So let's take this situation ... You are "choosing" to work 6 days a week with occasional 16 hour shifts because you have a "survival" passion driving your current phase of life. You are doing what you are doing because you BELIEVE that's what you MUST do at the MOMENT.
When I was in college after Army in my early 20s, I didn't want to graduate with a large student loan.
So I worked EVERY Friday/Saturday. Sunday was my only day off and I did laundry and performed car maintenance work for my car and sister's car along with shopping for groceries, etc. (Since I grew up fixing cars with my stepfather and cooking 60%+ meals at home in High School, I helped other students living at the dorm with their car repairs and I did most of the cooking for my dorm floor with kitchen on each floor ... They would buy ingredients and I would cook)
It was not easy working every week, especially on sunny weekends in Southern CA while my friends/classmates went to the beach/mountains for camping and I went to work. But while others graduated with large student loans, I was debt free 3 months after graduation and was able to buy 2 houses and a triplex by the time I was 26. I met my wife at 28 and she was mildly impressed that I was a "nice" landlord who did all the maintenance work (We married 3 years later and here we are 30 years later).
So during college years, graduating without financial burden of large student loan was my "passion". I went to college because earning higher income was my "life passion". But despite college/work load, I had a daily "civilian life" core routine (Benefit from "military life" in the Army) of proper sleep/rest, cooking/eating, exercise of jogging, free gym at the dorm, volley ball/tennis while playing piano at the dorm for relaxation.
After college, since I had $4,600/month income with health benefits (This was in 1990 and I was 24), my "passion" shifted to riding dirt bikes and four wheeling in 74' Scout II along with shooting in the desert and mountains. Since I listened to Bob Brinker's "Money Talk" in High School/college years, I added to my "passion" desire to secure retirement so I started funding 401K (Roth IRA didn't exist then and what I would recommend now) and started buying "fixer" real estate to rehab them.
After getting married, wife and family became my "passion" and we pursued quad riding sand dunes of deserts and Oceano/Pismo dunes camping everywhere four wheeling in 4x4 trucks and Suburbans.
Wife's passion was retiring at the coast with a beach house and we bought our retirement property at the coast in 2014 and another house near the beach in 2015 we are renovating.
I can start drawing from my 401K in October and monthly draws will be double/triple my generous government pension of 26 years and wife/daughter/son promised to help me with my "passion" of blowing/PIF the gains every month.

So looking back to my 20s, my decision to work every week was pursuing my "passion" at that MOMENT based on the BELIEF SYSTEM I held and lived the REALITIES of my free will choice. And yes, on some Sundays, I did nothing but veg out watching TV or sleeping all day with no regards for my hobbies like hiking/camping/beach.
Believe me, nothing wrong with that.