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The Roundtable / Re: Help! My Windows Are Melting My Grass!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 08:37:45 AM »
In your case, Ben, I think you may want to put up some roller blinds on that porch to block the summer sun from hitting that window.

That would be preferable to me versus dealing with film that will have potential bubbling, etc. The problem is that the window is aligned directly with the prevailing wind whenever we get wind events. I would need to figure out someway to attach a blind that I could secure at the bottom as well, to keep it from blowing around. If not to the point of it just flying off (the wind will lift siding here), to the point that it doesn't whack against the house all night long.
The Roundtable / Re: Help! My Windows Are Melting My Grass!
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 08:20:16 AM »
In your case, Ben, I think you may want to put up some roller blinds on that porch to block the summer sun from hitting that window.

The Roundtable / Re: Help! My Windows Are Melting My Grass!
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 08:16:40 AM »
Well, remember, a Fresnel lens can be flat as a pancake over its entire structure, it's the angles that are incorporated into that flat structure that create the lens effect. I suspect that is what is going on here. Yes, the membrane or coating or whatever it is inside the window is flat, but it's the how the structure is arranged.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 08:10:04 AM »
I saw that the Spanish VP was doing the "river to the sea" thing.

Of course he was. Spain is incredibly anti-Semitic. It's well hidden, but they're one of the most anti-Semitic nations in the world that isn't Muslim run.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by Ben on Today at 07:50:12 AM »
Norway, Spain, and Ireland are moving to recognize the Palestinian state.

I saw that the Spanish VP was doing the "river to the sea" thing.
The Roundtable / Re: Help! My Windows Are Melting My Grass!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 07:47:44 AM »
I've not read the articles that Ben has linked yet, but I suspect that this may have something to do with these reports. These coatings may be acting partially as concentrators when they reflect the high-angle sun.

That's basically what they're saying, and that also they may be creating a slight internal concavity, or a concavity effect. I can't visually see such in my window, at least not enough to create a multiplier effect from the physical surface. Both sides that I can hold a straightedge to are flat.
Striking back against the madness:  increasing numbers of children are declaring their pronouns are "U.S.A.":

I had a fun exchange with a coworker via text a few weeks ago...

We're both Phillies fans, and I was talking about getting MLB TV to watch the season since it could be a really good one.

Me: Hulu doesn't have anything other than ESPN... so I'm think about getting a package."

Him: Transitioning, are you? What will your pronouns be?

Me: *expletive deleted*ck/you/ahole


Our employer has gone something down the woke path with all this crap. It's not been as bad as I really thought it was going to be when it really started ramping up as COVID ended, but it was still bad enough that it's what caused me to change my APS user name.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 07:40:35 AM »
Norway, Spain, and Ireland are moving to recognize the Palestinian state.

This ought to make things more interesting, primarily given that the "Palestinian state" is divided, and each section is controlled by a different group -- Hamas in Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority/Fatah-controlled West Bank.

So, are Norway, Spain, and Ireland going to sent ambassadors to both? Are they going to recognize the PA's rule over both sections? If they were to do that, then that would seemingly give Israel defacto right to invade Gaza to hunt down the extra-legal government/terrorist organization that attacked it.

The Roundtable / Re: Help! My Windows Are Melting My Grass!
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 07:28:51 AM »
"A simple flat reflector won't focus light."

Generally I'd agree with that, but we're talking about low-E windows, and they are not simple flat reflectors. There's a lot more going on in a low-E window than just a couple of panes of glass.

The new windows that I have have a reflective barrier in them that's designed to reflect higher angle sunlight (summer sun) to keep it from entering the home, but will allow lower angle sunlight (winter sun) to pass through into the home as a means of passive solar heating.

I've not read the articles that Ben has linked yet, but I suspect that this may have something to do with these reports. These coatings may be acting partially as concentrators when they reflect the high-angle sun. 
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