Author Topic: Second Amendment/ATF related cases  (Read 14519 times)

Live Life

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #200 on: January 29, 2025, 10:36:14 AM »
Adding to Carry ban cases -

Regarding CRPA v. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. (CA non-resident carry permit) ruling -

BTW, Konstadinos Moros is an attorney with Michel & Associates representing California Rifle and Pistol Association -

Kostas Moros -
There's been some frequently asked questions I've seen a lot of since our order on nonresident CCW permits was issued in CRPA v. LASD. As the order does not take effect for 90 days from when it was signed, it gives us time to clear things up. Most of these questions can be cleared up by reading the order itself, but some may be unclear. Here's a few of the common ones I've seen-

Does my handgun need to be on the California Handgun Roster?

No. The roster does not apply to possession, only what can be sold new in gun stores. (That's why Californians have been able to buy off-roster guns secondhand, usually at a high markup, from exempt cops, or people who moved here with those guns from another state).

However, the gun must otherwise not violate California laws. The main thing to remember is to have a magazine of no more than ten rounds, and no threaded barrels.

Won't I be prohibited from bringing ammo across state lines?

No. The anti-importation provision of Penal Code section 30314 only applies to California residents. You can bring in ammo so long as that ammo is otherwise legal to possess in California. So no armor piercing handgun ammo, though that may be illegal everywhere else too, I don't recall.

Which police department or sheriff's department should I apply with?

You must have a good faith intention of visiting that county or city within the next year. Besides that, it's your choice. I'd recommend researching which counties/cities issue permits relatively quickly, without added-on nonsense expenses like psychological examinations. But note that depending on how many people apply for this, even friendly counties may be busier for a little while and take longer than normal.

And be grateful! By getting some choice in where to apply, you have a huge advantage over Californians who must apply with their Sheriff or chief of police, no matter how hostile they are to the Second Amendment.

Do I have to have already been a member of one of the plaintiff associations to be able to apply?

No, the order is not so limited. You can join CRPA, SAF, GOA, or GOC now or in the future, as long as you have done so by the time you apply for the CCW permit. It's not clear yet what measures, if any, local departments will take to verify membership.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 12:02:12 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #201 on: January 30, 2025, 10:56:42 AM »
Adding to AW/Magazine ban updates -

Adam Kraut ... Second Amendment Foundation ... Snope is one of our 55 active cases ... challenges Maryland's assault weapons

It was relisted ... A lot of people have questions about what that means ... a lot of conjecture going out there ... people telling ... that they know what's going to happen

So where are we today? ... Well, we're waiting to see what Supreme Court will do

The U.S. Supreme Court is deliberating over the AR 15 ban case and the magazine ban case and Mark Smith discusses what this means -
0:00 Snope Denied... What Now? -
1:05 The Reality of the Situation -
3:45 What I Think Could Happen Here... -
5:10 Caetano Example & Why That Won't Happen Here... -
7:50 Odds of Cert Grant This Term -
9:30 Other Possibilities -
13:04 This Isn't Unusual... -

- US Supreme Court is still sitting on two extremely important Second Amendment cases ... Snope versus Brown dealing with Maryland's "assault weapon" ban and ... Ocean State Tactical versus Rhode Island dealing with ... magazine capacity ban
- I want to tell you ... where I think we stand ... with ... these two important cases
- I told you ... that ... trifecta for ... Second Amendment ... would be ... Trump winning ... House ... Republicans controlling ... Senate so that we can get our judges through and ... Supreme Court would take the Snope versus Brown
- I don't see how we lose that case if the Supreme Court takes it ... just a simple application of Heller ... the "in common use" test ... burden is on the government to show that these weapons are not in common use ... there's simply no way for them to do that because they're ubiquitous
- Nevertheless here we sit ... at the end of January and the US Supreme Court has not granted cert on either of these cases
- Question is what's going on with the US Supreme Court and these cases?
- Why have they not granted cert?
- Well, here is what may be going on ...
- Obviously, I have no inside information ... exactly what's going on inside the US Supreme Court ... so breakdown of what I think could happen
- Based on history and my experience ... to begin with, many people on X ... said can we get a per curiam opinion in Snope or Ocean State Tactical?
- Caetano example and why that won't happen here ...
- In 2016, you may recall Caetano case sought cert ... the Court had a chance to analyze that case and during the period of time Court was doing an internal analysis of the case, justice Scalia died
- Then the Caetano case came ... opinion was released ... said again that it was wrong for ... Supreme Court to conclude that stun guns were not arms under the text of the Second Amendment ... because modern arms are as protected as modern instruments of communication for the First Amendment and it was a very good opinion per curiam which meant no justice technically wrote it
- But there's a very powerful concurrence and here's where the history gets interesting
- Extremely powerful concurrence that writes basically everything we wanted to say in that Caetano case ... The concurrence by justice Alito signed off by justice Thomas
- Now the hubbub on the street is that the majority opinion in the Caetano case was going to be that concurrence by justice Alito but when justice Scalia died, a 5-4 win for the Second Amendment with that powerful concurrence on "in common use" and modern arms being protected, that powerful concurrence was going to be the majority opinion
- But when Scalia died, it no longer was a 5-4 court ... it became 4-4 and thus the Court decide to issue that relatively narrow ... per curium decision in Caetano
- So I do not think we're going to see such a scenario occur with Snope or Ocean State Tactical because that was really odd circumstance where likely the Second Amendment was going to prevail in a huge way 5-4 but because of Scalia's death in the middle of the deliberations of the case, it became a 4-4 tie and a narrow per curium decision was issued
- Kind of as a compromise among all the justices to get it out the door

- So I think that's unlikely to occur in either Snope or Ocean State Tactical
- I think the Supreme Court will view these cases as particularly important and I don't want to say groundbreaking because that's not really accurate but they will view these as particularly big cases to decide
- So I think it's less than 1% chance we could see a per curium opinion like we saw in Caetano
- Now with that said, I think the odds of cert grant this term, possibility of a cert grant this term has become exceedingly unlikely. I would put it at maybe 3%
- They may still be negotiating and they may have some sort of breakthrough internally because what's likely happening is the Court is assuming there's a possibility ... that's being granted cert this term
- What's likely happening is they're discussing if they grant cert, which side should likely prevail and what would be the rationale because remember, when you're dealing with the US Supreme Court, there's really two questions and they're equally important
- The first question is, "Which side is going to win? Are you going to uphold the lower court ruling? Are you going to reverse it? What's going to happen?"  So that's the first issue
- And the second equally important issue is, "What will be the rationale? What is the basis for the decision? What will the draft opinion likely say? Because remember there's a lot of different ways you can rule in favor of a person.  There could be five or six different ways
- And then ... some justices may want it to be in one particular way to set a precedent versus a different way so again, there could be ongoing negotiating
- So I would say again, less than 1% chance we get a per curium opinion like we saw in Caetano
- A 3% chance ... Court grant cert this term

