Great news!

Snopes and Ocean State Tactical cases added to scheduled Gray case for conferencing for the 10th.
Update of
Gray v Jennings (DE AW/magazine ban),
Snope v Brown (MD AW ban) and
Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (RI magazine ban) -
Wehr-Darroca v D.C. (DC magazine ban) to tracking of cases - to (State case)
Arnold v Kotek (OR magazine ban/permit to purchase)[/b] - NEWS: IT'S FINALLY ALL COMING TOGETHER... The Supreme Court has agreed to conference the Snope and Ocean State Tactical cases on January 10 - Major breaking news ... US Supreme Court ... just announced ... they are going to conference Snope versus Brown case and Ocean State Tactical case all in addition to the Gray versus Jennings case ... This is a big step forward for the Second Amendment
- US Supreme Court has done exactly what we want them to do so far which is to schedule a conference in the three most important Second Amendment cases in America today
- Snope versus Brown case dealing with Maryland's semi-automatic AR-15 rifle ban ... Ocean State Tactical versus Rhode Island dealing with ... large capacity magazine ban ... and Gray versus Jennings the case out of Delaware through the US court of appeals for the 3rd Circuit dealing with preliminary injunction standards
- This is a big deal ... last week ... US Supreme Court ... distributed for conference ... the legal briefs and the materials submitted by the parties ... in Gray versus Jennings case ... on an expedited basis
- Pro-2A lawyers waved their full time to submit papers and by extension the US Supreme Court agreed to conference which means to sit around the table ... all nine justices ... and they vote as to whether or not to hear ... the case on the merits and decide it on the merits
- We want these three cases or at least one of these three cases to be granted Cert on the merits in particular, we probably want the Snope case so we once and for all, knockout semi-automatic rifle bans, AR-15 bans, AK-47 bans ...
- Bottom line is that the Gray versus Jennings case was set for conference on January 10th ... but now also discuss Snope versus Brown AR-15 ban case as well as the Ocean State Tactical versus Rhode Island magazine ban case
- We need ... four Supreme Court justices to vote to hear this case on the merits
- We want these cases to be relisted ... not rescheduled but relisted
- When a case is relisted, it means they're taking the case and shoving it to the next conference to be reheard
- Step One mission accomplished ... Now Step Two is we want the Supreme Court ... on January 10th to agree tentatively to hear one or more of these cases ... They will then publicly relist these cases, which means they will be reconsidered
- The cases will be reconsidered on the next conference on January 17th ... During this time period between January 10th and January 17th, if one of these cases is internally granted Cert, before you and I find out about it and the public finds out about it
- What that means is Chief Justice John Roberts is turned to the justices as he always does in this context and says ... Look we're tentatively agreeing to hear this case but I want you and your law clerks to double check every procedural issue in the case ... Do the plaintiff still have standing? ... Is there any mootness problem? ... Is there a case or controversy problem? ... Is there some jurisdictional problem? Is there a subject matter jurisdiction problem?
- Basically ... Chief Justice John Roberts ... wants to make sure, if they're going to grant Cert in a case, that all the procedural problems or potential problems that could pop up are resolved because he doesn't want to grant Cert in a case and then have to do all this work on it and find out there's a procedural promblem that prevents the Supreme Court from issuing a decision on the merits
- That's a big waste of time so if they agree on January 10th to hear the case internally we will see a relist ... which means they will be sent back to a conference on January 17th and potentially it could ... be relisted to January 24th which is the final conference for the Supreme Court in the month of January
- Bottom line is this is great news ... we still don't know what the Court's going to do but at least the ducks are lining up the way we want them