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National carry reciprocity updates - attorney Anthony Miranda break down a critical concealed carry reciprocity bill introduced by Congress - A national concealed carry reciprocity bill was just introduced into Congress and this is aiming to fulfill the promises of the Trump administration about concealed carry reciprocity and also it is trying to use the Supreme Court's recent Bruen decision to make concealed carry lawful nationwide
- HR 38 ... The National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act ... comes off the heels of recent promises made by President Trump during his election and he said he would sign into law national concealed carry reciprocity if it passed the House and Senate
- Now Congress has introduced this bill which aims to fulfill that promise
- Supreme Court also has recently addressed this issue of concealed carry and has now established that shall issue is the minimum standard when it comes to the US and concealed carry
- But ... some states like California, New York, New Jersey and others have tried to move towards restricting concealed carry, not just for their residents, but also for anyone out of state who want to come into those states and conceal carry lawfully
- There are different types of permitting schemes and concealed carry
May issue ... lowest standard ... used for a long time from states like CA, NY and NJ ... to essentially not allow everyone to conceal carry. With "May issue" schemes, a lot of discretion was given to law enforcement agencies by the state legislators, essentially on when and how those individuals would get a permit to conceal carry ... state could establish requirements like background checks, training, fees, etc.
- Law enforcement agencies ... [used] a ton of discretion to determine who could actually get the permit, who met a standard like a good moral character or who had a good cause to conceal carry, and that often was used to deny permits
- This is the type of scheme that was addressed by the court in Bruen ... that was struck down by the Supreme Court
Shall issue ... if you meet some of the objective requirements then you are required to be given a permit by the state
Constitutional carry ... some states that don't actually require a permit or at least one is not mandatory
- In constitutional carry states, the state legislators often establish that as long as someone is not a prohibited person, they can conceal carry a firearm without a permit (there may still be some restrictions under state laws ... like ... state buildings)
- Some of these states often times still have a permit that is available ... for reciprocity
- Some states even recognize other states' Constitutional Carry Permits or non-permits but some states offer a permit so that if they go to a state that requires permits, that resident you know of Texas or whoever could still concealed carry in a different state
- Some states like California that refuse to recognize other state Concealed Carry Permits and they also fail to recognize a person who maybe from a state like Texas who is operating under constitutional carry of their state
- This bill ... seeks to fix that very problem- Bill is titled "The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act" and it was introduced by representative Hudson and is actually supported by 120 other members of Congress and ... is bipartisan
- In his press release, he stated that our Second Amendment right does not disappear when we cross invisible state lines and this common sense legislation guarantees that fact the Constitutional concealed carry reciprocity act will protect law-abiding citizens' rights to conceal carry and travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state codes or erroneous civil suits
- So even though they're not a resident of a state, it seeks to recognize all other state permits and any state that has constitutional carry
- So what does the text of this bill actually say and what does it do?
- The bill states ... notwithstanding any provision of law of any state or political subdivision thereof and subject only to the requirements of this section, a person who is not prohibited by federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping or receiving a firearm, who is carrying a valid identification document containing a photograph of the person, and who is carrying a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a state, and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the state in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce in any state that one has a statute under which residents of that state may apply for a license or permit to carry a concealed firearm and who does not prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons by residents of that state for lawful purposes
- So what does this mean?
- Well, only thing that will be required for you to conceal carry in a different state would be for you to have a
valid state ID from your state of residency and that's really all that would be required
- If you live in a constitutional carry state, the other option is for you to simply have a
valid concealed carry permit from your home state- If you have either of those, then
under this bill you could travel to any state lawfully and still conceal carry. That would include even liberal states like New York- In California, now this bill goes on to state that also a person who carries or possesses a concealed handgun in accordance with subsections A and B may not be arrested or otherwise detained for violation of any law or any rule or regulation of a state or any political subdivision thereof related to the possession, transportation or carry of firearms unless there is probable cause to believe that the person is doing so in a manner not provided by this section presentation of facially valid documents as specified in subsection A is prime evidence that the individual has a license or permit as required by this section
- So under this bill, if you are, maybe pulled over by law enforcement in a different state or maybe come into contact with police and they find out that you are conceal carrying, well they cannot arrest you as long as you show them a valid ID
- If you're from a constitutional carry state or if you show them your out of state, you know permit to conceal carry, you pretty much have to be let go ... they can't do anything about that ... That's what this bill aims to do- It seeks to have a different state recognize your permit or to recognize your state's constitutional carry
- Another very important thing that this bill does and it includes ... the term handgun includes any magazine for use in a handgun and any ammunition loaded into that handgun or that magazine ... So if your state laws say that you can possess or maybe have a concealed carry of standard magazines or any magazines that are 11 plus rounds ... state that you are visiting cannot restrict that as well- This bill is very important especially post ... Bruen and can actually help to fulfill Trump's
promises for concealed carry reciprocity he made promises during the election that he would like to sign into law concealed carry reciprocity if it passed Congress and now this bill is being pushed to fulfill that promise
- With Republicans controlling the house and the Senate, having control of Congress and Trump as the president; there's definitely a chance that this could get a large push
- Of course, there's always the filibuster that could stall the efforts here but we are in a better position right now to try to get conceal carry reciprocity pushed through, especially with President Trump making one of those big promises ... This was his big promise to the 2A community
- There are definitely members of Congress who are interested in getting this pushed and getting this on Trump's desk so he can sign it into law