- Because we're really running very low on days where they would have the time to have a cert grant and the lawyers get all their briefs in on time, allow for oral argument and the writing of the opinion by the end of June
- It's starting to get very tight so I would still say there's a very small chance of a grant cert this term but very small 2 to 3%
- With that said, I think there's other possibilities, a 6% or so chance that there could just be a denial of cert outright with no opinion, no dissent, no statement ... Just an outright denial of cert ... that's a possibility.  I would place that pretty low at around 5 to 6%
- I think there is a pretty good chance ... 70% chance ... we see a denial of cert ... along with a dissent from one or more justices
that say we really think the Court should take this case ... we think it's wrong to deny cert because this is a pressing public policy issue that lower courts are violating the Second Amendment rights and we're going to only encourage more of it
- There's also a very real possibility ... that the Supreme Court decide to push Snope and/or Ocean State Tactical into next term meaning they think they want a grant cert ... but they don't want to do it just yet because they want the lawyers to have an extra long period of time to work on these cases - - Because they may view these as really big deals and they may say why don't we just relist these cases for a couple another month or two and then grant cert at the end of this term and basically give the lawyers the entire summer to work on the briefs
- I would place that at around maybe 15% or so that we're going to see this shoved into next term
- And the last possibility which I place around 5% is just an ongoing repeated series of relists

- Every time a case goes before the US Supreme Court and it's conferenced which means that justices all sit in a room, all nine of them by themselves and they decide whether or not to hear a case
- If four justices vote to hear a case, that means cert will be granted.  If they don't have four votes, it means cert will be denied
- But there's also the possibility of relisting a case and what that means is that a case will neither be granted cert nor denied cert ... What the relist simply means is that particular case will be relisted at the next Court's conference
- Right now the best we can hope for ... is they're going to grant cert in the next couple months for the 2025-2026 term which means we'll get a decision in June of 2026 on one of these cases or both of these cases
- I know that's not optimal from our point of view but it certainly would be a lot better to push this case in next term and have a cert granted ... than for it to be denied

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #202 on: January 30, 2025, 12:24:24 PM »
Regarding AW/Magazine ban updates -

Supreme Court posted the order list on Monday ... there's been two more "Miscellaneous Orders" posted on 1/27 and 1/28 ...

So to me, Supreme Court justices and their law clerks could be going through the cases that have not been denied, including Snope and Ocean State Tactical?

Supreme Court posted another "Miscellaneous Order" this morning but not regarding Snope/Ocean State Tactical -
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 04:45:46 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #203 on: January 30, 2025, 12:47:24 PM »
Update to Forced Reset Trigger -

Previous denial of request.

Quote from: 5th Circuit
"IT IS ORDERED that the opposed motion of the states to intervene as Defendents-Appellants is DENIED.  Movants may seek participation as amici"

5th Circuit denied request for reconsideration of previous denial.

National Association for Gun Rights -
The Fifth Circuit has smacked down the 16 anti-gun states attempting to meddle in our FRT case AGAIN.

Motion for reconsideration DENIED.
"IT IS ORDERED that the opposed motion of the states for reconsideration of the denial of motion to intervene as Defendents-Appellants is DENIED.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the alternative opposed motion of the states for leave to file amicus brief is GRANTED."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 03:05:11 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #204 on: January 30, 2025, 02:25:09 PM »
Update to Reese v ATF (18-20 handgun purchase ban) -

Second Amendment Foundation -
A unanimous panel of the Fifth Ciruit Court of Appeals has held that the federal prohibition on the ability of adults under age 21 to purchase a handgun from a FFL is inconsistent with the Second Amendment. The court has remanded the case back to the District Court for judgment, consistent with their findings. You can read more about he case, Reese v. ATF, at http://SAF.Org.

Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Age-Based Handgun Ban -
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the federal government’s handgun ban for adults aged 18 to 20 years old is unconstitutional. The opinion in Reese v. ATF can be viewed at

“Ultimately, the text of the Second Amendment includes eighteen-to-twenty-year-old individuals among ‘the people’ whose right to keep and bear arms is protected. The federal government has presented scant evidence that eighteen-to-twenty-year-olds’ firearm rights during the founding-era were restricted in a similar manner to the contemporary federal handgun purchase ban [...] In sum, 18 U.S.C. §§ 992(b)(1), (c)(1) and their attendant regulations are unconstitutional in light of our Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation,” the Court said in its opinion.

“Today’s ruling is yet another critical FPC win against an immoral and unconstitutional age-based gun ban. We look forward to restoring the Second Amendment rights of all peaceable adults throughout the United States,” said FPC President Brandon Combs.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 09:47:06 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #205 on: January 31, 2025, 03:50:39 PM »
Adding to Ammunition Restriction and Importation of arms/ammo update -

Adding to Rhode v Bonta (CA ammunition ban) update where oral arguments were heard at the 9th Circuit -

CRPA TV: 6x Olympic Winner and Plaintiff Kim Rhode [Who is running for NRA board] Talks about Rhode v. Bonta -
00:00 - Intro -
01:08 - Who is Kim Rhode -
03:54 - The start of Rhode v. Bonta 2016 -
11:16 - Final thoughts and going forward -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #206 on: February 03, 2025, 11:47:20 AM »
Adding to Pro-2A organizations efforts and accomplishments -

2A Updates With Gun Owners Of America - Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America gives updates on some of their lawsuits and legislation -

