I have never voted for a Dem; I have always voted Republican or 3rd Party.
Many people will get to the ballot, and the last second "twinge" change their mind about voting 3rd party.
I do not have a source or cite, just my gut feeling.
I do recall the Clinton election, he won, and after a bit it seems "nobody" would admit voting for him.
Some random inquires in various jurisdictions and the numbers did not seem to match what polling records revealed.
Hillary is so fixated on her Health Care Plan; this I feel will be her downfall.
Clinton's tell folks what they want to hear, to get votes from various types of voters.
They are both real good about words used, and how they define words.
My gut says, Hillary will use her "Socialist" Health Care Plan as THE big platform.
It will be so obvious, she skirts other issues, to get back to discussing this Health Plan.
Typical changing the subject, riding the fence, no straight answers to any other issues, but this Health Care plan will be akin to a distraction, delusional drug, smokescreen, whatever one chooses to call it.
Those against her, will bring this to voters attention, and parallel the Socialist aspect of this Health Plan, and warn the American public, this Socialist attitude will be applied to other issues.
My gut says, a lot of "dirt" and "skeletons" have been investigated about Hillary and Bill.
I mean going way back to when Hillary was with Rose Law Firm, and Bill was AG of AR.
The years when he was Gov of AR, Whitewater, and other matters.
Republicans and 3rd Party alike, have been sitting on all this, and secured all this information before Mark Stodola was elected to AG office in AR. Stodola is dangerous, and is part of the Political Machine in AR.
Oh, he just happens to be a Democrat.
Too many questions over too many years.
Too many folks got hurt by the Clinton's.
My gut says, payback time, and hell is the currency of exchange.
It would be a helluva deal if Tucker, Hale, Hubbell and others just happen to sing like canaries - even if they did not - plenty of others that might be willing to.
I really feel some want to put down Hillary and Bill - and hard!