDE   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Black)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Titanium Grey)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   Max-9 03518*   9mm   Pistol   3.2"   08/03/2023
Armscor Precision   M1911 A1 FS PSA Standard (AS) (57007)   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   08/01/2023
Sig Sauer   320CA-9-M18-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.9"   07/13/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - GRN/Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - FDE/Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - Cobalt   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - RAL8000   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101, 05784A   327   Revolver   3"   06/29/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCP II 13747*   .22 LR   Pistol   2.75"   06/14/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP8RTS)   .44 Magnum   Revolver   8"   06/13/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP6RTS   .44 Magnum   Revolver   6"   06/13/2023
Smith & Wesson   SKU13331   350 Legend   Revolver   7.5"   05/30/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   MARK IV-40183*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   05/24/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SR22P-03657*   .22 LR   Pistol   3.5"   05/24/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   05/18/2023
« Last Edit: December 18, 2024, 07:47:03 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2024, 08:44:21 PM »
Constitutional attorney Mark Smith's take on Trump's new ATF director and discuss New York Times reports on the future of the ATF under President Trump -

- New York Times ... major story on ... future director potentially of ATF and future of the agency under President Trump ... transition team ... replacing ... current director
- ATF braces for a likely roll back of its gun control efforts
- Trump is almost certain to choose a gun rights advocate as director of ATF or to simply leave the job vacant
- Many federal agencies are bracing for the Trump era but few are likely to face more powerful backlash that awaits the ATF which pursued an aggressive gun control agenda under Biden
- ATF under Biden appointed director ... has been more proactive on gun control than at any time in its recent history
- Trump I think is going to make major changes to the ATF ... whether or not we can get rid of the ATF, that may be a bridge too far but I think that is certainly something to be under consideration
- There's two parts to the ATF ... there's the criminal law enforcement with agents and there's the civil law enforcement with inspectors
- One of the ways the ATF has constantly been getting into trouble ... is the criminal enforcement side of ATF is constantly competing with trying to outdo or at least justify their existence with ... FBI
- ATF criminal side of the agency is constantly trying to demonstrate that they're just as good as the FBI which causes them to,  in my opinion, extend themselves into matters and cases that should not be touched ... they really overextend their jurisdiction ... they try too hard and that's how we get these deals like Waco, Ruby Ridge and Fast and Furious
- ... trying to justify that they're just as good if not better than the FBI ... and that is a big problem ... so one of the fundamental things in my view, is ATF's criminal jurisdiction should be taken away at a minimum and turn the ATF ... into a civil enforcement agency like the EPA. where all they can do is make sure you're complying with ... civil laws
- If they uncover evidence of criminality, ATF is not allowed to act on it.  All they can do is refer that to the FBI and let the FBI make a decision whether or not to act on it as opposed to what happens now
- New York Times is talking about how Trump fully intends to revamp this agency, cut its budget and shrink it and do all sorts of things but the problem is that there is this tension between ... say libertarian oriented Second Amendment supporters ... versus the Law and Order conservatives
- Almost the entire effort of the ATF when it comes to guns is dealing with ... crimes ... there's no evil component to any of these crimes and yet they're out there spending over ... $16 billion as their annual budget
- This is far too high ... at most you should have them ensure a basic compliance with law and nothing beyond that

- New York Times article ... makes the obvious point that Trump is unequivocally going to cut back on the ATF and he's going to cut back on these gun control regulations
- That is going to happen, the only question is how will that occur and how deep will these cuts be
- New York Times reports ... Trump's intent ... to immediately fire director and to quickly reverse many of the Biden administration's most important changes
- New York Times has a list of names ... individuals said to be under consideration for the director of ATF includes Blake Masters, a far-right conservative in Arizona
- Peter Forchelli, a former bureau official who wrote a book on The Fast and Furious scandal
- Larry Kean, the head of the gun manufacturers trade association
- Several current and former top ATF officials including Robert Cekada, Daniel Board and Rick Dressler

- In my view, whoever the director is going to be has to be someone that has nothing to do with the ATF.  We want someone that's going to go in there and redo the entire agency.
- Truth is ... as a general matter, should get rid of the ATF ... it does not need to exist and if it does exist, it should be a shadow of its current self.  It should be nothing more than monitoring the regulatory rules, applying or applicable to the industry
- It should have no criminal law enforcement component whatsoever period