- In terms of cases ... we're involved in over four dozen cases right now
- categorize them in three different categories: Abolishing gun-free zones, Advancing open and concealed carry and Reigning in the ATF
- Huge breaking news is ... our Antonyuk case to the Supreme Court.  We filed a petition for cert
- We're involved ... in ... overturn sensitive places, so-called gun-free zones ... New York is the premier effort
- Bruen case ... said that people have a right to carry outside their home ... New York ... gave the Court the middle finger ... they banned most places that you can conceal carry
- We sued New York in Federal District Court, we secured a preliminary injunction striking down most of the gunfree zones ... Of course, New York appealed it, bounced up and down in the courts ... we appealed last year to the Supreme Court, they GVR our case, they sent it back down telling the 2nd Circuit ... to reconsider ... using ... recent Rahimi decision
- Rahimi totally undermines the good moral character test ... basically says you can't limit gun ownership to people that the government wants to define as responsible ... things like traffic record or other non-criminal acts
- Appeal court was told ... to fix their errors, they didn't ... they ignored the Supreme Court and they pretty much just reissued their same anti opinion so that's why we're now petitioning for cert to the Supreme Court just this week
- This could become the huge Second Amendment case of 2026 ... Antonyuk, hopefully the Supreme Court kicks New York in the teeth with that one
- Other categories ... one of them is of course advancing open and conceal carry on both coasts ... be able to carry in New York and in California and it's kind of a back door to reciprocity because if those two states will issue out-of-state permits, then you're now to the point where out-of-staters can carry in 49 states
- Now ... much better to have reciprocity ... we're pushing legislation
- New York City just kind of preemptively put up the white flag and said all right we'll start issuing permits
- Lawsuit ... California we got a preliminary injunction there so right now they're having to issue out-of-state permits but California is still trying to get the case thrown out but for right now, we're winning there
- One in New Mexico ... certain counties you couldn't carry ... we're fighting that
- Down in Florida, we're fighting for open carry ... we're defending ... we're trying to put heat on the legislature to take up open carry legislation ... if you're in Florida and you're watching this, your state representatives and Senators need to hear from you
- Gun Owners of America secured a preliminary injunction for our members against Biden's pistol brace ban two years ago and so as a result, ATF has not been able to enforce that rule against our members
- We also secured a preliminary injunction for our members against Biden's universal registration check ... ATF was requiring almost every private gun sale to go through a background check and really what they were after was using that to compile ... gun registry because even private transfers
would be recorded on the 4473 form
- So we sued the ATF, got a preliminary injunction that means they can't enforce that rule against GOA members
- Dealers could destroy those older records ... we are challenging that in federal court
- We launched several challenges aimed at ending ATF's zero tolerance program
- We want to go even further to abolish the ATF ... which is the end goal now there is legislation ... to abolish the ATF and ... we agree with Brandon Herrera that you can't just abolish the ATF right ... got to cut their spending, you've got to repeal the gun control that they're enforcing or else the FBI will just enforce it and we don't want that
- So we are working with Congressional lead leadership not only to cut their funding but Burlison is on the right track here because not only is he trying try to abolish the ATF and has introduced legislation to do that, he's introduced legislation to repeal the NFA ... repealing gun control so that no other Federal agency gets tasked to do it so both of those things are really important repeal gun control abolish the ATF
- We're ... working with house leadership ... to get concealed carry reciprocity because that has super support, I mean last I saw a couple days ago 169 co-sponsors that screams huge support and so we're working with House members and Senate leaders to get that put on to must-pass legislation
- We got a repeal of the national parks gun ban put onto that bill ... that was specifically GOA working with Senator Tom Cobb to do that
- Eric, thank you so much for your time

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #207 on: February 04, 2025, 07:31:58 PM »
Chuck Michel, President of CRPA -
Biofire, which supported CRPA's case of Boland v. Bonta, now becomes the latest beneficiary of CRPA's win in that case, with its "smart gun" added to the handgun roster thanks to our defeat of the microstamping requirement.

Since our preliminary injunction, dozens of guns have been added to the roster, opening up the semiautomatic handgun market in California for the first time in over a decade. We hope to defeat the remaining unconstitutional roster requirements as Boland proceeds.

Update to CA Handgun Roster due to Boland v Bonta (CA handgun roster) and Renna v Bonta (CA Unsafe Handgun Act/Handgun roster) -

Recently Added Handgun Models (144 added since Boland 3/20/23 and Renna 4/3/23 v Bonta preliminary injunctions) -

An asterisk (*) next to the model name below indicates that the handgun was added pursuant to the court's order in Boland v. Bonta.

