Author Topic: Day of Defeat  (Read 1736 times)


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Day of Defeat
« on: June 14, 2005, 05:11:58 PM »
Anyone here ever play it?

I've played it from allll the way back in the old beta days, before Valve software bought 'em out... I mentioned this back in the Battlefield 2 thread, but that brought back some pretty cool memories of that old game...before the uber-complex maps...before para gameplay, before the MGs were added, even before they nerfed the M-1 Garand...

Some of the fonder memories include:
Spawning on the beach at Omaha as an Allie, charging up, and shooting some Germans as they came out of the underground bunker, dodging the others as they returned fire with their K-98s, and finishing the others off, a literal dance of death.

games on Hill as an Axis soldier.... running around the artillery plotting board and whaling on the 'fire' buttons to bring down artillery fire on certain sections of the map...and then reading the bitching about "airstrikes being abused"
...mainly by those who simply parked themselves right in the middle of the strike zones as a sniper, and attempted to pick off any Nazis, rather than attack the fortress and take control of the control points.... the biggest whiners then tended to be the biggest lamers... (although, sometimes, they COULD have a valid point, like when someone was map exploiting.. )

Sometimes, it just SUCKED to be Allies on that'd use medium to long range rifle fire to clear out the front bunker, and head right up the path to the fortress itself...only to have a load of 88mm arty adjust your attitude but good.  

One exploit that got around (and I *did* use a bit, myself.... mainly when it'd be funniest... ) One could pull the pin on a Grenade (and I forget how exactly, ) but it wouldn't explode until you released it to throw it, or died...I think you held down one of the fire buttons when you dropped the gren originally, and then picked it back up with the use key.  Anyway, I used to love (at the start of a map) to prime a gren, set it up as described above, and hop into the middle of a gaggle of Nazis..... of course, someone would think "ooh, free kill. " and then shoot you.
KABOOM.  You'd explode, as well as anyone within the blast radius.   If done like ONCE or twice, it'd be funny to most folks, even the 'victims' but people got to where that trick was all they'd do, and it was removed.  (Rightfully so, of course.  )

Another fun memory was on one map, (can't recall exactly which, ) whee I was covered by an enemy sniper...if I ran around the corner, I would die.  To retreat would take me back into the guns of the enemy.... well, one enterprising Nazi heaved a stick grenade at me, bouncing it around the corner.  Sucker forgot to drop it, pick it back up, count to 2 and THEN throw it.  I picked it up, bounced it high off the wall opposite to me, got it just barely right, and gave the Sniper on the 2nd story a facefull of KABOOM.  The poor would-be grenadier, apparently surprised at the turn of events just stood there slack-jawed while I popped him with my trusty 1911....

I do sometimes jump out there in DoD nowadays...but with all the extra fancy stuff they've added, and the huge number of players they've added, I've noticed entirely too much Counterstrikeitis.... this tends to kill a game faster than anything for me...
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You don't even pay taxes. They take tax.
You get your check, money gone.
That ain't a payment, that's a jack." - Chris Rock "Bigger and Blacker"
He slapped his rifle. "This is one of the best arguments for peace there is. Nobody wants to shoot if somebody is going to shoot back. " Callaghen, Callaghen, Louis La'mour


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Day of Defeat
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 06:48:01 PM »
I miss Hill. My dad has a custom map server. I like playing Hill on it.
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Day of Defeat
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 08:02:16 PM »
DoD is probably my all-time favorite HL mod. I actually wrote a FAQ for it.

