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Obama Is the One Only Naive Liberals Have Been Waiting For

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Perd Hapley:

--- Quote from: Paddy on April 25, 2008, 10:05:01 AM ---This kind of discourse makes me ashamed/embarrassed I was, and voted, Republican.

Aren't you the guy that used the n-word on this forum, last year?  Nice discourse.  You don't have a high horse, so stop pretending to ride it. 


--- Quote from: Paddy on April 25, 2008, 10:05:01 AM ---Wow.  More spittle flying character assassination coming from the right.  I suppose we can expect this barrage of vitriol to continue nonstop right up to election day.  Everybody's coordinated and on the same page though.  Listen to rightwing talkradio and you'll hear Limbaugh/Hannity and their sycophants all spewing the same personal attacks down to the exact words.

Why not discuss issues or promote your candidate?   Because the right is on the wrong side of most issues, and when McCain is your candidate......well.....there's nothing there to promote.

This kind of discourse makes me ashamed/embarrassed I was, and voted, Republican.

What do you care, you're staying home on election day.

The Annoyed Man:

--- Quote ---Looking at it from that perspective, those leaning toward the right are on the freedom side of the issues;
There's your primary mistake.  How do you figure self appointed 'rightwingers' have afforded the American people more freedom?

--- Quote ---Aren't you the guy that used the n-word on this forum, last year?  Nice discourse.  You don't have a high horse, so stop pretending to ride it.
'zat really all you got, Josh?  Weak, very weak.


--- Quote from: Paddy on April 25, 2008, 02:30:02 PM ---
--- Quote ---Looking at it from that perspective, those leaning toward the right are on the freedom side of the issues;
There's your primary mistake.  How do you figure self appointed 'rightwingers' have afforded the American people more freedom?
Iz zat all you got? At least self appointed 'right wingers' talk about freedom, which is a step more than Socialist Obama or Hillary talk about.  The real mistake may be that those on the right only talk about freedom while the leftists implement their oppression under the guise of American patriotism.  If your leftist socialists who ran America since FDR were so progressive, how come the poor oppressed people of color or poor whites and other "minorities"  ( I always loved (actually deplored) that term), the Leftist newspeak for economic slavery are still around and still pandered?  The Left doesn't want those folks released from bondage.  If they were, the Socialists would be ridden out of town on a rail.   At least when the Republicans had their moment with RR, a lot of middle class folks moved up and a lot of so-called poor moved into the middle class.  Thanks to Clinton and both Bushes (tapioca pudding politicians) economic pettifoggery, the trend has reversed maybe.

If the Contract With America had been fulfilled, I believe things would be much different and better today.

Perd Hapley:
I erased a cutting little reply to you, Paddy.  I don't need to belittle you.  You belittle yourself. 

Now, would you mind pointing out the "spittle flying character assassination [sic]"?  There's certainly nothing of the kind in the article.  Not that I expect you to stay on topic...


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