Manufacturer   Model   Caliber   Gun Type      Date Added

Biofire   Smart Gun*   9MM   Pistol   4.69"   02/04/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE CA COMP SKU 13580 H-175 (REB)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   642-2 (S&W Logo Grip) SKU 163810A   .38 Spl   Revolver   1.87"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 Plus SKU 150854A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   5"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 M686 SKU 150712A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   6"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   PC 637-2 SKU 170349A   .38 S&W Special +P   Revolver   1.875"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE 4" CA COMP SKU 123903*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   629-6 (Matte) SKU 170135B   .44 Magnum   Revolver   2.625"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE CA COMP SLIDE SKU 13576 H-190 (ARMOR BLACK)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 M686 SKU 150855A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   7"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 M686 SKU 150713A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   3"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   PC M642-2 SKU 170348A   .38 Special +P   Revolver   1.875"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   66-8 Combat Magnum SKU 10061A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   2.75"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   M629-6 SKU 170320B   .44 Magnum   Revolver   6"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE CA COMP SKU 13577 H-127 (MAGPUL FDE)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   M642-1 SKU 150972A   .38 Spl   Revolver   1.875"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   629-6 M629 Deluxe SKU 150714A   .44 Magnum   Revolver   6.5"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   69 Combat Magnum SKU 10064A   .44 Magnum   Revolver   2.75"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   460 XVR Hunter SKU 170339A   .460 S&W   Revolver   14"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE CA COMP SKU 13578 H-236 (OD GREEN)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   617-6 (S&W Logo Grip) SKU 160578A   .22 LR   Revolver   6"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   629-6 M629 Deluxe 3" SKU 150715A   .44 Magnum   Revolver   3"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   642 SKU 10186A   .38 Special +P   Revolver   1.875"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   642-1 (Matte Silver) SKU 178042A   .38 Spl   Revolver   1.87"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   SD9VE CA COMP SKU 13579 H-214 (BULL SHARK GREY)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   637-2 (S&W Logo Grip) SKU 163050A   .38 Spl   Revolver   1.87"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 M686 SKU 150853A   .357 Magnum   Revolver   3"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   M642-2 SKU150466A   .38 Spl   Revolver   1.875"   01/28/2025
Smith & Wesson   686-6 Plus Pro Series (Stn Stnls) SKU 178038A   .357 Magnum Revolver   5"   01/28/2025
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9L- BLACK (HG7884CA-N)*   9MM   Pistol   3.2"   01/23/2025
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9-SLIDE BLACK FRAME FDE (HG7651CABD-N)*   9MM   Pistol   3.2"   01/23/2025
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9-FDE (HG7651CAD-N)*   9MM   Pistol   3.2"   01/23/2025
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9LS- BLACK (HG7885CA-N)*   9MM   Pistol   3.6"   01/23/2025
Shadow Systems   MR920 SS-1052-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/22/2025
Shadow Systems   XR920 SS-3052-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/22/2025
Heckler & Koch   VP9 Match*   9MM   Pistol   5.51"   01/22/2025
Shadow Systems   XR920 SS-3040-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/22/2025
Shadow Systems   DR920P SS-2240-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4.5"   01/22/2025
Shadow Systems   MR920 SS-1040-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/22/2025
Girsan/EAA   MC P35 CAL LIBERADOR*   9MM   Pistol   4.87"   01/14/2025
Shadow Systems   XR920 SS-3039-CA*   9MM   Pistol   3.75"   01/01/2025
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield Plus (Purple Frame)-14299*   9MM   Pistol   3.1"   01/01/2025
Rost Martin   RM1C FDE OSP*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/01/2025
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-BP6WTS)   .357 Magnum   Revolver   6"   01/01/2025
Rost Martin   RM1C GRAY OSP*   9MM   Pistol   4"   01/01/2025
Henry Repeating Arm   H016GD   .22 S/L/LR   Revolver   4"   01/01/2025
Shadow Systems   DR920P SS-2239-CA*   9MM   Pistol   4.5"   01/01/2025
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield Plus (Pink Slide)-14298*   9MM   Pistol   3.1"   01/01/2025
Shadow Systems   MR920 SS-1039-CA*   9MM   Pistol   3.75"   01/01/2025
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield Plus (SLV/REB)-14297*   9MM   Pistol   3.1"   01/01/2025
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-BP4WTS)   .357 Magnum   Revolver   4.25"   01/01/2025
Rost Martin   RM1C BLACK OSP*   9MM   Pistol   4"   12/04/2024
FMK Firearms   9C1 G3 (Black)*   9MM   Pistol   4"   12/03/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCP MAX 13748*   380 Auto   Pistol   2.80"   11/26/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 UPC 642230267961*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 UPC 642230267947*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9L UPC 642230267985*   9mm   Pistol   5"   11/20/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9SK UPC 642230268005*   9mm   Pistol   3.39"   11/20/2024
Sig Sauer   365XL-9-ROSE-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   10/30/2024
Century Arms Inc.   METE MC9*   9mm   Pistol   3.2"   10/08/2024
North American Arms   NAA-PUG-D   .22 Mag   Revolver   1"   08/13/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCRx-05439B   .22 WMRF   Revolver   1.87"   07/17/2024
Smith & Wesson   SD9 VE-11907*   9mm   Pistol   4"   07/16/2024
Kimber   RAPIDE (DAWN)(9MM)*   9mm   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   RAPIDE (DAWN)(45ACP)*   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   CUSTOM LW (SHADOW GHOST)(9MM)*   9mm   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Kimber   CUSTOM LW (SHADOW GHOST)(45ACP)*   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   07/03/2024
Smith & Wesson   SW22 VICTORY SKU 108490*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   06/12/2024
Springfield Armory   Hellcat-Stainless HC9319SOSPCA*   9mm   Pistol   3"   06/11/2024
Springfield Armory   Hellcat Pro- Stainless HCP9379SOSPCA*   9mm   Pistol   3.7"   06/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101-05765A   .22 LR   Revolver   4.2"   05/21/2024
Sig Sauer   320XF-9-BXR3P-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   4.7"   05/16/2024
Sig Sauer   320X5-9-LEGION-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   5"   05/16/2024
Sig Sauer   365XCA-9-COMP-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   05/16/2024
Kahr Arms   CW90G93/CW90G93N   9mm   Pistol   3.5"   05/07/2024
Standard Manufacturing Co.   S333 THUNDERSTRUCK GEN III   .22 WMR   Revolver   2.25"   05/07/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite Compact 3.8 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.8"   04/03/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   4.5"   04/03/2024
Springfield Armory   XD-M Elite 3.8 OSP-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.8"   04/03/2024
Girsan (Imported by European American Armory Corporation)   MC P35*   9mm   Pistol   4.87"   04/02/2024
Walther   P22 CA (Grey Slide) Grey Grip   .22 LR   Pistol   3.42"   03/08/2024
Browning   Buck Mark Medallion Rosewood*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   03/05/2024
Browning   Buck Mark Micro Bull*   .22 LR   Pistol   4"   03/05/2024
Taurus   2-85621ULC31NS   .38 Special   Revolver   2"   02/22/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield (OD) SKU 14016/Stainless Steel;Polymer   9mm   Pistol   3"   02/09/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield (OD) SKU 14015/Stainless Steel;Polymer   9mm   Pistol   3"   02/09/2024
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-SP5WTS)   .357 Mag   Revolver   5"   02/06/2024
Colt   PYTHON (PYTHON-SP2WCTS)   .357 Mag   Revolver   2.5"   02/06/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9L OR*   9mm   Pistol   5"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9 OR*   9mm   Pistol   4.09"   01/31/2024
Heckler & Koch   VP9SK OR*   9mm   Pistol   3.39"   01/31/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCRX-05437B   .22 WMRF   Revolver   3"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101-05773A   .327 Fed Magnum   Revolver   4.2"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SUPER REDHAWK - 05526   .22 Hornet   Revolver   9.5"   01/11/2024
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   MARK IV - 40187   22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   01/04/2024
Taurus   2-856P39   .38 Special   Revolver   3"   01/04/2024
Taurus   2-605P39   .357 Mag   Revolver   3"   01/04/2024
Henry Repeating Arm   H017BDM   .38 Spl/.357 Mag   Revolver   4"   01/04/2024
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 M2.0 - 14033*   9mm   Pistol   4.25"   11/16/2023
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 M2.0 Compact - 14032*   9mm   Pistol   4"   11/16/2023
Smith & Wesson   M&P9 Shield Plus - 14031*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   XDM Elite*   9mm   Pistol   4.5"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   Hellcat Pro*   9mm   Pistol   3.7"   11/16/2023
Springfield Armory   Hellcat*   9mm   Pistol   3"   11/16/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP4RTS)   44 Magnum   Revolver   4.25"   11/16/2023
Kimber   K6XS Carry   .38 Special +P   Revolver   2"   11/16/2023
Sig Sauer   365-9-BXR3P-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.1"   11/02/2023
Henry Repeating Arm   H017GDM   .38Spl/.357Mag   Revolver   4"   09/19/2023
Charter 2000   14423 Bulldog (Grip Rose wood)   .44 Special   Revolver   4"   09/19/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DFDE   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (OD Green)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-OD   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (OD Green)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Dark Grey)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DBB   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (FDE)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DAF   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Burnt Bronze)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Blue Jay)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DRD   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (FDE)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-DTAF   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Pink/Raspberry)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-SG   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Burnt Bronze)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Blue Jay)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-FDEC   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Pink/Raspberry)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-BB   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Dark Grey)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Titianium Grey)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-GRC   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Black)(w/Polished Barrel)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP-FDE   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Black)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
FMK Firearms   9C1 Gen II (Titanium Grey)   9mm   Pistol   3.87"   08/08/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   Max-9 03518*   9mm   Pistol   3.2"   08/03/2023
Armscor Precision   M1911 A1 FS PSA Standard (AS) (57007)   .45 ACP   Pistol   5"   08/01/2023
Sig Sauer   320CA-9-M18-MS-CA*   9mm   Pistol   3.9"   07/13/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - GRN/Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - FDE/Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - Tungsten   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - Cobalt   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Heckler & Koch   P2000-V3 9mm - RAL8000   9mm   Pistol   3.3"   07/05/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SP101, 05784A   327   Revolver   3"   06/29/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   LCP II 13747*   .22 LR   Pistol   2.75"   06/14/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP8RTS)   .44 Magnum   Revolver   8"   06/13/2023
Colt   ANACONDA (ANACONDA-SP6RTS   .44 Magnum   Revolver   6"   06/13/2023
Smith & Wesson   SKU13331   350 Legend   Revolver   7.5"   05/30/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   MARK IV-40183*   .22 LR   Pistol   5.5"   05/24/2023
Sturm, Ruger & Co.   SR22P-03657*   .22 LR   Pistol   3.5"   05/24/2023
Juggernaut Tactical   JT-9 SSP   9mm   Pistol   8.5"   05/18/2023

