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Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by griz on Today at 12:46:07 PM »
From reading the article it sounds like the affinity celebration is a supposed to be in addition to the actual graduation.  Does anybody know if the diverse students typically also attend the graduation?  This idea is new to me (new, as in I though separate but equal was long gone) so I don't know how it works out in practice.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 12:37:49 PM »
I’m still not sure how the number of voters Trump loses from the “I’d never vote for a criminal” contingent will compare to the “WTF is this banana republic stuff?” bump.

Good question but in recent days the first group probably hasn't changed all that much while the latter, we can hope, has grown considerably. How they compare right now IDK.
Hopefully more people on the right won't be sitting on hands this time like they did in 2020
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 12:35:42 PM »
I'm waiting on someone like Sheila Jackson Lee to or AOC says something along the lines of "if you vote for a felon you are a felon"
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by cordex on Today at 12:09:15 PM »
I’m still not sure how the number of voters Trump loses from the “I’d never vote for a criminal” contingent will compare to the “WTF is this banana republic stuff?” bump.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 12:02:12 PM »
Now what is the dems next plan? We all know how they love to doubledown on things that have obviously failed or in this case possibly hilariously backfired.
Are they going to try to get him thrown into jail before he can be nominated or after? I can't see them walking away from this now that they're in this this far.
Are they going to come up with some other issue to prosecute him over and fast track it?

Well, IMO, it's too late for them to say "oops" and toss it all into the background. I think all they can do is double down in hopes of a hail mary, but I'm not sure what that would be. I think at this point Trump is almost hoping for prison for the continued positive optics for him.

These knuckleheads spent way too much time polling their bubble. They expected Trump's base and all of us small government extremists to get riled up, but I think they never expected that independents and democrats would side with Trump because of the trial and verdict. Or, rather than side with Trump, side against the banana republic. A bunch of Trump haters are going to vote for Trump now. A bunch more are definitely not voting for Biden.

I think one thing the Republican machine should do is move forward with the plan to move the convention up and nominate Trump on July 4th.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 11:52:42 AM »
Now what is the dems next move? We all know how they love to doubledown on things that have obviously failed or in this case possibly hilariously backfired.
Are they going to try to get him thrown into jail before he can be nominated or after? I can't see them walking away from this now that they're in this this far.
Are they going to come up with some other issue to prosecute him over and fast track it?

Beyond stuff like that I'm seriously worried what the more radical members of the left may be planning considering they got people whipped up he's the devil. Sorry Hitler, the devil is a misunderstood hero to many on the left.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Angel Eyes on Today at 10:46:52 AM »
It was fairly obvious to all in 2020 as well.

Biden generates a lot of enthusiasm ... among those who count the votes.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 10:39:42 AM »
I love how he takes all the crap they have thrown at him and turned it into money.
The MSM are starting to talk about the “enthusiasm gap” which is becoming huge and obvious to all.

It was fairly obvious to all in 2020 as well.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Kingcreek on Today at 10:38:17 AM »
I love how he takes all the crap they have thrown at him and turned it into money.
The MSM are starting to talk about the “enthusiasm gap” which is becoming huge and obvious to all.
The Roundtable / Re: The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by HankB on Today at 10:07:59 AM »
The XB-70 is cool, but I was actually more excited to see the Thundescreech sitting next to it. (At 2:51).  The Valkyrie is cool and fast, but the XF-84 is just peak 'Merica.

Thunderscreech explanation:
I've thought from time to time that something like a Thunderscreech drone might have an application in some military situations as a psychological weapon against low tech "insurgent" forces that don't have the tech to shoot it down. Fly over, wake everybody up, and say "We know you're there." Don't make a big deal about it, in fact don't comment on it at all. The bad guys will just know something noisy is in the sky above them.

But it won't happen because after the bureaucrats got ahold of the idea, it would cost 100 billion dollars and they'd be open congressional hearings.
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