No candidate matched me more than 40%.
I hated this quiz because the one that matched me the most was Joe Biden, who i'd never vote for, even if he was the last candidate on earth.
I just have to grit my teeth and bear the fact that if I vote for a democrat, I am voting for a gun banner, and if I vote for a republican, I vote for someone that doesn't believe in science, or other rights that need to be addressed. I lose either way.
Out of the candidates that have a chance, I'd probably vote Mike Huckabee or Dennis Kucinich. I really don't like ANY of the top tier candidates from either party.
Obama was 39.58%, but he's an empty suit.
Edwards was 35.42%. I like the guy personally, but I don't think he's presidential matarial. If I'm going to vote for a lefty, I want a real lefty like kucinich, not a Johnny-Edwards-come-lately.
Rudy and Richardson were both 33.33%. I like Richardson's forigen policy experience. I'd rather have him as a secretary of state, though.