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #208 on: February 04, 2025, 07:54:31 PM »
Update to Efforts to abolish ATF/Repeal NFA/Hearing Protection Act/Legalize suppressor parts -

S.364 (28 cosponsors as of 2/4/25) - A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms, and for other purposes -

H.R.404 (50 cosponsors as of 2/4/25) - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms, and for other purposes -

NSSF Welcomes U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo’s Hearing Protection Act Introduction -
NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, welcomes U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo’s (R-Idaho) S. 364, the Hearing Protection Act, which would remove firearm suppressors from the list of definitions under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA), eliminating onerous and duplicitous background checks. Instead, what is essentially a muffler for a gun would continue to be regulated under the 1968 Gun Control Act (GCA) with the same background check that is required for a retail firearm purchase. The legislation would also amend the statutory suppressor definitions to eliminate ambiguity that might lead to the criminalization of lawful firearm accessories.

“Senator Mike Crapo’s Hearing Protection Act will have the federal government recognize firearm suppressors as accessories to a firearm that make recreational shooting and hunting a safer experience,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “These safety devices reduce the report of a firearm to a level that won’t cause instant and permanent hearing damage. Despite Hollywood’s depictions, they do not silence the sound of a firearm. The focus should be on removing barriers to safe and responsible use of firearms and dedicating resources to ensuring actual firearms are safeguarded from those who should never possess them. Strict regulatory control of firearm accessories, and the parts of those accessories that have no bearing on the function of a firearm, is unnecessary and not the wisest use of federal resources. NSSF thanks Senator Crapo for his leadership for ensuring safe and responsible use of firearms and dedicating necessary resources where they are most needed.”

Firearm suppressors, legally but inaccurately referred to as “silencers,” are devices that reduce the report of a firearm from a level roughly equal to that of a jet taking off which causes instant and permanent hearing loss to one that is safe, but still equal to a jackhammer. That decibel level will not permanently damage hearing. Suppressors work similar to a car’s muffler, redirecting exhaust gases and was originally patented over 100 years ago by the same designer of car mufflers, Hiram Maxim.

Under current law, an individual purchasing a suppressor must locate a retailer that is regulated as a NFA Class III retailer, complete a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Form 4 with the model and serial number of the suppressor, and obtain two passport photos and fingerprint cards from a local police department. The local chief law enforcement official must receive a completed copy of the application. Then the form, photographs and fingerprints must be sent to ATF along with a check to pay the $200 tax. The customer can obtain the suppressor from the NFA Class III retailer upon an additional background check through FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Sen. Crapo’s legislation would eliminate those requirements and make suppressors available with the same paperwork, markings, record keeping and background check approval that is required for a firearm. It would also clarify the definition of suppressors, ensuring that components like mounts, baffles and end caps are not erroneously classified as standalone suppressors or “silencers.”

Similar legislation, with the same title, was introduced as H.R. 404 in the U.S House of Representatives by Congressman Ben Cline (R-Va.) -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #209 on: February 04, 2025, 09:03:54 PM »
Adding to Carry ban cases -

Regarding CRPA v. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. (CA non-resident carry permit) -

We're Finally Seeing Reciprocity in California! How Non-Residents Can LEGALLY Carry in California (CRPA attorney Kostas Moros discuss case ruling and application process, including online process for those who cannot/don't want to travel to CA to file application) -
00:00 - Intro -
01:28 - Going Over the timeline one more time -
04:06 - Where are we currently -
05:44 - What is the current process looking like -
10:52 - Do we expect to see delays past 90 days -
12:59 - Final thoughts -
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 09:19:05 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #210 on: February 05, 2025, 05:29:39 PM »
Adding to Carry ban cases -

Regarding CRPA v. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. (CA non-resident carry permit) -

Chuck Michel -
... ruling in CRPA v. LA Sheriff's Department ... for out-of-state residents to secure a California CCW ... you MUST be a CRPA member ... SAF and GOA members also qualify in addition to CRPA members.

Arex @CRPAPresident - There needs to be a change in how licenses are issued. Out of state residents are at a bigger advantage than actual residents because they pick a friendly county. No such choice exists for residents. We need to move away from local jurisdictions issuing permits.

Chuck Michel - Completely agree. CRPA is now working with the Sheriffs to revise the process in Sacramento. Now that they have to issue to out of state residents they want the process streamlined. Aiming for a 5 year license period too.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #211 on: February 08, 2025, 09:57:44 AM »
Executive Order on 2A/ATF -

Protecting Second Amendment Rights
February 7, 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:

     Section 1.  Purpose.  The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty.  It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms since the founding of our great Nation.  Because it is foundational to maintaining all other rights held by Americans, the right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed.

     Sec. 2.  Plan of Action.  (a)  Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General shall examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements, and other actions of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens, and present a proposed plan of action to the President, through the Domestic Policy Advisor, to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.
     (b)  In developing such proposed plan of action, the Attorney General shall review, at a minimum:
          (i)    All Presidential and agencies’ actions from January 2021 through January 2025 that purport to promote safety but may have impinged on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens;
          (ii)   Rules promulgated by the Department of Justice, including by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, from January 2021 through January 2025 pertaining to firearms and/or Federal firearms licensees;
          (iii)  Agencies’ plans, orders, and actions regarding the so-called “enhanced regulatory enforcement policy” pertaining to firearms and/or Federal firearms licensees;
          (iv)   Reports and related documents issued by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention;
          (v)    The positions taken by the United States in any and all ongoing and potential litigation that affects or could affect the ability of Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights;
          (vi)   Agencies’ classifications of firearms and ammunition; and
          (vii)  The processing of applications to make, manufacture, transfer, or export firearms.