Waiting for the Source version, and then I'll update. Wink


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Day of Defeat
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 04:46:38 AM »
DoD 1.3b was the best version IMNSHO.
I was deadly with the Garand.  Used to torque off snipers in the two story building on the Dam map.  Come out of the tunnel facing the building, whip off a couple of shots, got lucky more than a few times.
They never knew how I did that.  Just practice, practice, practice.
Hill was a great map.  Several others...
Sarge{HPR} was, and still is, my screen name on those rare occasions when I play.
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Day of Defeat
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2005, 10:08:25 AM »
Kick-ass game.  Good news, the DOD:S release date is going to be named this week sometime, along with other info about it.  For those of you not familiar with HL2, the Source version is the same game rebuilt on the HL2 engine.  The Counter-Strike Source game is pretty much the same game, with MUCH BETTER graphics, physics and pretty much all around gaming.

Avalanche is my favorite, followed closely by Glider and Kalt.
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« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2005, 05:54:09 AM »
I played DOD for a while, and remember when they added voice comms and the 1919s.  My floormates in college all thought I was nuts cause I'd be on the computer yelling "Sniper in the tower!" all day long.



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« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2005, 05:41:48 PM »
One little problem I have been noticing lately, that definitely marks me as a gun nut.  The SN on the Springfield M1 is not only not a WWII serial number, it is also a H&R number.

And sadly, Source won't be out for a few weeks.  They are redoing all the artwork, and the map they showed looks absolutely astounding.
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K Frame

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« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2005, 07:49:17 PM »
Still trying to figure out just how one is supposed to play it. Is it a game you buy at the store, or is it something you sign up for strictly on-line?

There's also just enough wrong information about the firearms to be annoying.
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« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2005, 01:00:33 PM »
There's also just enough wrong information about the firearms to be annoying.
Only if you aren't one of the 99.9999999% of people who will never notice.

The game itself was at one time available in stores.  I don't know if it still is, though.  If not, you can use Steam, Valve's (the developer's) program distribution system.  It will downlaod it to your computer, after you pay the fee for the game (IIRC, $19 for all the Half-Life 1 games, and it is only a one time thing, not a monthly fee).  

I'd personally wait until DOD:Source came out though.  It is redone on the HL2 engine, meaning better physics and graphics, and thy are redoing all the artwork, and adding in a better lighting and shadowing system.
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Day of Defeat
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2005, 07:16:20 PM »
DOD: Source is out. Very nice if you bought the silver edition of HL2, but not worth the $20 otherwise (only 4 maps).

They changed the balance A LOT. Be prepared.

Rifleman (Garand and K98) basically suck at close range. No pistol, no bayonet, no kidding. I seriously think they need to up the accuracy of the rifles, and perhaps the damage as well.

SMGs are poor at anything beyond close-to-medium range. They decreased the accuracy of the SMGs considerably. They're still quite lethal, though.

Support (BAR and STG44) have WAY more recoil now. They're very difficult to full-auto, but bursting seems to work okay. I think they need to up the first shot accuracy.

Snipers and MGs are basically the same.

The Bazooka/Panzershreck guys are pretty fun, if sort of unrealistic (how often did the bazooka get used against infantry?). Very high splash damage. The secondary weapons (M1 Carbine and Full-auto Broomie) are very fun.

I hope to see more maps and some tweaks, but the game seems pretty balanced, if buggy.


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Day of Defeat
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2005, 08:43:32 PM »
There will be more maps.  Hopefully, models will look better.  As it stands right now, there is no British units, which I believe are going to be added.  I think they cut some corners to get it out the door.

Irons sights were a great addition, but seeing as how they were only added to the M1 and K98, I think it was a pointless gesture.  I am glad to see that there is improved accuracy with them though.  You can hit a guy unsighted if he is close, but further out it is more iffy.  There is a knife/brass knuckles for the Americans that is quite effective, and the shovel works as usual for the Germans.

Melle (sp?) hits with the M1 and K98 would have been nice to have, as they did remove the pistols.  Anyone know how much infantry was issued pistols, though?

Personally, I think the BAR is more controallable now than then.  MP44 though is tougher.

Snipers and MG's are right where they need to be.

And HDR lighting is frickin awesome, so glad they included it.  Makes the whole game worth it, even if it does kill my computer.
I still say 'Give Detroit to Canada'