He might have been using the Baofeng to monitor police traffic. Mine takes all the local emergency channels, though the commie cops here all encrypt their traffic now.
No. Very briefly: Police use digital radios (usually encrypted), and the radios that use the charger he had are Analog. They can't receive and parse DMR protocol. (It gets more complicated, but that's the gist of it. I've been in a coms and SIGINT rabbit hole for about two years now.)
Even more tangent - I know zero about Army Reserve / Army interactions. So if an Army O4 tells a Reserve WO to call it Liberty, you can tell him to get bent, or just ignore him? Or is there some funky connected chain where the O4 has to go through someone on your side and not order you directly?
I am outranked by any O4, Regular Army or Reserve, so he could theoretically order me to do something, and as long as it didn't interfere with my duties from my chain i would have to do it, BUT he doesn't have UCMJ authority over me. That's retained by my chain of command, so in order for him to do anything to me for not following his hypothetical order he'd have to convince someone in my chain to initiate a UCMJ action. There's also the whole issue of I don't HAVE to maintain his unit's equipment, I am doing the regular Army a favor by using USAR assets (and funding) to maintain their stuff, because they forward deployed a Detachment outside their logistical footprint. If it becomes too much of a hassle, I can just....not. So much like a butter bar LT CAN order the Brigade SGT MAJ to do all sorts of things, actually doing so might have some consequences.
All of which the unit up at Bragg knows, because after those first terse e-mails and my chat with their detachment SGT, they have been blessedly quiet. And all I really told him was I didn't have time or mental bandwidth to play his commands garrison games along with completing my mission, so he needed to have them stop talking to me.