     Sec. 3.  Implementation.  Upon submission of the proposed plan of action described in section 2 of this order, the Attorney General shall work with the Domestic Policy Advisor to finalize the plan of action and establish a process for implementation.

     Sec. 4.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
          (i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or
          (ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
     (b)  This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
     (c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #212 on: February 08, 2025, 10:10:50 AM »
Updated listing of 2A/ATF related cases -

- 2A/ATF - Executive Order on Second Amendment -
- 2A - Pro-2A organizations efforts and accomplishments -
- 2A - AW/Magazine ban -
- 2A - National carry reciprocity -
- 2A - Carry ban cases -
- 2A - Significance of Bruen Methodology tested in Rahimi case (Harvard/Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy) -
- 2A - Bruen methodology applied to other cases -
- 2A - States defying Bruen -
- 2A - Gazzola v Hochul (NY CCIA affecting ammunition/FFLs/gun shops) -
- 2A - Rahimi/Range (violent/nonviolent felon RKBA), OH/PA state cases and Drug user RKBA -
- 2A - Handgun Roster -
- 2A - CA Handgun Roster (Pistols added after preliminary injunctions) -
- 2A - Ammunition Restriction and Importation of arms/ammo -
- 2A - Post Office Carry -
- 2A - B&L Productions v Newsom (CA gun show on state property) -
- 2A - Elite Precision v ATF (Federal handgun transfer ban) - FPC lawsuit challenging federal ban on interstate handgun sales -
- 2A - Reese v ATF (18-20 RKBA) -
- ATF - Bump Stock -
- ATF - Pistol Brace -
- ATF - 80% frame or receiver / "ghost gun" -
- ATF - Forced Reset Trigger -
- ATF - Efforts to abolish ATF/Repeal NFA/Hearing Protection Act/Legalize suppressor parts -
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 11:32:40 AM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #213 on: February 08, 2025, 06:23:15 PM »
Adding to Executive Order on Second Amendment -

NAGR founder David Warrington has been named White House Counsel and Assistant to Trump. Perhaps he will have some influence.
Trump's EO ... essentially wrote a blank check for various pro-2A organizations to point them out. (I can almost hear the champagne bottles popping at pro-2A organizations as they may need to hire more staff to research/fulfill president's EO in 30 days).

Let's go!!!  [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn]

Taylor D. Rhodes -

🚨 Monumental win for gun owners! 🚨

David Warrington, a founding member of the National Association for Gun Rights, has been appointed White House Counsel by President Trump. This could be a game-changer for the Second Amendment!
😉 National Association for Gun Rights -

President Trump just signed an Executive Order directing the AG to perform an audit on Biden-era gun control measures.

This would include Biden’s EOs and ATF rules (pistol brace ban, frames & receivers, “engaged in the business”) among others.

Chuck Michel @CRPAPresident -

President Trump issued an Executive Order yesterday directing the Attorney General to conduct an in-depth review of actions taken during the Biden Administration, including by ATF, and to "present a proposed plan of action" for protecting the Second Amendment.

Firearms Policy Coalition -

President Trump has ordered the Attorney General to, within the next 30 days, identify any ongoing Second Amendment infringements in the orders, regulations, and legal positions taken by the Biden Administration, and to propose a plan for rectifying them


The White House has announced an executive order to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

The order directs the Attorney General to evaluate the constitutionality of firearms-related action taken by the Biden administration.

Gun Owners Of America Applauds President Trump for Signing Second Amendment Executive Order -

Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA) applauds President Trump for taking bold action to fulfill one of his key campaign promises. In signing an Executive Order today, President Trump laid out a plan for dismantling what he previously referred to as “all of the Biden [gun control] disasters.” 

This historic move sets the stage for a broader restoration of Second Amendment rights. GOA is thrilled to see President Trump delivering on the promises he made to gun owners across America, starting with this executive order initiating a whole-of-government approach to restoring gun rights.

At the 2024 Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (GOALS) in August, President Trump vowed to “always listen to Gun Owners of America.” His actions today show he intends to honor that pledge. GOA stands ready to work alongside this administration to protect and expand the rights of law-abiding gun owners nationwide.

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, issued the following statement:

“Gun owners fought hard to elect a president who would take a sledgehammer to Biden’s unconstitutional gun control policies, and today, President Trump proved he’s serious about that fight. We hope that this executive order is just the first of many victories reestablishing our Second Amendment rights during the Trump administration. GOA will not rest until every illegal gun grab from the Biden administration is fully repealed and the Second Amendment is fully restored.”

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of GOA, added:

“By planning to dismantle Biden’s anti-gun agenda and rein in the ATF, President Trump is making good on his word to protect and defend the Second Amendment. The ATF has been weaponized for too long against law-abiding Americans, and it’s past time to rein in this rogue agency. GOA looks forward to working with this administration to restore and expand gun rights across the country.”


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #214 on: February 08, 2025, 06:45:26 PM »
I will be cautiously optimistic about good things happening with gun laws in the US but at the same time I will have that little bit of pessimism that comes with the new AG and some of her record in Florida. Time will tell. I would much rather see things done by legislation than EO because that would be a little more difficult to unravel with the stroke of a pen.


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #215 on: February 08, 2025, 06:51:05 PM »
I will be cautiously optimistic about good things happening with gun laws in the US

Time will tell. I would much rather see things done by legislation than EO because that would be a little more difficult to unravel with the stroke of a pen.

This thread is full of 2A legislations some of which has real chance of being passed into laws.

And I am more than cautiously optimistic as having grown up in CA since 1978, I have seen more than my share of erosion to 2A rights and see the next 4 years as likely the best years we could have to pass as many pro-2A laws and have Supreme Court rule in our favor.

The way I see it, now's the time to push for everything we could get.

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #216 on: February 09, 2025, 03:33:50 PM »
Update to Rahimi/Range (violent/nonviolent felon RKBA), OH/PA state cases and Drug user RKBA -

Update to US v Cooper (Pot user RKBA) -

Applying Bruen methodology, 8th Circuit rules for regular user of marijuana right to keep and bear arms and reverses District Court ruling with remand.

United States Court of AppealsFor the Eighth Circuit -

Before GRASZ, STRAS, and KOBES, Circuit Judges.