- FBI is there to investigate ... so is local law enforcement ... so what is the purpose of the ATF? Why do we need another criminal law enforcement agency dealing with guns? You don't and if anything, I would argue that by having the ATF have this extra authority, these extra agents out there it makes life more dangerous for American citizens
- Again it's all an attempt to justify their existence and they do dangerous stupid things. When you try to go beyond what you should be doing, you're trying to justify your existence ... so you really need to cut them down to the bone
- And hopefully the ATF is cut down to the bone, if not entirely eliminate ... I don't know if we can eliminate it but I don't see why we can't cut their budget down to $5 a year
- Someone in this new Trump administration should go down to that West Virginia warehouse and they should clean out and destroy and get rid of anything that could conceivably be viewed as a gun list, a gun registry, a gun owner registry ... anything that may violate federal law that prior administrations have been doing behind the backs of the elected officials because ... those lists are not legal ... they should be destroyed
- Number two ... all the documents that have been requested of the ATF for the last several years by the gun rights groups ... turn it over ... all the communications internally about how they're going to screw American gun owners ... turn over the communications with outside anti-gun groups about what they intend to do to the Second Amendment ... turn over all this discussion to coordination in involving litigation with nonprofit groups that don't like the Second Amendment ... whatever it may be that can be turned over now because Trump and his team will control these computers, he will control this data flow, he will control the records and that can be turned over to America, to the public and not hidden

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2024, 05:40:52 PM »
Adding to updates to Bianchi v Frosh now Snope v Brown (MD AW ban), Gray v Jennings (DE AW ban), Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (RI magazine ban) and other 2A cases -

IMPORTANT: SCOTUS RESCHEDULES MAJOR 2A CASES… GOOD NEWS?  The Supreme Court seems to have a plan in how they will address 2A arms ban cases this 2024-2025 term -
0:00 Why SCOTUS Reschedules 2A Cases -
1:30 Cases Background & Details -
2:40 What Was Supposed To Happen... -
3:30 Mexico & VanDerStok Cases -
4:36 Why There Is A Bigger Plan Here... -
8:15 Irreparable Harm Issue -
10:15 Gray v Jennings Case Example -
11:30 Why They Are Doing This -
14:13 Important vs Precedential -
17:00 Thank You! -
« Last Edit: December 18, 2024, 07:49:06 PM by Live Life »


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2024, 01:41:37 AM »
It would be nice if SCOTUS hit the antis with a wrecking ball this time and obliterate most of the ridiculous made-up standards and deliberate mischaracterization of the standards the court set down.

Too bad Mark Smith doesn't have more followers.  He would also be an excellent choice for Solicitor General or the Federal bench.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2024, 11:18:21 AM »
Adding to previous post regarding efforts to abolish/eliminate ATF as an agency -

Constitutional attorney Mark Smith's take on Trump's new ATF director and discuss New York Times reports on the future of the ATF under President Trump -
And excerpts from NYT/Mark Smith's comments:

"- Almost the entire effort of the ATF when it comes to guns is dealing with ... crimes ... there's no evil component to any of these crimes and yet they're out there spending over ... $16 billion as their annual budget ... New York Times article ... makes the obvious point that Trump is unequivocally going to cut back on the ATF and he's going to cut back on these gun control regulations
- That is going to happen, the only question is how will that occur and how deep will these cuts be
- Truth is ... as a general matter, should get rid of the ATF ... it does not need to exist and if it does exist, it should be a shadow of its current self.  It should be nothing more than monitoring the regulatory rules, applying or applicable to the industry
- It should have no criminal law enforcement component whatsoever, period

- FBI is there to investigate ... so is local law enforcement ... so what is the purpose of the ATF? Why do we need another criminal law enforcement agency dealing with guns? You don't and if anything, I would argue that by having the ATF have this extra authority, these extra agents out there it makes life more dangerous for American citizens
- Again it's all an attempt to justify their existence and they do dangerous stupid things. When you try to go beyond what you should be doing, you're trying to justify your existence ... so you really need to cut them down to the bone
- And hopefully the ATF is cut down to the bone, if not entirely eliminate ... I don't know if we can eliminate it but I don't see why we can't cut their budget down to $5 a year"

New posting from NAGR (National Association for Gun Rights) regarding second attempt of "Abolish the ATF Act".  The previous bill didn't have a chance of passing but now with Trump as POTUS and Elon/Vivek heading DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) to make government cut recommendations with Republican majority of House/Senate, perhaps there will be success this time?  ;)

U.S. Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO-7) announced to social media he will propose a measure to eliminate the government agency -

