Author Topic: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?  (Read 116257 times)

just Warren

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Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« on: July 05, 2017, 01:35:07 AM »
You remember when we had the stickied Obama scandal list?

In that vein we need a list for all the things that Trump is doing that seem to be flying under the leftists\media radar.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2017, 09:37:57 AM »
Perhaps we could include a fake scandal list also.   =)
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2017, 09:54:02 AM »
His most singular accomplishment is actually sufficient for a "list" all by itself.

He makes liberals wet their diapers.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2017, 09:55:44 AM »
2.  His unapologetic rhetoric is actually causing leftist liberals to be honest about their goals and intentions. 
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2017, 10:09:50 AM »
3.  Trump has brought some sanity to our immigration policies which has created at least a perception of stricter border enforcement.

4.  Cleaning House at the State Department.

I figured this was as good a place as any to start.  Which thread had that list posted?
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2017, 10:13:49 AM »
posted by Chester32141.
I am not sure if we want to attach article or thread links to all these. 
The President has been busy ... this list is a couple weeks old ...  Popcorn

1) #HePersisted.
Yes, the US is officially withdrawn from the Paris Climate Accord. He has also stopped payment to the Green Climate Fund.

2) Here come the judges!
President Trump has used the Reid rule and the Republican congress to appoint a slew of conservative judges.

3) The Art of the Re-deal.
President Trump has hit the reset button on the odious agreement that our former president made with the dictatorship of Cuba. He will retain the embassy for leverage. Additionally, he withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership and is looking to get better terms for this country under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

4) The return of our political prisoners.
Aya Hijazi and Otto Warmbier were languishing in foreign prisons during the Obama administration. They are now reunited with their families.

5) The Apprentice, White House Edition.
President Trump signed an executive order to expand apprenticeships and vocational training to help all Americans, offering an alternative to the progressive college educational pathway that has undermined the success of an entire generation.

6) Trump shatters a ceiling….with the stock market.
President Trump hasn’t allowed the press-induced political dramas to distract him from engaging with business leaders and implementing policies that actually help the American economy. The stock market’s record highs are a vote of confidence.

7) Trump ends the Y2K crisis.
The President ordered the end to record-keeping related to the preparedness for a bug that afflicted some computers at the turn of the century.

Cool Regulations are now on the endangered species list.
The key to many wins on this list, and likely all the future lists that I will need to make, is that President Trump and his team are focused on ending regulations, rather than mending them or allowing them to breed unchecked.

9) Illegal border crossings have plummeted.
The number of attempts to illegally cross the southern border have dropped each month for the past 6 months, and President Trump gives no indication of his changing policies.

10) ICE ices violent gangs.
President Trump promised that his immigration policy priority would be the deportation of violent gang members, and Immigration and Customs enforcement is working to decapitate the worst of them: MS13.

11) Classic energy sources are making a return.
A new mine has opened up in Pennsylvania, while Obama-backed green energy companies go bankrupt.

12) American companies are now “in-sourcing” jobs.
Lowering regulatory burdens and fuel prices has meant that manufacturing plants are beginning to come back to both coasts and the Midwest. In fact, the business climate is so improved that some foreign companies are now planning to outsource to the U.S.

13) Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Bonus: The nuclear option was deployed, ending the 60 vote requirement the next time President Trump nominates a Supreme Court Justice candidate.

14) Over 800,000 jobs created.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the labor market under President Trump has added over 810,000 jobs in his first five months.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2017, 10:14:49 AM »
It also occurs to me that some might be more along the lines of "good progress, keep it up" rather than a complete accomplishment. 
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2017, 10:31:37 AM »
It also occurs to me that some might be more along the lines of "good progress, keep it up" rather than a complete accomplishment. 

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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2017, 05:18:50 PM »
Trouble w/ listing his accomplishments is as soon as a list is compiled it's out of date ...  :facepalm:

(1) Signed an executive order making it easier to fire or punish VA executives who screw up.
(2) Rolled back more destructive government regulations than any president in history.
(3) Got rid of the secret Department of Justice slush fund that was used to support partisan political groups.
(4) Persuaded the Saudis to share their most secret military intelligence with us.
(5) Decreased the national debt by over $100 billion.
(6) Persuaded defense contractors to cut their prices by as much as a third.
(7) Cut illegal immigration (in terms of those caught at the border) by 67 percent.
     Trump's 1st Qtr. Salary to Go to Fix Antietam Battlefield
(9) Persuaded NATO members to up their contributions by $10 billion.
(10) Created a commission to examine and assess weakness in the voting process.
(11) Signed an executive order holding the heads of federal agencies
personally responsible for the cybersecurity of their networks.
(12) Created the American Technology Council to upgrade US digital services.
(13) Issued an executive order protecting whistle blowers in Veterans' Administration.
(14) Signed two executive orders requiring a review of the deficit and punishing foreign countries that "dump" in the US market.
(15) Created a commission to fight prescription drug abuse.
(16) Removed Obama-era regulations that prevent public schools from firing inept and abusive teachers.
(17) Greatly reduced the power of the Bureau of Land Management to take over public lands owned by states.
(18) Signed two bills encouraging government science departments to strengthen their outreach to women.
(19) Signed an executive order directing federal agencies to evaluate existing regulations.
(20) Signed an executive order directing the Department of justice to review existing laws protecting police officers.
(21) Created a federal task force that will share information among agencies and come up with strategies to fight crimes.
(22) Signed an executive order prioritizing efforts to fight criminal organizations that engage in human trafficking.
(23) Signed an executive order mandating that for every new law impacting businesses, two must be repealed.