Cooper consented to a bench trial on stipulated facts.  One was that he smoked marijuana three to four times a week.  Another was that he had done it two days before officers found a Glock 20 pistol  in his car during a traffic stop.   Based on those facts and a few others, the district court found Cooper guilty of being a drug user in possession of a firearm, see 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3), and sentenced him to 37 months in prison.

... In every Second Amendment case, the overarching question is whether a limitation on the right to keep and bear arms is “consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” Bruen ... Key to answering that question is identifying “analogues” ...  Did using marijuana make Cooper act like someone who is “both mentally ill and dangerous”?

... Nothing in our tradition allows disarmament simply because Cooper belongs to a category of people, drug users, that Congress has categorically deemed dangerous ... The only potential analogue   that seemed to apply categorically was intoxication, but disarmament was not the remedy for it ... These analogues make clear that “disarming all drug users,” regardless of the individual danger they  pose, is not comparable to anything from around the time of the Founding ...

We accordingly vacate the district court’s judgment and remand for a reexamination of Cooper’s motion to dismiss the indictment.

FEDERAL COURT RULES DRUG USERS CANNOT BE DISARMED! US Court of Appeals for Eighth Circuit issues major ruling on federal gun laws re prohibited persons.  Mark Smith discuss the ruling -

0:00 Major Breaking 2A News! -
2:30 Case Background & Details -
4:22 What Really Matters Here... -
6:35 What The Court Found... -
8:30 8th Circuit on a Drug User's Dangerousness -


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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #217 on: February 10, 2025, 10:36:00 PM »
Illinois FOID cards ruled unconstitutional (circuit judge)
Mrgunsngear on X.
Solid win for all Americans from our friends at the Second Amendment Foundation (@2AFDN
 ) in Illinois 🇺🇸

In the case of case of Illinois v. Vivian Brown Illinois Circuit Judge Webb held that the possession of a firearm in one's home is constitutionally protected conduct, and that Illinois' FOID card requirement was not supported by the historical tradition of firearms regulation in the country.

As I stated in my video on Saturday - the state level wins under President Trump will come at the circuit level federally.   We may not like that nothing can really be done until the cases reach that level but that's how it currently works.   

Regardless, we're one step closer today to Illinois citizens having their 2nd Amendment rights restored.

“It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.”  ― Calvin Coolidge

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #218 on: February 11, 2025, 12:53:32 AM »
Illinois FOID cards ruled unconstitutional


Ruling -

A Circuit Court judge in Illinois has struck down the state’s requirement to have a Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card to possess a firearm in the home for personal protection in a case supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and Illinois State Rifle Association.

The case is known as State of Illinois v. Vivian Claudine Brown. Ms. Brown is represented by attorney David Sigale of Lombard, Ill.

In his 15-page decision, White County Resident Circuit Judge T. Scott Webb observed, “The Defendant’s possession of a .22 caliber rifle within the confines of her home, even without a valid FOID card falls squarely within the protections afforded her by the Second Amendment.

“If an intruder had entered Ms. Brown’s home,” Judge Webb added, “and threatened violence towards her and, God forbid, she was forced to use that .22 rifle to defend herself, she would have committed a class A misdemeanor carrying with it a possible penalty of up to 364 days in the county jail. She could claim self-defense, but that does not change the fact that she possessed a firearm without a valid FOID Card. Such an outcome is asinine especially in this great nation that so cherishes the right to be secure and defend oneself within the home.”

“This is an important ruling in a case that has been up and down the Illinois judicial ladder a couple of times already,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “We expect the state to appeal again, which could put the case right back before the Illinois Supreme Court for the third time, and we are confident we will win. It’s hard to see how the Illinois Supreme Court avoids the constitutional issue, as they have done on the previous two visits.”

“Today’s decision reflects a correct application of Supreme Court precedent to unconstitutional restrictions on the rights to keep and bear arms,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “Illinois’ FOID card poses an untenable barrier to the exercise of Second Amendment rights in one’s home as the court correctly identified. Determining the FOID card to be an unconstitutional obstacle to firearms ownership and possession in one’s home was the only logical result.”
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 05:16:40 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #219 on: February 11, 2025, 01:02:36 AM »
Adding to Executive Order on Second Amendment -

MAJOR CHANGES INCOMING AT THE DOJ... President Donald Trump has major power to reform the positions of the DOJ in ongoing litigation -
0:00 Trump's Power Over The DOJ... -
1:22 How Trump Can Change The DOJ's Positions -
3:40 Major Lawsuit Over Election Voter Rolls -
5:35 Student Loan Forgiveness & Other Examples -
10:16 The Bottom Line -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #220 on: February 11, 2025, 01:11:19 PM »
President Trump's EO on Second Amendment starting to take effect ... Looks like pistol brace Rule is going out the window and government/ATF making argument for the plaintiff "informed" by President's EO?  =D [popcorn]

Update to Executive Order on Second Amendment -

Update to ATF - Pistol Brace -

Firearms Policy Coalition -

The federal government asked the Eleventh Circuit to postpone oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the ATF pistol brace rule, saying that it needs time to review it pursuant to Trump's Second Amendment executive order -
2. Following a change in administration, on February 7, 2025, President Trump issued an Executive Order titled Protecting Second Amendment Rights.

... the Order directs the Attorney General to “examine” various “actions of executive departments and agencies” to “assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens, and present a proposed plan of action to the President, though the Domestic Policy Advisory, to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.” Id. § 2(a).

And the Order specifically directs the Attorney General, as part of that process, to review all “[r]ules promulgated by the Department of Justice, including by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, from January 2021 through January 2025 pertaining to firearms and/or Federal firearms licenses.” Id. § 2(b)(ii).

