Author Topic: Dr. Spencer: Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell Caused By COLD  (Read 1960 times)


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 Dr. Spencer: Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell Caused By COLD
May 10, 2007

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RUSH: Roy Spencer, the climatologist from the University of Alabama in Huntsville who we have had on this program before, has been trying to call and, as many of you are, is getting a busy signal.  Unless Snerdley hung up on him.  Snerdley told me at the top of the hour today, "It's really tough out there.  I'm getting a lot of people that aren't even listening to the program calling in."  Roy hasn't gotten through yet so you haven't disrespected Roy Spencer.  So he sent us a note.  He said, "I'm trying to get through here.  Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell is the result of unusually cold air."  So the global warming freaks are trying to say that this is an example of how global warming is happening and Dr. Spencer disagrees. I hope he gets through. Wait, I have his number here!  Brian, pick up and we can call him.  We're not used to having guests here so it takes a while for it to register that we can reach out to people.  Now, you know not to call the fax number, right?  (I love teasing Brian.  I do.)


RUSH: Dr. Spencer, thanks so much for joining us today. 
DR. SPENCER:  You're welcome, Rush. 
RUSH:  Now, refresh people's memories.  You called the program once a few weeks ago discussing why you deviate from the established belief of manmade global warming.  Your hypothesis basically is that precipitation is one of the primary factors and the computer models don't measure precipitation because we can't figure out -- we don't have the equipment, sophistication to even measure -- total precipitation on the planet on a daily basis. Correct? 

Transcript continued and map  at;


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Re: Dr. Spencer: Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell Caused By COLD
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 04:43:50 PM »
Global warming... or cold... whatever.

It was Bush's fault.


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Re: Dr. Spencer: Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell Caused By COLD
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 06:23:24 AM »
Tropical storms have two names now Huh?  shocked

Will the next one be "Billy Bob" ?   grin
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Re: Dr. Spencer: Subtropical Storm Andrea Mitchell Caused By COLD
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 06:34:42 AM »
I believe the storm is named Andrea.  Rush added the Mitchell, which is kind of a two-layered joke.  Andrea Mitchell is an "info-babe," or female journalist.  The second layer is that Rush refers to Hurricane Katrina as "Hurricane Katrina vanden Heuvel," Katrina vanden Heuvel being the editor of the left-wing Nation Magazine.  So, "Sub-tropical Storm Andrea Mitchell" is kind of a continuation of the earlier joke.