Live Life, is there a reason we don't have you on payroll? You certainly are earning it with all this work!
No need for payroll.

Reason why I migrated this thread from THR (Along with lowest price 22LR shipped thread) was due to request by many like you. I am just sharing information I pursue anyways and consider it "paying it forward/give back" to a country and people that have been quite kind/generous to this first generation immigrant (I was a young 12 year old boy who couldn't even speak English when I arrived in Los Angeles back in 1978) and why I chose to serve in the Army as medic as well.
Over the decades, I have pursued hundreds of recipes cooking for my American wife of 30 years and if anyone is interested in them, I would readily share them like the cinnamon rolls I make for her - anyone is interested in my 9mm reference load comparable to Winchester white box, I would readily share 115 gr FMJ with 4.8 gr of W231/HP-38 seated to 1.130"-1.135" and would point out that 4.5 gr would start to reliably cycle the slides of Glocks, especially with new recoil spring assemblies, and 4.6 gr would start to produce accuracy trend with 4.7/4.8 gr producing slightly smaller groups.
It is another reason why this Dillon/C-H fanboy chose to work with Lee Precision as beta/product tester to identify all pre/early production model issues of their flagship press (Six Pack Pro/Pro 6000 kit) to full resolution for reliable/self-cleaning operation because Lee Precision is one of last few reloading equipment manufacturer (Like C-H) who chose to manufacture ALL products in the USA with USA workers and I wanted to support them - me, this free/ready sharing of product development/support information is like "Open Source" concept of information sharing to benefit all of humankind. After building over 1000 computer systems, point-of-sale and servers, I am happy supporter of Linux Mint operating system (Along with FreeBSD which runs the internet and most electronic devices/appliances and personal devices worldwide due to free use OS) - for sharing lowest 22LR cost shipped and 50 yard group testing of 30+ brands/weights/lots now going on 45,000+ rounds while capturing all groups with reference ammunition at start/during/end of range session for big enough sample size - as lifelong technical swing trader, I would readily share the template I developed and used to make buy/hold/sell points for swing trading and what I use to actively manage my 401K account - (Adjust MA settings to 5/30);topic=67337.0;attach=4808;image