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Politics / Re: The Biden Replacement thread...
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 11:36:42 PM »

Wait, didn't Biden cure cancer already?

No Obama did, now only racist people get cancer.
Politics / Re: The Biden Replacement thread...
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 11:32:08 PM »
Democrats and their simps have been posting this on X:

Still not half as cool as this:

Even thought your pictures don't show up on this page, I know how to get them to load separately.
As for the first, with "Kameltoe" dressed as "Wonder Woman", that is actually rather appropriate.  After all, aren't most of us "wondering" how she got there in the first place??
  >:D  :facepalm:  :rofl:
The Roundtable / Re: SpaceX News
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 11:07:13 PM »
First launch since the grounding
Suppose to go live at midnight

SpaceX Falcon 9 Returns to Flight / Starlink 10-9

Window Opens: July 27th at 12:21AM EDT (04:21 UTC)
Window Closes: July 27th at 4:21AM EDT (08:21 UTC)
Politics / Re: Gun shots at Trump rally
« Last post by MechAg94 on Today at 10:50:41 PM »
 Breakdown: New Bodycam Footage Of Police On Top Of Trump Shooter's Roof!
Mrgunsngear Channel

Mrgunsngear put another video with info on the shooting so far.  He says the red dot is a Holosun and has one to show.  Talked about bodycam footage and other stuff.
Rumble link if needed.
The Roundtable / Re: How [not] to Evacuate an Aircraft
« Last post by MechAg94 on Today at 10:47:45 PM »
If there was a fire building in the plane, they better hope someone is at the door shoving people out.  Everyone is piled up and not moving.  I'd at least want to grab my book. 
Politics / Re: Gun shots at Trump rally
« Last post by Hawkmoon on Today at 10:25:55 PM »
Whether he was grazed by a bullet or hit by shrapnel is IMHO a distinction without a difference.  The gunman fired 8 shots and Trump was hit.  They want to expend a bunch of energy and resources on something that doesn't matter so they can avoid investigating anything meaningful.

^^^ This.
Who the heck though a drag queen last supper at the Olympics would be okay?
Civilization is circling the toilet

Related:  "Sodom and Gomorrah" is currently trending on X.

ETA: fittingly, the Parisians also have a pale horse:
Politics / Re: Maybe we should just start a The World Has Gone Mad thread
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 09:28:00 PM »
Who the heck though a drag queen last supper at the Olympics would be okay?
Civilization is circling the toilet

Now do Muhammad as a drag queen
Politics / Re: Gun shots at Trump rally
« Last post by Ben on Today at 09:09:31 PM »

1.  The SS were offered use of a drone by local PD, but declined.  There was a claim Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas forbid the use of drones.  I would like to see some specifics and proof of that last part.  Seems like an odd thing to do.

Whether the above is true or not, I just checked his bio. There is zero evidence that he is experienced or qualified in any way to assess drone use in a tactical environment.
Politics / Re: Gun shots at Trump rally
« Last post by MechAg94 on Today at 08:56:38 PM »
Think SS will have someone on that roof or is it still too slopey?

I imagine that will be covered along with the water tower.
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