3. In light of that development, the government respectfully moves to postpone the March 5 oral argument and to hold this case in abeyance [Temporary suspension] pending review
of the challenged rule. An abeyance will conserve party and judicial resources and
promote the efficient and orderly disposition of this appeal
, including by ensuring that
litigation is focused on enduring agency action and informed by the views of current
agency leadership
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 01:32:44 PM by Live Life »

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #221 on: February 11, 2025, 04:03:27 PM »
Adding to Update to Executive Order on Second Amendment -

TRUMP MAKES BIG LEGAL MOVES TO NEUTER THE ATF… President Trump's DOJ is submitting new court filings based on his 2A Executive Order is great news for 2A rights -

- Major breaking news ... DOJ under Donald Trump is already taken active steps to reassess their litigation positions associated with the various Biden/ATF positions
- Trump Administration is starting to take action to protect our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
- Last week ... Trump ... issued an executive order directing ... Attorney General of Department of
Justice and all government agents investigate and check out whether or not there is an ongoing or continuing violation of our Second Amendment rights or anything else that impacts adversely the right to keep in bear arms
- According to some law firms, this is the first ever executive order in American history focused on enhancing the Second Amendment rights
- Department of Justice under ... Trump is going to alter or change ... ATF's enforcement priorities
- Agents of the ATF are likely going to get shifted mostly into the world of immigration enforcement
- Department of Justice has two divisions, Criminal Division which puts people in prison for criminal violations and the Civil Division that brings civil actions, they also defend the federal government when the federal government is sued for things like violating the Second Amendment or if there are allegations and arguments that the ATF for example has exceeded its statutory authority
- These cases ... are pending against the ATF, these are civil lawsuits defended by ... the Civil Division of DOJ, now under the command and control of Pam Bondi
- These are ATF's pistol brace rule, ongoing framer or receiver rule ... parts kits, ongoing ghost gun fight
- Don't forget there's the ATF Zero Tolerance policy dealing with FFLs and ... engaged in business rule, what is a firearms dealer and of course, NFA form processing
- DOJ's Civil Division is starting to put out requests and ask attorneys that are suing the DOJ if they will agree to a stay or a delay in these ongoing civil cases
- That's very interesting but what's very interesting is their excuse which is a legitimate one is that they have been required to assess and reassess their litigation position ... positions to figure out whether or not Joe Biden was defending illegitimately litigation and legal positions that are not warranted under American statutory law and under constitutional law including under the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms
- We're seeing letters that are going out from the DOJ Civil Division ... asking for this permission for a delay because they want to assess, in fact they're pointing out that not only do they want to assess whether or not their litigation position that they've been advancing for the last year or more is warranted and legitimate
- They've been tasked specifically by the president of the United States with that executive order involving the Second Amendment to basically reassess whether or not they're doing something wrong, whether or not their position is warranted, whether or not their position should be changed to go from supporting the government to go from supporting the ATF view of the world
- To supporting the Second Amendment view of the world, to supporting the FFL or gun dealer view of the world or the gun manufacturer view of the world or the view towards freedom versus tyranny
- This is happening now ... This is not a situation where we're just hypothetically talking
about what could happen.  This is happening now.  The Department of Justice is literally reaching out and requesting that a pause in these proceedings occur with an opportunity for these DOJ/ATF related lawyers to reassess their positions
- This is a big deal because this means they're going to have to go back to the drawing board ... they're going to have to ask themselves rather than fighting the Second Amendment attorneys ... should they be conceding error, should they be conceding that indeed the government should lose,  that DOJ and ATF should lose these various cases
- And that the interpretation of ATF rules, the interpretation of federal statutory law, the interpretation of the Second Amendment that perhaps ... those views should actually be adopted moving forward by not just the president of the United States but the Attorney General of the United States ... And of course, the lawyers fighting over litigating over these various issues
- This is a big deal because it's not just the executive order that was issued last week they are now acting upon ... the Trump administration is now acting upon it in a favorable way and this bodes very
well for our right to keep and bear arms going forward
- I should note that ... a very well-respected longstanding DC-based law firm put out a memo to the public ... Department of Justice may move to stay proceedings in civil and criminal cases across the country as the government works to ensure that its litigation positions do not conflict with the Trump administration's realignment of firearms policy
- That's exactly what you would expect to see here and I'm happy to report to you and the Second Amendment community this is actually occurring
- Trump administration learned a lot from what happened in the first four years ... they understand what they're up against in a way that I don't think president Trump fully appreciated or any of us fully appreciated during his first term
- Now we understand what we're up against and Donald Trump has adapted appropriately and accordingly and aggressively and I'm happy to report that as I've said before and I will say again Donald Trump is the best Second Amendment President we have had in modern American life
- We're lucky to have him in the white house
- We're lucky to have his team around him
- I expect very good results moving forward

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #222 on: February 12, 2025, 04:08:56 PM »
Key point ... What's the difference between Biden's "Executive Action" and Trump's "Executive Order"?


And as Brandon Herrera stated, can we use ATF to turn pending lawsuits into permanent enforcement of expansion of Second Amendment to "modern" arms and accessories?


Adding to Update to Executive Order on Second Amendment -

National Association for Gun Rights - Last week, President Trump signed his first pro-gun Executive Order, directing AG Bondi to review 2A infringements. But what specifically will this change? And given her record, will Pam Bondi listen?

VP of NAGR @ryanflugaur breaks it down -

00:00 Is Real Change Coming? -
00:47 Tell Pam Bondi How You Feel! -
01:12 We're Still Waiting -
02:16 This EO Does 2 Things -
03:00 ONLY A First Step -
03:24 Why Trump Did it This Way -
05:28 Trump can't abolish federal statutes -
07:07 Can we Trust Pam Bondi? -
08:11 The Laws Bondi COULD Fix -
12:26 Biden's Actions Had MASSIVE Consequences -
13:46 Join THE FIGHT! -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #223 on: February 14, 2025, 02:56:36 AM »
Update to B&L Productions v Newsom to tracking (CA gun show on state property) -

B&L Productions v. Newsom: The CRPA/SAF Supreme Court Fight for Gun Shows in CA!
00:00 - Intro -
01:08 - Walking through B&L Productions v. Newsom -
06:00 - The Original Complaint -
07:42 - Current Status -
11:04 - Will we get an Answer in 2025 -
12:46 - Final thoughts -

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Re: Second Amendment/ATF related cases
« Reply #224 on: February 14, 2025, 03:19:49 PM »
Update to AW/Magazine ban -

Second Amendment Foundation -
2A Updates With Second Amendment Foundation -

Adam Kraut ... Second Amendment Foundation ...

- Snope is one of our 55 active cases ... challenges Maryland's assault weapons ... We petitioned for cert at the Supreme Court ... was distributed for conference
- It was relisted ... A lot of people have questions about what that means ...

- Well, we're waiting to see what Supreme Court will do

And here we are


In breaking news, the United States Supreme Court has distributed Snope v. Brown, SAF’s challenge to the Maryland Assault Weapons Ban, for conference on Feb. 21. In this potentially landmark move, the Supreme Court may once and for all settle the issue as to the government’s ability to outright ban the most popular rifles in America. Follow all SAF social media and on for updates and to learn how YOU can support this monumental case.
Mark Smith -

2A BREAKING SCOTUS: SCOTUS just added Snope v. Brown (AR-15 ban) and Ocean State Tactical (Mag ban) to its 2/21/25 Conference. While ordinarily being relisted more than twice is considered a negative, that SCOTUS is now looking to grant cert in cases for the Fall term should give 2A reason for some optimism