About a year ago I registered on an Internet forum about building codes and code-related questions. We just had a new member ask a question:
Where can I find the code for running speaker wire and cat 6? It’s a type 2B building and open ceiling 17’ to deck.
He then posted a photo showing a rather sloppy job of running speaker wire. He received several responses, which generally agreed that there are no special requirements unless the wiring runs in a ceiling plenum. He then followed up with:
I was under the impression that we didn’t need anything plenum-rated until electricians said they needed to use it for low voltage wire for lights with 0-10V dimmers. Figured I’d verify here!
I then posted:
But you asked about speaker wire and CAT6 data cable ...
To which he replied:
Right - I figured low voltage was low voltage… guess I should have been clearer from the get go
This person must have gone to the university where our friend Brad works. I don't get it. He's worried because his electrician said he needs special wire for low voltage wire for lights with 0-10V dimmers -- so he asked about speaker wire and CAT6 cable, and DIDN'T mention low voltage wire for lights with 0-10V dimmers.
We're doomed.