- The Abolish the ATF Act was previously filed in the 118th Congress ... aim to completely dismantle the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
- Now, Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison will be taking the bill over ... “In January, I will be filing the bill that Matt Gaetz sponsored to abolish the ATF"
- Burlison previously co-sponsored Gaetz’s bill, which sought to eliminate the federal agency over concerns that its rulemaking related to firearms amounts to big government overreach ... [and that] states should be responsible for enforcing gun laws and not the ATF
- The ATF has been under much public scrutiny in recent years for rulemaking without a bill or law being passed by Congress [As ruled against ATF by Supreme Court in Cargill case and losing court challenges with pistol brace, 80% receiver, forced reset trigger cases]

"Can we accomplish this? ... If we can't abolish the ATF, then we can defund it ... If we can't defund it ... We can repeal ... any ... all ... rules"

Full report at Fox News -
« Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 11:37:10 AM by Live Life »


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2024, 01:10:58 PM »
The ATF certainly has a horrible track record and it's leadership has mostly been people who despise the Second Amendment. The root of the evil, however, is the laws and regulations they enforce.

Ideally, the NFA would be repealed. If it remains in place, I don't know that having a different agency (like the FBI) take over its enforcement would be any better.

Short term, cutting them off at the knees and putting a stop to their regulatory overreach might be better, with a long term goal of repealing all the unconstitutional laws and thereby making the ATF unnecessary.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2024, 01:58:12 PM »
Short term, cutting them off at the knees and putting a stop to their regulatory overreach might be better, with a long term goal of repealing all the unconstitutional laws and thereby making the ATF unnecessary.
With trifecta of WH/House/Senate under control of one party and Elon/Vivek DOGE with apparent support of "We the People", now may be better time than ever to undertake the push back process of reaffirming the Second Amendment.

Otherwise, how and when else could we do it, if ever?

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2024, 05:08:00 PM »
Update to Gray v Jennings (DE AW ban) -

BREAKING SCOTUS NEWS: MAJOR ANTI-2A BRIEF FILED IN 2A CASE... Delaware has filed their opposition to the cert petition in Gray v. Jennings -
0:00 Breaking 2A News! -
1:25 Case Background & Details -
3:15 SCOTUS Denies Extension & Brief Quote -
5:02 You Don't Need Experts -
7:50 Burden is on Government -
9:40 SCOTUS Standard in Bruen -
13:00 This Makes No Sense... -
15:45 This Works Automatically -
18:50 Thank You! -
« Last Edit: December 18, 2024, 07:43:28 PM by Live Life »


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2024, 07:06:36 PM »
With trifecta of WH/House/Senate under control of one party and Elon/Vivek DOGE with apparent support of "We the People", now may be better time than ever to undertake the push back process of reaffirming the Second Amendment.

Otherwise, how and when else could we do it, if ever?

I'm hopeful we will do away with many restrictions, but with such a thin majority, it may be difficult to keep all the squishy Republicans on board with everything on the wish list.  Plus, Republicans have a history of squandering a trifecta. One can hope, though.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2024, 07:29:49 PM »
Republicans have a history of squandering a trifecta.
That's because many were RINOs ...  :rofl:

I'm hopeful we will do away with many restrictions, but with such a thin majority, it may be difficult to keep all the squishy Republicans on board with everything on the wish list ... One can hope, though.
Let's hope and godspeed.

Long live the Republic. 👍

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2024, 11:47:20 PM »
squishy Republicans on board with everything on the wish list.  Plus, Republicans have a history of squandering a trifecta. One can hope, though.
IMHO, both Republican and Democrat parties are no longer representing "We the People" and we no longer have government by the "People" rather special interests/large donors.  As often, even new law makers, once they arrive at Washington DC, they are groomed to follow the "agenda" to get re-elected and not necessarily in line with voters who voted them into office.

And I believe 2016 and especially 2024 election results are very telling that MAGA is not about political parties and their agendas, rather more fundamental sentiment and will of the "People".

I think some/many politicians say whatever that will get them into office and party affiliation really doesn't matter.  As we saw in 2016-2020, as in previous decades, many Republicans who were RINOs to interfere with fulfilling the will of the voters.

"We the People" spoke in 2016 and again in 2024 very loudly and let's see what will happen in 2024-2028.  And those who interfere with will of the voters, who overwhelmingly voted their executive representative to the White House, will likely vote them out of office in subsequent elections if they don't support the will of the "People" in MAGA.

