Well, don't count your chickens. It can take upwards 48 hours after exposure to develop it. But glad to hear that the Mrs. is on the mend.
Fingers crossed that you don't get it, though.
A couple of years ago Sunday night I started feeling ookie. In the middle of the night I was nauseated and crapping my brains out...
And I continued to do that for the next... WEEK.
The worst part was that it kept hitting at night. During the day I'd be OKish GI discharge wise, but the second the sun went down? It was like a vampire virus rising from the dead. One night I was up 8 times to discharge.
I managed to keep ahead of the dehydration... somehow.
I finally decided to go to urgent care after 6 solid days to make sure that something else wasn't going on. They wanted a sample. I provided a sample and they called back and said "it's not enough, we need more!"
Only, there was simply no more to give, literally because that same day the virus decided it had had enough with torturing me and over the next 6 hours I went from feeling god awful to feeling human again.
The symptoms and duration for me point more towards a rotavirus than norovirus.
No matter what, though, I wouldn't wish that week on my worst enemy.