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The Roundtable / Re: Titanic tourist sub goes missing
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 06:57:36 AM »
I figured the indices for salt water and regular old "glass" were close enough to make it hard to find fragments, viz. the marble in (assumedly tap) water as a demonstration.

IIRC Optical glass has a very high refractive index for lens purposes.  I vaguely recall that "optical" glass had lead in it and the lenses were advertised as containing lead.  I also recall that lead lenses were soft and easily scratched. 

A lot of the assumed visibility would depend on the angle of incidence of the illumination.  Down there in the depths, the surveillance device would probably have the lighting close to the viewing lens, so reflections would be pretty much at a minimum except for the angles around the breakage lines, if any.   Sidelighting would make the searched-for glass fragments more visible.

Anyhow, my musey little brain had to laugh at the submarine's window being submerged in miles and miles of glycerin. 

Terry, 230RN
The Roundtable / Re: The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 06:37:45 AM »
Funny to realize how huge it is, flight photos don't give much of a sense of scaling.  Too bad they only made 19,307 of them.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 06:13:31 AM »

By "each charger," does that mean each charging "parking space" charger has to be able to deliver that 150 kW to four different cars simultaneously?

If so, the 600kW power total makes numerical sense.

For a charger to be eligible for the federal money we were discussing in this thread it needs to meet a bunch of different standards in the NEVI rule.  One of the standards is each "charger" must have four connectors. Those ports can be all Direct Current Fast Charger (DCFC) or a mix of DCFC and AC level 2 ports.

Another standard is:
Power Level

This final rule establishes a requirement that each DCFC located along and designed to serve users of designated AFCs must simultaneously deliver up to 150kW, as requested by the EV, and that each AC Level 2 port be capable of providing at least 6 kW per port simultaneously across all AC ports with an option to allow the customer to consent to accept a lower power level to allow power sharing or to participate in smart charge management programs. This final rule also clarifies that power sharing is permissible above the minimum 150-kW per-port requirement for DCFCs.

So 600kW is the "worst case".  If you build a charger with all 4 ports DCFC, then each port must deliver 150kW by itself.  However, in charging stations of this type (along highways for travel use) DCFC's are the vastly preferred charger, as they are way faster.  So it's not unreasonable to assume that that's what the ports will overwhelmingly be.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by zahc on Today at 01:08:32 AM »
Given previous conversations, I’m fairly certain zahc sees that as a feature not a bug. People should live in a city, ride trains where they are allowed, and not own a vehicle.

This is not correct and I generally think people should do what they want, and pay for it themselves to the greatest extent practical, and be free to do so.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by zahc on Today at 01:03:53 AM »
Cars are more expensive for a variety of reasons, mostly because the has mandated increasing levels of emissions controls and "safety" technology. Plus, with CAFE standards tied to vehicle volume a larger car is better (for the OEM) but also makes it more expensive. Add in decades of cheap credit and a culture of asking "how much per month" instead of "how much" and we have the current mix of new cars on the market.

None of which has bugger all to do with the EV boondoggle.

BEV cars would, if sold at similar profit margins, cost double or more what comparable ICE cars sell for.  Factor in the power issues (which I notice you conveniently haven't addressed) and the average person cannot afford to live how they otherwise do now, and own and drive a suitable vehicle. Though as cordex notes, that may be a feature rather than a bug to your statist mindset.

I don't think you can justify calling me a statist, but I'd like to see you try.

Your first bit about cars being expensive is true and just repeats what I already said. "They" want every American to perpetually have a car payment (or 3) and burn hundreds of dollars of gas per month just to exist and live life, and that's been the goal of the system for a long time before BEVs came along, I mean going back to the GM-Standard Oil scandal, Charles Wilson, and just about every bit of transportation policy ever created in the US, and impossible not to see unless you just never peek out of your consumer-bubble. The American auto industry is either fighting, slow-walking, or tentatively embracing BEVs which tells you everything you need to know, really. If they didn't think Americans would buy BEVs they wouldn't have had Uncle Joe just ban imports. They went from "EVs are impractical and Americans don't want EVs" to "please save us from having to compete with foreign EVs" in about one New York minute.

Your allegations that BEVs would cost double ICE cars is not supported by the facts. Globally there are many affordable BEVs and of course many expensive ICE cars, with cars of the same category being comparable.
The Roundtable / The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by WLJ on May 31, 2024, 11:22:15 PM »
They pushed the old, but still looking young, girl out of Hanger 4 and gave her a bath.
Filmed in 4k

North American XB-70 Valkyrie(Highlights May 2024)
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Perd Hapley on May 31, 2024, 11:20:51 PM »
He really should do this  :rofl:

Trump Reminds Media He Prefers The Term 'Justice-Impacted Individual'

He should also change his name to Donald John Wilkes Trump.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by 230RN on May 31, 2024, 11:04:30 PM »
I'm new to this issue, so help me out here.  dogmush said:

"I think the more overlooked part of this boondoggle of a project is that each charger must have minimum of 4 ports and each port must be capable of suppling 150kW minimum.  So each charger requires a minimum of 600kW power.  That's 300,000 Megawatts of added capacity."

By "each charger," does that mean each charging "parking space" charger has to be able to deliver that 150 kW to four different cars simultaneously?

If so, the 600kW power total makes numerical sense.

But if each charging station only needs to deliver 150kW to one single vehicle at a time regardless of the type of connector for that car, it doesn't, and multiplying 150 x 4 to get a total of 600kW does not.

Where has my thinking gone wrong?  At 85 yo, I sometimes miss a critical qualification when trying to understand something.


Maybe I should go look physically at a charging station setup....?

Terry, 230RN

The Roundtable / Re: SpaceX News
« Last post by WLJ on May 31, 2024, 10:55:39 PM »
Chris Bergin - NSF
241 successful Falcon booster landings in a row:
Politics / Re: Maybe we should just start a The World Has Gone Mad thread
« Last post by WLJ on May 31, 2024, 10:53:31 PM »
Now she supposedly got stuck in a revolving door at an airport.
As someone said in the comments maybe she should be put on the no fly list

Plus-size travel influencer who's demanded free extra seats for fat flyers slams airport staff for ignoring her after she got stuck in a revolving door
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