And unlike in 2016, looks like Trump's cabinet is filled with people who are less likely to interfere/work against Trump and I am very hopeful of what Elon/Vivek will start and finish by the 250th anniversary of Declaration of Independence in 2026 deadline Trump set for them -

"They will work together to liberate our Economy and make the U.S. Government accountable to 'WE THE PEOPLE.' Their work will conclude no later than July 4, 2026—a smaller Government, with more efficiency and less bureaucracy, will be the perfect gift to America on the 250th Anniversary of The Declaration of Independence. I am confident they will succeed!"

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2024, 12:07:35 AM »
Update to NAGR v Garland (ATF Forced Reset Trigger ban) -

After judge O'Connor granted NAGR and Rare Breed and other plaintiffs summary judgment and denied ATF's request for a stay, ruling was appealed to the 5th Circuit and oral arguments were heard -

FPC attorney Anthony Miranda discuss the case and arguments made at the 5th Circuit -

- Update in the forced reset trigger lawsuit ... just heard by the 5th Circuit
- District court judge Reed O'Connor granted NAGR and Rare Breed summary judgment ... against ATF ... vacature of the forced reset trigger rule with final decision ... ATF actions were unlawful and were in excess of ... ATF ... authority
- Case ... appealed to the 5th Circuit and oral arguments were just heard in front of ... 3 judge panel
- During the arguments, ATF was ... more concerned about the mechanical function and how they operate whereas bump stocks were more about shooter input
- Judges ... I don't believe actually were persuaded by that.  In fact, at one point one of the judges stated that when they sat on En Banc panel review in Cargill, he was actually in the dissenting part of that which believed that bump stocks could be regulated as machine guns and he stated expressly that he got that wrong based on what the Supreme Court said in Cargill.  His prior determination was incorrect and there was a lot of emphasis by the Supreme Court on the actual trigger input and the mechanics of a trigger
- ATF here is saying that you should ignore all of that and he is saying, well he ignored it prior when he ruled against Mr. Cargill on the En Banc panel review and so if he did that again, he would be making the same mistake and he doesn't want to make the same mistake
- Where I think maybe the ATF could get a slight win, the ATF's main position was that judge O'Connor issued two broad of relief when he vacated the forced reset trigger entirely.  So under the APA's rules, a vacature in my opinion would be the appropriate type of relief but ATF is saying that relief was too broad.  They want the 5th Circuit to limit the scope of relief to just the individuals named as plaintiffs in this lawsuit
- In response, pro 2A side said that requiring all individuals to be named in this lawsuit would just simply be absurd and they argued that default remedy when it comes to APA lawsuit would be vacature, vacature of the entire Rule
- Last section was very interesting because one of the judges asked, after Cargill did Congress at all try to modify some of the statutory text to include bump stocks or even go after forced reset trigger and both sides said no, there has been no action by Congress
- Some very interesting arguments ... I think the Cargill decision is going to be clearly persuasive
« Last Edit: December 17, 2024, 04:10:11 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2024, 07:54:13 PM »
Adding to Gray v Jennings (DE AW ban) update -

MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENT IN SCOTUS ASSAULT WEAPONS LITIGATION... The 2A Attorneys in Gray v. Jennings Delaware "assault weapon" ban litigation have filed a submission to SCOTUS as the three AR-15/Magazine ban cases continue their move through the Court's consideration process -
0:00 Breaking 2A News! -
1:21 Connecting The Dots... -
4:10 Lawyers Respond To SCOTUS -
5:20 The Three Important Dates & What We Want Here -
9:01 What is Being Fully Briefed? -
11:05 What Happens When They Want To Grant Cert... -
14:35 How This Works... -
17:00 What We Want To See... -
17:45 Thank You! -
« Last Edit: December 18, 2024, 07:44:27 PM by Live Life »


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2024, 12:38:08 AM »
Things are looking good.  =)

On another note, 16 states have joined the suit against Glock to hold them responsible for crimes committed with illegal switches attached to their guns.  Maybe a good thing if they are all disposed of together rather than 16 separate costly (to Glock) litigations.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2024, 08:40:45 AM »
Update to Arnold v Kotek (OR magazine ban/permit to purchase) -

(NOTE: This is a state case under Oregon state constitution)

FPC attorney Anthony Miranda discuss update to case and offer his opinions/comments on the case -