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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2017, 12:37:41 PM »
President Trump continues to get political mileage out of his move to exit the 2015 Paris climate accord. In a massive snub to the international climate movement, as well as to his German host, Trump won the war of words in the G20 leaders’ declaration issued Saturday from Hamburg:

“We take note of the decision of the United States of America to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The United States of America announced it will immediately cease the implementation of its current nationally-determined contribution and affirms its strong commitment to an approach that lowers emissions while supporting economic growth and improving energy security needs.”

This is a huge blow to the ruling climate alliance that has tried to bully America into abiding by the Paris pact, which President Obama signed but the Senate never ratified.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2017, 11:26:34 AM »
Updated List ...

Stopping the further use of chemical weapons in Syria

Killing the Paris Accord

Canada and Mexico agreeing to renegotiate NAFTA

Visa requirements tightened

Reestablishing National Space Council

NATO agrees to force members to pay their fair share.

Muslim Travel Ban Upheld by SCOTUS 9-0.

Destroyed Obama's EPA inland water grab.

Killed TPP

$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms

$250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs
in both countries, historic.

Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to
reform Islam and drive out the radicals.

Creation of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace

First Sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall.

Restarted the Peace process between Israelis and Palestine

Unemployment rate 4.4% u-3 and 8.6% U6

Wisconsin’s estimated unemployment rate last month dropped
to a 17-year low of 3.2%

211k jobs created in April

Jobless claims hit 28 year low

Stock Market up $3 trillion value since election Nov 8th-a record

OPEC broken, can no longer set prices pleads with USA to
lower pumping

China Trade deal historic trade deal completed in record

NAFTA 90day waiting period begins to renegotiate

Secured $50 billion investment from Japan

Secured $20 Billion from Exxon= invest in Gulf coast

30 + laws signed

150+ EO signed

Pres Trump’s approval in OH, FL and PA higher than on
Nov 8th according to PDP polls

SCOTUS justice Gorsuch confirmed

Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border
patrol agents

Secured funding for more immigration judges for/deportation
cases in 2017 budget

Ended "catch and release” policy

ICE arrests up 40%

ICE arrests are 75% criminal illegals

Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% due to
sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead
of the court houses.

73% decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens

No Cuban refuges seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7

Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL process is on

6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened
steel fencing at border.

More than 1400 gang members have been arrested by ICE

Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation

Sec Zinke is moving forward with reducing the land grabs
of the left by Obama

ISIS is surrounded and cut off

Gasoline $2.05/gallon

Atlanta fed sees 4.1% GDP growth for 2nd qrt

Federal debt is 130.7 billion LOWER since Jan 1st 2017

Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr(unexpected)

Consumer and business confidence at record highs

North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access
pipeline done

Keystone pipeline construction ongoing

Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming

Mines reopening

14 Regulations rolled back under CRA never to be able to
be reinstated

Russia, Iran and Syria agree to safe zones in Syria

ISIS commander in Afghanistan killed

ISIS reduced by 2/3rds of its strength in Afghanistan

Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities

749,000 JOBS created since Jan1st

Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N

Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual
predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the
United States and around the world.

Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms”
to states

Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch

Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments
for all Executive branch appointees

Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting
processes for domestic manufacturing

Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions
(Mexico City Policy)

Returned bust of UK PM Winston Churchill to Oval Office

Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence.

Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement
of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian
PM Justin Trudeau

Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes

Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies

Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one

Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry
to the USA

Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration


"The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter...... "

CBs Hawg Sauce

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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2017, 11:35:57 AM »
One accomplishment that's really under-appreciated is the way Trump has managed to be a hyper-nationalist xenophobe, while simultaneously being the willing dupe of one of the nation's most notorious enemies. How does he do it?
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2017, 11:40:54 AM »
I've heard he can tear a phone book in half with his bare hands ...  :P

Imagine if he had a party behind him and the press was willing to cover him honestly ...  :facepalm:
"The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter...... "

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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2017, 11:47:57 AM »

Promoting Marijuana prohibitionism and asset seizure.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2017, 12:03:50 PM »
I've heard he can tear a phone book in half with his bare hands ...  :P  ....

And with one hand tied behind his back!     [tinfoil] [popcorn] :O :cool: :cool:
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2017, 08:08:22 PM »
It's not quite happened yet but ICE might start arresting those in charge of sanctuary cities on human smuggling charges.


Frogmarch Chicago Mayor Emanual and all the Alderman in the Chicago City Council out of their offices and into the Cook County Jail.    Hilarity will ensue !!!
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Sweet memories to drive us on,
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2017, 10:11:10 PM »
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2017, 03:41:16 PM »
Another Canadian pipeline extended.

And apparently people were so distracted by other things that no one noticed.
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2017, 08:16:41 PM »
Neil Gorsuch is really going to pay off.

What everelse Trump does or doesn't do we'll always have Gorsuch.

ETA: Does no one read the posting rules at the top ?? - Amy
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 08:18:58 PM by Amy Schumer »
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Re: Time for a Trump accomplishment list?
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2017, 07:21:33 PM »
Unemployment is at it's lowest in 17 years and wages are up yet: 

Considering the tight labor market, with unemployment at its lowest level since Bill Clinton was president, many economists say the dividends have been paltry.

“It’s certainly trending the right way, but it’s surely still unexciting — even unacceptable — wage growth at this point,” said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America.

Damn that Trump!
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