So it sure seems like PTSD and depression are going to be the narrative for Vegas. Maybe that will end up being the truth, and he just chose a public suicide. Yet my tinfoil side still sees too much weird stuff. Especially how so much of the new information came from a phone that was in the vehicle. Also that his military ID and passport (who carries their passport around with them?) were relatively unscathed while it was hot enough to burn his body beyond the ability of forensics to identify it. Passport photo below.
Isn't a passport required now for domestic flights, if one doesn't have a "Real ID"?
"We had two terrorist attacks and they're Trump's fault and you think otherwise you're incapable of thinking for yourself."Warning: She looks even worse than you would expect.
The Real ID requirement for domestic flights was postponed until May 7 this year. It wouldnt surprise me if they are postponed yet again. A lot of people carry their passport for domestic flights because they deem it more convenient for some reason.
Unless things have changed, his CAC would work for TSA.
He was active mil, wouldn't his mil ID work?
Romanucci & Blandin, a mass disaster law firm that has represented victims in multiple recent mass casualty events and attacks, partnered with New Orleans-based law firm Maples & Connick LLC to file the civil suit that alleges the mass tragedy was not only predictable but preventable.