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The Roundtable / Re: Titanic tourist sub goes missing
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 02:47:38 PM »
    The hull was never reviewed by any third parties as is standard procedure, Coast Guard representatives said.
    There were no efforts to seek classification or certification for the Titan.
    'There was no desire by Stockton to go do it,' Nissen testified.

Bonnie Carl said she never saw anyone sign a waiver and assumed they would before the missions happened.

She said Nissen would not let her see the paperwork for the acrylic dome, and that the O-ring groove 'looked odd.'
In February 2018, Carl decided to leave the company over its 'attitude towards safety.'
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by Ben on Today at 02:44:39 PM »
Sitting Congressman Dan Goldman.
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by RocketMan on Today at 02:41:31 PM »
I understand the point of Musk's question, but he worded it badly.  So much so that it can be twisted to appear as though he was trying to incite attempts against Harris or Biden.  The left is going to cream him over it.
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by Ben on Today at 02:40:04 PM »
Ben's big tinfoil hat: Ukraine doesn't want Trump to win.
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 02:35:14 PM »
Elon probably didn't think this one all the way through.
He deleted it but the internet is forever
The MSM is going hit him hard for it.

The Roundtable / Need server/server admin help
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 02:31:31 PM »
There will probably be more questions in this thread, hence the vague title, but I need some help.  I pulled the short straw and have been tasked by my friend group to set up and admin a TAK server so we can all communicate and have fun.

First problem:  I have spun up a server in a VM on a commercial service.  I have all my IPs and stuff.  During the spin up, it was suggested, and I (stupidly, I begin to think) enabled SSH key security. I generated a pair of RSA SSH keys with an online generator (in hindsight, probably should have used my local machine's key generator), and gave the server the public key as part of the spin up process.

Now, because I have shared key security, I cannot log into my server with a password.  I have the private key as a text file (from the online key generator).

I can PuTTY into my server, and it shows that the public key is there, but it asks for a password to log into the root account.  But my password does not exist, because password log in is disabled. 

How do I get my text Private key into a form that it can be shared with the remote server and let me in?  In my FTP program (winSCP) there's a spot to tell it where the Private key is, but it will not accept a .txt file as a key.  In PuTTY, I see where I can "Add key" but it doesn't seem to take the whole key as a text input, and there's no browse to find key option.

How TF do I log in?  (this does not bode well for the rest of the server stand up process.)
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by Angel Eyes on Today at 01:46:22 PM »
Amy Swearer has some questions about the (alleged) shooter:
Politics / Re: Another attempt to kill Trump
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 01:08:13 PM »
Do we know where Trump was at the time of the supressive fire?  I've seen it said that he was 300-500 yds away, I've also seen it reported that the advance guard was two holes ahead.  If they were two holes ahead on 5, and Trump was on hole 3, the shooter did not have line of sight yet.  I've seen no indication this was a quick draw spray and pray thing. 

Looking at google maps, and an map of the golf course, the north side of hole 5 is on the border of the club, up against a storm canal.  Much more likely to have the shitty chainlink the pics show than the hedge and what looks like a wall that borders the east side of hole 6.  Depending on where in that north treline you are, you are 318-561 meters from the green on 3.  Which kinda fits reporting. Parts of that tree line has a sight line on all of Hole 4, so you could watch the tee off and pick a shot.  There's also a parking lot where you could park, and get right into the trees without being seen, although that would be pretty ballsy, as to exfil you'd have to drive around the county jail.  Public road, but man, you gotta get out fast.
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