- Update in a major case against a statewide ban on ... purchase/possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and ... permit to purchase ... firearms
- Oregon Measure 114 ... was recently ruled unconstitutional and struck down in its entirety ... issued permanent injunction
- State of Oregon is currently attempting to remove that permanent injunction through the appeals process
- Case was just heard in ... Oregon court of appeals ... asked to remove and reverse that permanent injunction
- Since this is a State challenge under the Oregon state constitution, there is a different standard ...
different type of analysis ... Oregon has to apply a two-phase test [Federal cases under Bruen ruling now use "Text, history and tradition" test with burden shifting to the state/government and eliminated two-step interest balancing approach of greater good of society/community over individual rights like mass shooting]
- Under phase one, there is a determination of whether or not Article 1 Section 27 of the Oregon constitution actually applies
- State of Oregon argues Article 1 Section 27 does not apply at all because ... magazines are not arms
- Plaintiffs argue [magazines] are protected arms
- Under phase two ... looking at public's interest and balancing the claimed purpose with potential of undue burden ... impacts that this would have on the constitutional right to purchase and possess firearms
- This analysis battle was at the forefront of the arguments
- [Three] judges that heard this case ... are democrat appointed judges so take that for what it is
- During hearing ... arguments were focused ... on ... whether or not these magazine restrictions and the permit process ... is actually a violation of the Oregon constitution
- State ... argued ... this is a facial challenge and plaintiffs have not shown that this would not be lawful in any application ... state ... is saying that in some way this measure is constitutional in at least some application and therefore it should not have been struck down entirely
- State also argue for the reasonableness standard ... essentially ... does this measure reasonably prevent the public harm ... does the law reasonably relate to the public safety and is the right unduly frustrated by this measure
- State ... also believe that this does not unduly burden the right to keep and bear arms
- State ... also point out that there were fact findings by the lower court but they argue that appeals court does not have to defer to any of those fact findings ... look at any of those records ... follow the evidence ... and do a ... fresh review of this case and ultimately come to whatever conclusion that they want
- State ... also argue that ... magazines are not protected arms ... even if these were protected arms,
 the measure is still reasonable ... restriction under the Oregon precedent
- One of the judges asked, "Well, aren't these just components of a weapon?" and state ... says yes, they believe that these are just components and ... not necessary for the function of a weapon ... there are smaller limited capacity magazines that could be used in the alternative to have the weapon be functional and therefore ... these magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are not necessary for the function of a weapon
- Plaintiff ... argument ... lower court findings of fact are relevant and should actually be accepted by the court of appeals because it's relevant for the constitutionality of these restriction ... lower court developed a robust record ... a lot of evidence ... data and ... testimony about the public interest whether or not it would actually be served by measue
- They also had a ton of police officers and police organizations that said no these restrictions on magazines would not actually serve public's interest
- Plaintiffs didn't argue ... two-phase or the five-step test should apply here on review at the first phase, the court should determine does this law apply to self-defense and are these protected arms... - Of course ... these are protected arms and that would mean that you would then move to the second step of the phase which really looks at a three-part analysis
- Under that test, the legislator may specifically regulate a manner of possession and also the use of protected weapons to promote public safety as long as that exercise of that authority does not unduly frustrate the right to bear arms elsewhere and here is where the lower court ... found Measure 114 does unduly burden the right to keep and bear arms because it's a outright restriction on magazine capacity and then also creates a significant barrier for the exercise of the purchase and possession of firearms
- There's also ... question about ... timeline to get ... permits and the potential for indefinite holds on your ability to get the permit
- There's also an issue with Measure 114 because it's so over broad and over burdensome where it's targeting every single resident in the state of Oregon ... it's not just focused on claimed dangerous people or you know felons in possession ... it's applying broadly to everyone
- The main goal of this measure is to require all people within the state of Oregon to go through the training, to go through the permit process to be able to purchase and possess these types of items and
- It's just a blanket ban on the purchase and possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds - Big hearing ... my general sense is that this court of appeals may want to reverse the lower court decision, remove that permanent injunction
- My bet is that they're going to try to take the easy way out ... try to find that this is a facial challenge, that as a facial challenge of this measure, it's constitutional and at least some of its applications, which I don't think it is but maybe, they're going to say that in some ways this is constitutional and its applications and therefore the lower court striking down the entire measure based on the facial analysis was incorrect and then they would want to send it back down to the lower court
- Regardless of what happens, I think ... this is going to get appealed up to the Oregon state supreme court
- What's interesting about that is the Oregon state supreme court multiple times already has not wanted to get involved in this specific issue.  The state of Oregon prior when there was TRO in preliminary injunctions ... Oregon state supreme court deferred they did not want to get involved and they denied emergency relief so it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out
- Now we're going to be waiting to see how the court of appeals rules
« Last Edit: December 18, 2024, 04:41:30 PM by Live Life »