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Politics / Re: Maybe we should just start a The World Has Gone Mad thread
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 05:15:46 PM »
When aholes, one figuratively the other literally, collide.

    Free Palestine Protesters blocking Philly Pride Parade 11th and Locust Streets
    — PhillyChitChat (@HughE_Dillon) June 2, 2024


Let Them Fight: Free Palestine Protestors Block Philly Pride Event (WATCH)
The Roundtable / Re: WTF is wrong with people?
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:37:13 PM »
Terry - back when I was in college, I remember this one class where we discussed a study of violence.  It was comparing the population density of that section of NYC that used to be called "Hell's Kitchen" and how scientists found similar levels of violence when the population density of a rat colony got to similar levels.  One of the things they found were actual chemical changes in the brains of BOTH humans and rats, changes forced by that increased population density.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:20:08 PM »
These knuckleheads spent way too much time polling their bubble. They expected Trump's base and all of us small government extremists to get riled up, but I think they never expected that independents and democrats would side with Trump because of the trial and verdict. Or, rather than side with Trump, side against the banana republic. A bunch of Trump haters are going to vote for Trump now. A bunch more are definitely not voting for Biden.

Ben, some of the things I have been reading and hearing agrees with the bold part above.  I think that more people than the "dims" realized have seen this as a repudiation of American standards.  This not only makes them concerned (afraid?) for themselves but for the future as well.  More people are cognizant of how (and how badly) this could boomerang back on them.  [popcorn]
I hope and pray they are "right".
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 04:18:08 PM »
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by Perd Hapley on Today at 04:13:21 PM »
And WTH is with the boots(?)?

You're only saying that because they're black.
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 03:58:46 PM »
I'm a complete jackass but if you complain you're racist

Influencer terrorizes Seattle residents by driving his noisy Dodge Hellcat through the city all night - but says people are only complaining because he's black

Known as the Belltown Hellcat, Hudson has drawn the ire of people living in the area including the Seattle Police who have rarely managed to pull him over.

You know where the heck he lives  :facepalm:
Surprised someone hasn't disappeared his car yet. And WTH is with the boots(?)?
The Roundtable / Re: WTF is wrong with people?
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 03:44:22 PM »
I don't disagree with that philosophy, and it might be ideal.  History has shown us however that at population level numbers, Humans don't work that way.  Or at least not enough of them to make a workable society.

I believe I, among others, have touched on that "population density" issue several times and in several boards.

I recall years ago reading about rat experiments where despite having plenty of food and water, when the population got high enough, they'd start attacking each other.

I remember that triggering me into thinking about mold covering a ripe peach whenever I talked about population.  Sooner or later the whole peach surface was covered.

Just an image, but it stuck with me.

I guess the problem is that with the total spectrum of human abilities and attitudes, there will always be some on the violent end of the spectrum.  When there are too many in the total population, even though the ratio is the same, the violent ones begin intruding on the non-violent ones.

On a large scale, this is called "war."

This may be akin to the concept in epidemiology where only a few infected people aren't much of a danger, but as the number of infected people becomes greater, the "pathways" for the infection to spread become too numerous and voila! you have an epidemic.

Soooo, when enough "violent" types are around numerically, they will start meeting with each other and form  violent factions.

This can be called anything from "mostly peaceful" riots demonstrations to miitary coups or revolutions or whatever.

Terry, 230RN

Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 03:34:09 PM »
I think one thing the Republican machine should do is move forward with the plan to move the convention up and nominate Trump on July 4th.

Anything preventing them from then moving the sentencing up to counter? Is the sentencing date up to the judge's discretion?
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 02:01:27 PM »
Just look what happened on when Scott Adams said white people should stay away from black people. Half the internet lost their mind and Dilbert was canceled in less than a week.

Say that clack people should stay away from white people and you're stunning and brave. 

What was that city again that just won the lawsuit allowing the white side to separate from the rest and form their own city?
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